>be me >ink blob >see another blob >so cool >he attacks >tf >I grab a vent cover and hit him over the head >mf dead >damns am I murderer >I see another blob >oh shit
note, i will delete comments that aren't related to the game because there's way too many of those for some reason. just message me on discord if you need me
pretty fun, a bit challenging, but look who made it. I also notice that this game contains the linux bug that causes windows games to not function if you alt tab... I don't know why... also glad to know you didn't die... it was concerning(also I can't join the server, nor can any of my alts)
Amazing game, truly feels like a potential successor of "Paint the town red". Enjoyed it alot, but: I did all four levels in one sitting, without dying once (no modifiers, obviously), and now i want more. More weapons, more enemy types (possibly even bosses) and maybe even roguelike elements or a separate mode (Like PTTR had). What pleased me the most is a good optimisation - Usually games like this lag terribly on my mid-end laptop, but this one runs smoothly, even during the tough 4v1 scenarios where objects, furniture and bodies fly left and right. Didn`t really read into the lore, as i was too busy turning jelly into puddles, but i will read the board when i decide to replay it sometime. Truly, a hidden jem of itch.io
Dont get hit Edit, after completing the game - Clear out rooms one by one, do not rush, use anything other than your fists and dont forget to press F to block.
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>be me
>ink blob
>see another blob
>so cool
>he attacks
>I grab a vent cover and hit him over the head
>mf dead
>damns am I murderer
>I see another blob
>oh shit
.too tired to punch
This game fixed me.
great game!
this is changed but there arent furries
great thing to know
Amazing game, it's getting better each update. I also love the Higher resolution option, thank you so much for adding that.
The game also barelly even lags, you can spawn tons of enemies and tons of weapons and the game doesn't even lag.
it's really cool how the game can show how hard you got hit. Getting hit by strong attacks with a heavy weapons really get you seeing stars.
Would be really cool if you could kick, either the enemies or kick things at them. or maybe an sandbox mode where you can make them fight each other.
Otherwise, really good game.
Way too fucking hard I raged quit.
lore board has to be read
Just funnies I guess
since WHEN was that a feature my gamer
i like this game and i like G#nsaw (i dont want to ad the A)
peak fighting game
left right good night
note, i will delete comments that aren't related to the game because there's way too many of those for some reason. just message me on discord if you need me
pretty fun, a bit challenging, but look who made it. I also notice that this game contains the linux bug that causes windows games to not function if you alt tab... I don't know why... also glad to know you didn't die... it was concerning(also I can't join the server, nor can any of my alts)
who DELETED my post
me because it was completely unrelated to the game
oh my god its the creator!!
this is good
BRUH, you can't throw spears in this game, why?
NVM I did not know that you had to attack then press g to throw
goty, even tho i havent played yet
Goopity goop goo!
Great game, maybe an option to increase resolution since I barely see anything
Amazing game, truly feels like a potential successor of "Paint the town red". Enjoyed it alot, but:
I did all four levels in one sitting, without dying once (no modifiers, obviously), and now i want more. More weapons, more enemy types (possibly even bosses) and maybe even roguelike elements or a separate mode (Like PTTR had). What pleased me the most is a good optimisation - Usually games like this lag terribly on my mid-end laptop, but this one runs smoothly, even during the tough 4v1 scenarios where objects, furniture and bodies fly left and right. Didn`t really read into the lore, as i was too busy turning jelly into puddles, but i will read the board when i decide to replay it sometime.
Truly, a hidden jem of itch.io
Thank you so much!
any combat tips?
hit the enemies
serious questions require serious answers, boy
Dont get hitEdit, after completing the game - Clear out rooms one by one, do not rush, use anything other than your fists and dont forget to press F to block.
Yeah, and dont get hit
this is the probably the only game that is really hard but I still enjoy it (:
i think they are unhappy to see me because i struck one of their friends in the back of the head with a baseball bat :)
what's the point of grabbing bodies?
Can you make an option to increase the brightness?
does anyone have any idea why bloodsaw was privated?
Im thinking the same thing, it was so good.
the pass is 123
the pass is 123
holy shit thank you
fighting is MEATY
orson please unban me from the discord it has been 3 months i was joking