Excluding the old droppod loading screen being replaced (you probably had a good reason). I absolutely LOVE the new update.. If I had money I'd throw some at you I love this so much i genuinely sob as I realise that I cant save my character anymore. I feel awful for quitting and abandoning them, I love their months opening and the little sounds they make.
Also when they seemingly directly address me I feel like they're my little babies and any time I hurt them I want to curl into a ball and cry because they dont deserve this all...
In short, lovely attention to detail, lovely game. I got to 1000 and a bit meters first run then died due to lack of infection cures. 10/10, I love your game so much please take as much time between updates as you need too I know it'll be good idc if I have to wait longer to get more amazing stuff like this
PS: if its any note to how much I love your game, I've started making my own personal list of every item, note, object, terrain or whatever when I remember to open notepad. Genuinely love Having a list of my own of every item creature, plant, so o
only played until the second layer, but man is this game horrifying, out of everything it does well i can say the atmosphere is the biggest one, you can almost feel the panic your character is feeling when he starts vomiting blood or breaks a bone, best part being how due to how you can recover from almost fatal injuries it can leave you in suspension wondering if you'll make it or not.
also, damn if that spider nest wasn't the most horrifying thing i found, left me bledding from every body part and got me infected in 2 limbs, really was a panicked scramble to run away.
I love the update to the main menu tentacle! Really ominous when you first notice it, and very fun to play around with now that it has a better mesh
Very glad for the fluids update. You cannot - well, Orsoniks definitely can - imagine how many times I died from lack of water. I also love the way the experiments shake themselves when they're wet lol. SO CUTE! ^w^
So, internal bleeding is now more lethal. That's nice, that's nice. Bled out in a survivor's "hut". He gave me an old rag, so I just kinda decided to rest there, with the survivor. Bad idea. Died slowly.
I don't like the new CGs. I liked the old ones more. You know, the game-over screens? The game beginning screens? Yeah, I loved the old ones. Sad that they were replaced :(
So, I found some heroin, again. It would've saved my life if I hadn't fallen in a pit of water and drowned pathetically. I wonder why you didn't make a CG for drowning, though I guess making CGs for every way to die would get out of hand really quickly, huh?
TL;DR: Game still great. Like update. Like main menu tentacle. Don't like new game-over screens, keep old ones.
Keep being awesome, Orsoniks! Still waiting for that Gunsaw update lol
Found an odd bug easy to recreate. It requires you to get knocked out by a box, this can be done by having one fall on top of you or jumping under one. The bug is after waking up you can no longer use your arms to do anything (dig, attack enemies, break boxes, ect).
getting a similar bug, when i download on web it straight up doesn't let me download because it says "virus detected" and the download isn't compatible with the itch launcher I could probably disable a ton of security features and whatnot, but... I don't wanna do all that for a problem that might get fixed soon... so yeah
EDIT: dont know what i did differently but it worked now. i dont think anything updated so.. thats cool,, will update again if anything goes wrong
update was so good! infact, it crashed my pc into a blue screen which shut down everything yay. also now i cant even play the game because it turned into an audio file for some reason..
Dawg you trippin and tweakin :skull: tf you mean your game became an audio file? I think your computer might actually be tweakin. I do NOT want what it's on.
Okay, enough with the cookin of 25, just factory reset your computer and try again. Because I am 99% sure that will fix your issues. Well, if you're not joking.
Or, do my favorite word in the world of technology, have you tried turning it off and on again?
This game is a work of art every run im learning new things and new mechanics, reminds me alot of Decaying Winter with how brutally the game will fuck you over in more ways than one.
Absolutely phenomenal game. Every ounce of it is artistic, and very well thought out. The medical system is extremely in depth and with each run you find yourself discovering completely new things in terms of just how brutally this game can fuck you sideways.
