Finding a place to live near OSU |
[Apr. 28th, 2009|01:32 pm]
Oregon State
[ | Current Location |
| | Bellevue, WA | ] |
[ | mood |
| | happy | ] | Hey all,
I'm coming to OSU this fall as a master's student and am wondering if you guys have any tips on good areas to live in or ways to find apartments:
I'd prefer somewhere relatively quiet (IE, not on the same street with the frat houses), but not too far away from the action. A pretty area is also a plus, though from what I saw of Corvallis when I was visiting, it's really beautiful!
I don't mind being a mile or so away from campus, but I'd prefer to be able to walk and bike if possible :-)
Near a bus route would be awesome.
I'm open to a roommate or two, but was thinking about living alone at least at the beginning, since I don't really know anyone and don't want potential roommate issues while I'm trying to get settled into a new program of study.
I'd be looking to move sometime in the first couple weeks of september (along with everyone else, I suppose!)
I'm up north in Washington, so while I could come down and visit for a weekend, I can't drive down often to check out apartments - I'm going to try and do as much of this as I can via the internet/telephone, and then try to make one trip down there to see places, etc, as my boss gets mad when I take time off from work :-)
So any recommendations you guys have for: *areas to look at/areas to avoid *sources I can use to find apartments/places to live *recommendations!
I would really appreciate!
Thanks! Noelle |