Welcome to the Oregon State University community. You are welcome here if:
You are a student/faculty member at OSU.
You were a student/faculty member at OSU.
You plan to become a student/faculty member at OSU.
You know someone who is one of the above.
You are just interested, or OSU friendly, or some other justifiable reason.
As an open-topic community, members can use this space to meet new people, talk about school, share thoughts, or exchange duck-cooking recipes.Spamming the community with freeipods with ANY type of spam will most likely result in your immediate removal and possibly a ban, depending on the type of mood I'm in, or how severe your spam is. This is your only warning.oregonstate is not officially affiliated with Oregon State University. Views expressed in this community are those of its members, not of the University.Community founder: fidget42681 Current maintainer: starladear6 Last update: March 2, 2005.