This game is oozing with personality down to the story, the visuals, and the sounds. GOD. THE SOUNDS. This is the first non-horror game I've played (well, technically non-horror) that has made me feel genuine dread, let alone pity for the poor little alien meat puppet that I'm forcing into death pits. The first time I heard the music that sets in whenever you're critically injured, I felt so much anxiety and panic. I felt like *I* was going to die.
Also, the poor little wheezes and whines your character makes when injured. Gold star. Genuinely should win an award just for that alone. I can't stress enough how good the sound design is.
I understand that the point of the game is that it is difficult, but I really don't think it makes sense for the character to arrive in a completely unknown world if he hasn't even been provided with a flashlight, some food and at least a pickaxe to be able to cut through the rubble.
Even in one of the runs I played I ended up soflocked because right next to it there was a hole that I couldn't get out of even by digging.
fell from a high distance dying out of thirst got attacked by walleater fell in another hole still dying out of thirst character hurts themselfs passed out like 3 times eating every medication ever that i had in my inventory walleater found its way to me died while fighting back
For the amount of content this game has, it is insanely in-depth. The medical system specifically was tackled in a very interesting way. The atmosphere is brutal and the soundtrack is amazing. This game deserves to be expanded upon!!!
I think this game has tremendous potential. I’ve never seen a game with such an exquisitely detailed portrayal of characters’ psychology, and I genuinely love it. I hope it can be released on Steam after some further improvements. Also, why does everyone in the Discord server call the protagonist "Expire"? I haven’t noticed any in-game descriptions mentioning the protagonist’s name.
Are these notes implemented in the current version of the game? If these notes are only planned to be introduced into the game with an update and you want to find out about them in the game itself, it seems to me that it is better to refrain from reading. IMHO
I've seen notes on the wall before, but I didn't pay much attention to them. At first, I even thought it was a bug in the game. So why does everyone call him expie?
Very traumatizing... I like.. and I'm keeping the game >:D (I shall wait for any updates and if its gonna cost then you can have my money [when I get some] bc its very worth it UuU)
so i've been checking this games comments for a hot minute and i see a lot of people feel really bad for the protag and stuff, so i decided to do a little nice thing and draw something (somewhat) wholesome. enjoy (2)
for what little content this game has it’s still awesome, the effects are abundant and are very well optimized and run well even on a 2018 laptop, and to top it all off, runs perfectly on wine
10/10 man, keep it up
Привет из русского коммьюнити, игра ахеренная, больше всего удивило насколько проработана система хп, и это только ДЕМКА. Короче решил я тут доделать русскую локализацию (благо это оказалось вообще не сложно), и добавил еще подробное описание еде и медикаментам. Хочу сделать тоже самое только с англ. локализацией. Выглядит примерно вот так: Hello from the Russian community, the game is awesome, for me the most surprising thing was how good the health system is, and this is just a DEMO. So, I decided to finish the Russian localization (fortunately it turned out to be not difficult at all), and added another detailed description of food and medicines. I want to do the same but with English localization. It looks like this: Кто хочет могу скинуть (мой дс ._.wint._.)
woah hands down one of the BEST games I’ve ever played, never had a game genuinely made me feel bad for the pc (player character) usually when I see the pc get hurt or something I kinda laugh and joke abt it, but the way the developer made the dialog for injuries and stuff genuinely made me feel bad, the whimpers of pain every so often, the player yelling out or complaining about it later on, the screen effects… it’s safe to say I’ve gotten very good at not getting hurt lol, but all jokes aside, this game is amazing, especially when I fall 180 meters onto a bear trap and get fucking exploded by a land mine ;-;
seriously though, it’s criminal that this game is free, not like im complaining though lol
The first time I played, I thought the protagonist would have the same high maneuverability as the protagonist in Gunsaw, but then I fell to my death, hehe
Спасибо. Эта игра во мне что-то убила. Дошел до уровня песков. Дальше играть не стал - уже не было сил, как моральных так и физических. Пожалуйста реализуй локализацию, эта игра того стоит! Невероятно. Давно я так напряженно не играл. Великолепно.
