Papers by Dr. Gerardo Matturro
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 31, 2023
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2024
Software: Practice and Experience, Dec 26, 2023
IEEE Access
This work involved human subjects or animals in its research. The author(s) confirm(s) that all h... more This work involved human subjects or animals in its research. The author(s) confirm(s) that all human/animal subject research procedures and protocols are exempt from review board approval.

JUCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science
The purpose of this paper is to present an undergraduate research experience process model and th... more The purpose of this paper is to present an undergraduate research experience process model and the evaluation of seven years of its application in an undergraduate research program in software engineering. Undergraduate students who participated in research projects between 2015 and 2022 were surveyed to find out a) their motivations for participating in research projects in software engineering, b) the skills they consider they have acquired or improved by participating in those projects, and c) their perception of benefits and utility for their future work and professional activities. Results reveal that participation in real research projects in software engineering is highly valued by undergraduate students, who perceive benefits in the development of research and soft skills, and for their future professional activity. In addition, these undergraduate research projects and the process followed show that it is feasible to make original contributions to the body of knowledge of s...
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
Anais do XXV Congresso Ibero-Americano em Engenharia de Software (CIbSE 2022)
Diversos estudios afirman que las startups de software fracasan en los primeros meses o años, gen... more Diversos estudios afirman que las startups de software fracasan en los primeros meses o años, generalmente porque no validaron su hipótesis de negocio, y reusan implementar cambios denominados pivotes. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del estudio de campo cuyo propósito fue identificar cómo se deciden, implementan y evalúan los “pivot” en las startups de software. A partir de entrevistas a fundadores de diez startups de software, se encuentra que los factores más comunes que generan la necesidad de pivotar son: “reacción negativa de los clientes”, “reacción positiva de un segmento de clientes no previsto” y “enfoque en el mercado objetivo”, y los pivotes más utilizados son “Tecnología”, “Captura de valor” y “Segmento de clientes”.
2021 XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI)

ArXiv, 2022
Context] The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disruptive impact on how people work and collaborate acr... more Context] The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disruptive impact on how people work and collaborate across all global economic sectors, including software business. While remote working is not new for software engineers, forced Work-from-home situations come with both constraints, limitations and opportunities for individuals, software teams and software companies. As the "new normal" for working might be based on the current state of Work From Home (WFH), it is useful to understand what has happened and learn from that. [Objective] The goal of this study is to gain insights on how their WFH environment impacts software project and software companies. We are also interested in understanding if the impact differs between software startups and established companies. [Method] We conducted a global-scale, cross-sectional survey during spring and summer 2021. Our results are based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of 297 valid responses. [Results] We observed a mixed perception on the impact of WFH on software project management, resilience and innovation. Certain patterns on WFH, control and coordination mechanisms, and collaborative tools are observed globally. We find that team, agility and leadership are the three most important factors for achieving resilience during the pandemic. Although startups do not perceive the impact of WFH differently, there is a difference between engineers who work in a small team context and those who work in a large team context. [Conclusion] The result suggests a contingency approach in studying and improving WFH practices and environment in future software industry.
2017 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), 2017

We apply a synchro-curvature spectral emission model based on characterizing the dynamics of magn... more We apply a synchro-curvature spectral emission model based on characterizing the dynamics of magnetospheric particles to fit the phase-average spectra of the most extended database for the non-thermal spectra of pulsars. We consider 36 pulsars with well-determined non-thermal spectra from X-rays to gamma-rays. The sample includes Crab and Crab twin, for which the spectra extends even to the optical/ultraviolet and infrared energies. We find that the model-with just three physical parameters and a global scaling-can fit the observations well across eight orders of magnitude for 18 of the 36 pulsars studied. Additionally, we find a set of 8 pulsars for which the model still provides arguably good fits and another set of 10 pulsars for which the model fails in reproducing the spectra. We discuss why, propose and provide physical interpretations for a simple model extension (related to the geometry of the accelerating system with regards to the observer) that allows dealing with all such cases, ultimately providing very good fits for all pulsars. The extended model is still austere, adding only two additional parameters to the former set, of the same kind of the ones previously used. We use these fits to discuss issues going from the observed spectral origin, to the extent of the dominance of synchrotron or curvature regimes, the use of a model as predictor for searching new non-thermal pulsars starting from gamma-ray surveys, and how the model offers a setting where phase shifts between X-ray and gamma-ray light curves would naturally arise.

