Vasily Shchepkin
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS, Department of Far Eastern studies, Research Associate (Asst. Professor)
Born on September 29, 1986, in Shelekhov, Irkutsk region.
In 2002-2007, studied at Irkutsk State Linguistic University, the Department of Oriental Languages. In 2007, got honours degree in linguistics and theory of translation (Japanese and English) and then entered the PhD program of the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental studies, RAS. His PhD dissertation was entitled Hayashi Shihei’s “Kaikoku Heidan” as a significant military and political treatise of the Edo period (1603-1867), supervised by Dr. Vadim Klimov.
Academic positions:
November 2010 - May 2013 - Junior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Far Eastern Studies.
From June 2013 up to present - Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Far Eastern Studies.
From September 2011 - Teaching Assistant, St. Petersburg University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Department of Japanese Studies (part-time).
Research conferences and symposia:
He took part annually in a number of conferences such as Annual Institute sessions of the IOM RAS (2008-2015), Kuner Readings at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, RAS (2008-2013, 2015-2016), “History and Culture of Japan” at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow (2009-2013, 2015-2016). In October, 2012 participated in preparing and carrying “Nikolai A. Nevsky: the commemorative symposium” marking the 120th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai A. Nevsky. In September, 2015 presented a paper at the European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists Annual Conference at Leiden (Netherlands).
International relations:
In January, 2012 took a short-term training at Hokkaido University (Japan). In February and March, 2013 took part in Japan Foundation support program for young researchers from Russia. In 2013-2014 - visiting researcher at Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies. In 2011-2014 participated in a joint project of IOM RAS and Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies on comparative study of manuscripts “Higashi ezo iko” (from the collection of IOM RAS) and “Ezo seikei zusetsu” (from the collection of Tokyo University).
Other achievements:
Winner of the (Russian) Association of Japanese Studies Award for the best research publication about Japan (category “History”, 1st award)
In 2002-2007, studied at Irkutsk State Linguistic University, the Department of Oriental Languages. In 2007, got honours degree in linguistics and theory of translation (Japanese and English) and then entered the PhD program of the St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental studies, RAS. His PhD dissertation was entitled Hayashi Shihei’s “Kaikoku Heidan” as a significant military and political treatise of the Edo period (1603-1867), supervised by Dr. Vadim Klimov.
Academic positions:
November 2010 - May 2013 - Junior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Far Eastern Studies.
From June 2013 up to present - Researcher, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Far Eastern Studies.
From September 2011 - Teaching Assistant, St. Petersburg University, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Department of Japanese Studies (part-time).
Research conferences and symposia:
He took part annually in a number of conferences such as Annual Institute sessions of the IOM RAS (2008-2015), Kuner Readings at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, RAS (2008-2013, 2015-2016), “History and Culture of Japan” at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow (2009-2013, 2015-2016). In October, 2012 participated in preparing and carrying “Nikolai A. Nevsky: the commemorative symposium” marking the 120th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai A. Nevsky. In September, 2015 presented a paper at the European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists Annual Conference at Leiden (Netherlands).
International relations:
In January, 2012 took a short-term training at Hokkaido University (Japan). In February and March, 2013 took part in Japan Foundation support program for young researchers from Russia. In 2013-2014 - visiting researcher at Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies. In 2011-2014 participated in a joint project of IOM RAS and Hokkaido University Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies on comparative study of manuscripts “Higashi ezo iko” (from the collection of IOM RAS) and “Ezo seikei zusetsu” (from the collection of Tokyo University).
Other achievements:
Winner of the (Russian) Association of Japanese Studies Award for the best research publication about Japan (category “History”, 1st award)
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InterestsView All (12)
Papers by Vasily Shchepkin
При приёме экспедиции А. К. Лаксмана, первого русского посольства в Японии (1792-93), фактический глава японского правительства Мацудайра Саданобу (1759-1829) призвал действовать с опорой на «ритуал» и «закон». На основе ряда источников, имеющих отношение к экспедиции А. К. Лаксмана, в статье предпринимается попытка выяснить, какой смысл он вкладывал в эти понятия.
This description concerns geographical characteristics and boundaries of the lands north of Japan, as well as customs, clothes, food and activities of the Ainu who inhabited those lands.
had first appeared. Here is the first attempt to translate the preface into Russian. The preceding commentary concerns the reasons which forced the author to write such a treatise.
Books by Vasily Shchepkin
изложением наиболее важных событий, начиная с первых контактов между русскими и японцами в XVIII в. и заканчивая характеристикой современного состояния отношений между странами. Приведены наиболее важные факты и затронуты самые актуальные вопросы становления и развития контактов между Россией и Японией. В приложениях приведены тексты исторических источников — свидетельства путешественников, выдержки из сочинений публицистов, международные договоры и соглашения, образцы дипломатической переписки. Многие из текстов публикуются впервые.
Пособие рассчитано на студентов-востоковедов, специалистов по ис-
тории международных отношений, а также на широкий круг читателей.
При приёме экспедиции А. К. Лаксмана, первого русского посольства в Японии (1792-93), фактический глава японского правительства Мацудайра Саданобу (1759-1829) призвал действовать с опорой на «ритуал» и «закон». На основе ряда источников, имеющих отношение к экспедиции А. К. Лаксмана, в статье предпринимается попытка выяснить, какой смысл он вкладывал в эти понятия.
This description concerns geographical characteristics and boundaries of the lands north of Japan, as well as customs, clothes, food and activities of the Ainu who inhabited those lands.
had first appeared. Here is the first attempt to translate the preface into Russian. The preceding commentary concerns the reasons which forced the author to write such a treatise.
изложением наиболее важных событий, начиная с первых контактов между русскими и японцами в XVIII в. и заканчивая характеристикой современного состояния отношений между странами. Приведены наиболее важные факты и затронуты самые актуальные вопросы становления и развития контактов между Россией и Японией. В приложениях приведены тексты исторических источников — свидетельства путешественников, выдержки из сочинений публицистов, международные договоры и соглашения, образцы дипломатической переписки. Многие из текстов публикуются впервые.
Пособие рассчитано на студентов-востоковедов, специалистов по ис-
тории международных отношений, а также на широкий круг читателей.