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Org tutorials

General Introductions to Org-mode

  • Rainer König video tutorials, a series of short (most are between 3 and 10 min.) tutorials that gradually builds up your knowledge and org-mode powers.

Other tools supporting Org-mode syntax files can be found at the Orgdown project page for tool-support.

In praise of the Org lightweight markup language

Org not-so-hidden gems

Power users describe their setup

In the following documents, the authors describe the details of their setup, along with the workflows they use to get organized with Org-mode. While as a beginner you probably should start with only a simple setup, these descriptions will be a fantastic source of inspiration once you start growing your use of Org-mode.

Tutorials on specific features


  • A short screencast presenting a few features of plain lists, by Bastien.

Tables, Spreadsheet, Plotting

Tags, Properties, and Column View

Agenda and search

Export and Publishing

Reproducible research

A talk by John Kitchin at SciPy 2013. In his truly amazing talk Emacs + org-mode + python in reproducible research, John shows off the capabilities of Org mode for reproducible research and authoring. This may be the best demonstration yet on this subject.

Dependencies between tasks

Special tasks

Natural Project Planning

Tracking Habits

Measuring Personal Effectiveness

Using version Control with Your org files

How to use jsMath with org-mode

Creating a Blog with Jekyll and org

Creating Beamer presentations

Creating Non-Beamer presentations

Keeping up with your team's tasks

A setup that makes it easy to keep up with the work of several people, packaged as org-secretary.el in contrib.

Tracking tasks through a series of meetings

This tutorial describes a workflow for running a series of meetings, for example of a commission or any other group, and for keeping track of the groups tasks. Link to the tutorial.

You may also want to check this message by Christian Egli about his own setup for taking notes during meetings.

Weaving a budget with Org and ledger

This tutorial describes how to use Org and ledger to manage your budget.

Managing your web bookmarks

Contact management

Contributing your package through Melpa + GitHub

Want to contribute ? GitHub + MELPA + Worg is a popular way to publish your contribution.

Contribute through Melpa + GitHub + Worg

Personal Setup

See also Powerusers describe their setup

A list of people with nice emacs config files: caisah/emacs.dz: Awesome emacs config files.


See the Screencasts page for a complete list of Org-mode screencasts.

Features waiting for tutorials

  • The Clock Table
  • Sparse Trees
  • Hyperlinks
  • Using TODO states
  • Using TAGS
  • Embedded LaTeX
  • Using orgtbl-mode in LaTeX
  • Capture

Org-related pages by Tutorial authors

Here are the pages of a number of people that write for or about Org-mode:

Documentation from the orgmode.org/worg/ website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.