to be fair it is kinda fucked up, compared to many games this one doesn't try to sugarcoat suffering, unlike many other horror/survivals where getting hurt only leads to your character dying instantly or bandaging its arm to make it stop, here you see in detail how your critter pukes its guts out, has its eardrums ruptured, head bashed, bleeds, whimpers, cries and writhes in pain while still having to pop joints back in anlongside picking out glass shard and barbed wire from its body because time doesn't allow for downtime
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Excluding the old droppod loading screen being replaced (you probably had a good reason). I absolutely LOVE the new update.. If I had money I'd throw some at you I love this so much i genuinely sob as I realise that I cant save my character anymore. I feel awful for quitting and abandoning them, I love their months opening and the little sounds they make.
Also when they seemingly directly address me I feel like they're my little babies and any time I hurt them I want to curl into a ball and cry because they dont deserve this all...
In short, lovely attention to detail, lovely game. I got to 1000 and a bit meters first run then died due to lack of infection cures. 10/10, I love your game so much please take as much time between updates as you need too I know it'll be good idc if I have to wait longer to get more amazing stuff like this
PS: if its any note to how much I love your game, I've started making my own personal list of every item, note, object, terrain or whatever when I remember to open notepad. Genuinely love Having a list of my own of every item creature, plant, so o
only played until the second layer, but man is this game horrifying, out of everything it does well i can say the atmosphere is the biggest one, you can almost feel the panic your character is feeling when he starts vomiting blood or breaks a bone, best part being how due to how you can recover from almost fatal injuries it can leave you in suspension wondering if you'll make it or not.
also, damn if that spider nest wasn't the most horrifying thing i found, left me bledding from every body part and got me infected in 2 limbs, really was a panicked scramble to run away.
overall, pretty good.
Says no compatible downloads were found.
I love the update to the main menu tentacle! Really ominous when you first notice it, and very fun to play around with now that it has a better mesh
Very glad for the fluids update. You cannot - well, Orsoniks definitely can - imagine how many times I died from lack of water. I also love the way the experiments shake themselves when they're wet lol. SO CUTE! ^w^
So, internal bleeding is now more lethal. That's nice, that's nice. Bled out in a survivor's "hut". He gave me an old rag, so I just kinda decided to rest there, with the survivor. Bad idea. Died slowly.
I don't like the new CGs. I liked the old ones more. You know, the game-over screens? The game beginning screens? Yeah, I loved the old ones. Sad that they were replaced :(
So, I found some heroin, again. It would've saved my life if I hadn't fallen in a pit of water and drowned pathetically. I wonder why you didn't make a CG for drowning, though I guess making CGs for every way to die would get out of hand really quickly, huh?
TL;DR: Game still great. Like update. Like main menu tentacle. Don't like new game-over screens, keep old ones.
Keep being awesome, Orsoniks! Still waiting for that Gunsaw update lol
i cannot keep the old ones, they were inaccurate anyway
Aww, why not? TwT
Found an odd bug easy to recreate. It requires you to get knocked out by a box, this can be done by having one fall on top of you or jumping under one. The bug is after waking up you can no longer use your arms to do anything (dig, attack enemies, break boxes, ect).
before they fix liquids i was ragdoll my just a single oil that fall on my head and fall onto 2 landmines
Yeah that's normal. You just have to click on the more info thing, I think, and it should give you the option to run anyways.
getting a similar bug, when i download on web it straight up doesn't let me download because it says "virus detected" and the download isn't compatible with the itch launcher
I could probably disable a ton of security features and whatnot, but... I don't wanna do all that for a problem that might get fixed soon... so yeah
EDIT: dont know what i did differently but it worked now. i dont think anything updated so.. thats cool,, will update again if anything goes wrong
oh ye, just retried it again and it went through lol, didnt disable anything, all good :3
new update is amazing!! (and sound cannons are absolutely terrifying)
The sound cannons are terrific, add more!
update was so good! infact, it crashed my pc into a blue screen which shut down everything yay. also now i cant even play the game because it turned into an audio file for some reason..