Software project management is a core competency for today’s software engineering. However, most ... more Software project management is a core competency for today’s software engineering. However, most undergraduate software project management courses are not prepared for the new generation of software engineers. One reason is that instructors are not giving the students the tools that would enable the development of competencies to apply all knowledge areas covered by a PMBOK-based course. In particular, we are concerned with competencies related to project monitoring and control which are difficult to be put in practice in a classroom scenario. This paper presents our experiences and results in designing a software project management course including project execution simulation. This simulation gives students the opportunity to apply project monitoring and control competencies based on data provided by the project execution simulation. We have piloted the approach and observed positive perceptions towards it by a cohort of 19 students.

2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), 2017
It is not uncommon that, in software projects, it is necessary to incorporate new developers at a... more It is not uncommon that, in software projects, it is necessary to incorporate new developers at an advanced stage of project execution. These "newcomers" face various difficulties and challenges to find their place in the project that prevents them from starting to contribute quickly to the progress of the project. This article reports the results of an exploratory-descriptive study aimed at identifying the difficulties faced by new team members when they join a project later, as well as identifying actions that are often adopted to mitigate these difficulties. The study reveals that scarse or null documentation and the need to know the product under construction are the main difficulties, while the assignment of a referent and the provision of training are mentioned as the main actions organizations usually take to mitigate those problems.

El propósito de este proyecto es efectuar una recopilación, estudio y análisis de los usos existe... more El propósito de este proyecto es efectuar una recopilación, estudio y análisis de los usos existentes de los casos de uso, de autores reconocidos en el ambiente internacional de la Ingeniería de Software y del desarrollo orientado a objetos. Se analizarán los usos o extensiones de uso que se les dan a los modelos de casos de uso, para lograr una descripción completa y bien definida (formalización) de cada uno de ellos, permitiendo que los modelos de casos de uso sean un eje que acompañe y ayude a todo el proceso de desarrollo de software. Un modelo de caso de uso es una notación que permite especificar y documentar requisitos, planificar el proyecto de software, tales como fechas de entregas, tamaño del software, también ayudan al equipo de diseño, al diseño de interfaz de usuario y de pruebas del sistema. (No más de 200 palabras exponiendo sintéticamente los alcances de la línea de I/D) Palabras clave: casos de uso, análisis, modelos de casos de uso, requisitos, proceso de desarrollo de software.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
H. Obbink and K. Pohl (Eds.): SPLC 2005, LNCS 3714, pp. 96101, 2005. © Springer-Verlag Berlin He... more H. Obbink and K. Pohl (Eds.): SPLC 2005, LNCS 3714, pp. 96101, 2005. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005 ... A Knowledge-Based Perspective for Preparing the ... Transition to a Software Product Line Approach ... 1 Universidad ORT Uruguay, Campus Centro, ...

No es poco frecuente que, en los proyectos software, sea necesario incorporar nuevos desarrollado... more No es poco frecuente que, en los proyectos software, sea necesario incorporar nuevos desarrolladores en una etapa avanzada de su ejecución. En estas circunstancias, estos “recién llegados” enfrentan varias dificultades y desafíos que les impiden comenzar rápidamente a contribuir, con sus conocimientos y experiencia previos, a la marcha del proyecto. Este artículo reporta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo dirigido a identificar las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los nuevos miembros del equipo de proyecto al unirse a un proyecto en ejecución, así como identificar las acciones que usualmente se adoptan para mitigar estos problemas y dificultades. El estudio revela que la escasa o nula documentación y la necesidad de conocer el producto en construcción son las principales dificultades, mientras que la asignación de un referente y la provisión de capacitación se mencionan como las principales acciones que las organizaciones suelen tomar para mitigar esos problemas.
Papers by Dr. Gerardo Matturro