I hate to have that problem man but, i have never laughed out loud this hard in a long time when you said the game turn it self in a audio file XD
bros on knock off linux 😭
Dawg you trippin and tweakin :skull: tf you mean your game became an audio file? I think your computer might actually be tweakin. I do NOT want what it's on.
Okay, enough with the cookin of 25, just factory reset your computer and try again. Because I am 99% sure that will fix your issues. Well, if you're not joking.
Or, do my favorite word in the world of technology, have you tried turning it off and on again?
Yaay, update!
The mechanics are really impressive, Id love to see more like this.
This game is a work of art every run im learning new things and new mechanics, reminds me alot of Decaying Winter with how brutally the game will fuck you over in more ways than one.
10/10 would die brutally again.
Absolutely phenomenal game. Every ounce of it is artistic, and very well thought out. The medical system is extremely in depth and with each run you find yourself discovering completely new things in terms of just how brutally this game can fuck you sideways.
This game is oozing with personality down to the story, the visuals, and the sounds. GOD. THE SOUNDS. This is the first non-horror game I've played (well, technically non-horror) that has made me feel genuine dread, let alone pity for the poor little alien meat puppet that I'm forcing into death pits. The first time I heard the music that sets in whenever you're critically injured, I felt so much anxiety and panic. I felt like *I* was going to die.
Also, the poor little wheezes and whines your character makes when injured. Gold star. Genuinely should win an award just for that alone. I can't stress enough how good the sound design is.
Played a single run for over 4 hours with my happiness averaging around 30 somehow
I genuinely just quit the game because I wasn't sure I was ever gonna die lol.
Suffered significant brain damage THREE times and fully recovered from it.
I think I stopped around 4000m
I understand that the point of the game is that it is difficult, but I really don't think it makes sense for the character to arrive in a completely unknown world if he hasn't even been provided with a flashlight, some food and at least a pickaxe to be able to cut through the rubble.
Even in one of the runs I played I ended up soflocked because right next to it there was a hole that I couldn't get out of even by digging.
it says i cant download as no compatible files were found
fell from a high distance
dying out of thirst
got attacked by walleater
fell in another hole
still dying out of thirst
character hurts themselfs
passed out like 3 times
eating every medication ever that i had in my inventory
walleater found its way to me
died while fighting back
10/10 game gave me ptsd
i created an account just to follow i think i love orsoniks games
why am i banned from the discord? i only tried to join it once. my user is ritesideup_ if an unban is possible
2571 meters baybeee, death by landmine while looking frantically for water
record belongs to my spelunking friend, Shoes
Rest In Pieces
For the amount of content this game has, it is insanely in-depth. The medical system specifically was tackled in a very interesting way. The atmosphere is brutal and the soundtrack is amazing. This game deserves to be expanded upon!!!
I love this game!
This is the game, when it shootes multiple times your leg, and you like it! I'm really waiting for the release!
I love this game, i hope the developer don´t forget the game
I think this game has tremendous potential. I’ve never seen a game with such an exquisitely detailed portrayal of characters’ psychology, and I genuinely love it. I hope it can be released on Steam after some further improvements. Also, why does everyone in the Discord server call the protagonist "Expire"? I haven’t noticed any in-game descriptions mentioning the protagonist’s name.
you should look at the english json files on github that says "wallnotes" read them all it gives a bit of an idea about the character TuT
Are these notes implemented in the current version of the game? If these notes are only planned to be introduced into the game with an update and you want to find out about them in the game itself, it seems to me that it is better to refrain from reading. IMHO
I've seen notes on the wall before, but I didn't pay much attention to them. At first, I even thought it was a bug in the game. So why does everyone call him expie?
Top left of your health interface says Experiment.
The same creatures we played as in Gunsaw were called Experiments.
We're playing as a species called Experiment.
Yes, I know. So why is he called expie?
Affectionate nickname by the community?
Very traumatizing... I like.. and I'm keeping the game >:D (I shall wait for any updates and if its gonna cost then you can have my money [when I get some] bc its very worth it UuU)
Ah, you see, you do not die from blood loss. You die because blood isn't carrying oxygen to your brain. Therefore, if you bleed out, you suffocate.
This is portrayed in-game.
great art dude, here take my morphine and antibod
My GF cried when I streamed this game to her so yeah thanks for that...
Love the game though, 10/10! Probably the most unique game I've played in a while.
yay its back but better (I think)
Very surprising game, but I'm curious about his background...
for what little content this game has it’s still awesome, the effects are abundant and are very well optimized and run well even on a 2018 laptop, and to top it all off, runs perfectly on wine 10/10 man, keep it up
i named him peanut :3
peanut shall die a horrible death
Привет из русского коммьюнити, игра ахеренная, больше всего удивило насколько проработана система хп, и это только ДЕМКА. Короче решил я тут доделать русскую локализацию (благо это оказалось вообще не сложно), и добавил еще подробное описание еде и медикаментам. Хочу сделать тоже самое только с англ. локализацией. Выглядит примерно вот так:

Hello from the Russian community, the game is awesome, for me the most surprising thing was how good the health system is, and this is just a DEMO. So, I decided to finish the Russian localization (fortunately it turned out to be not difficult at all), and added another detailed description of food and medicines. I want to do the same but with English localization. It looks like this:
Кто хочет могу скинуть (мой дс ._.wint._.)
можешь мне скинуть перевод в дискорд? (vladus1)
О, и мне тоже сможешь? pussifar
всем скинул
Если не сложно, закинь ещё сюда bloody_spyro , пожалуйста
скинь мне ещё, пожалуйста (balbesnoguk)
Мне тоже скинь пожалуйста (neotes)
Господин , если вам не сложно то можете скинуть в дискорд (indles)
Будь другом (ratno667)
Блин чел можно и мне? Очень круто что ты детали добавил!(skomawolf)
Буду благодарен переводу tima7
woah hands down one of the BEST games I’ve ever played, never had a game genuinely made me feel bad for the pc (player character) usually when I see the pc get hurt or something I kinda laugh and joke abt it, but the way the developer made the dialog for injuries and stuff genuinely made me feel bad, the whimpers of pain every so often, the player yelling out or complaining about it later on, the screen effects… it’s safe to say I’ve gotten very good at not getting hurt lol, but all jokes aside, this game is amazing, especially when I fall 180 meters onto a bear trap and get fucking exploded by a land mine ;-;
seriously though, it’s criminal that this game is free, not like im complaining though lol
The first time I played, I thought the protagonist would have the same high maneuverability as the protagonist in Gunsaw, but then I fell to my death, hehe
Спасибо. Эта игра во мне что-то убила. Дошел до уровня песков. Дальше играть не стал - уже не было сил, как моральных так и физических. Пожалуйста реализуй локализацию, эта игра того стоит! Невероятно. Давно я так напряженно не играл. Великолепно.
a very fun and addicting experience. I would love to see what more this game has to offer.
kiddies getting traumatized down there lulE
to be fair it is kinda fucked up, compared to many games this one doesn't try to sugarcoat suffering, unlike many other horror/survivals where getting hurt only leads to your character dying instantly or bandaging its arm to make it stop, here you see in detail how your critter pukes its guts out, has its eardrums ruptured, head bashed, bleeds, whimpers, cries and writhes in pain while still having to pop joints back in anlongside picking out glass shard and barbed wire from its body because time doesn't allow for downtime
Honestly, it reminds me of the neurotrauma mod for barotrauma, I LOVE IT. (even if its admittedly a bit fucked up)