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Oregon State

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ATTN: students with a .edu email address [Jul. 21st, 2010|11:36 am]
Oregon State

Amazon is offering a free 1 year subscription to Amazon Prime (Which usually costs $79 a year. Perks include free 2 day shipping, and $3.99 overnight shipping): (url shortened with

This is being marketed towards college students but all you need is a valid .edu email address, so teachers and alumni might be able to benefit from this too (though the Terms of Service does say they have the right to ask for proof that you are a current student).

I apologize if you have already heard about this amazing deal. I just want to help spread the word on this before they stop offering it. I am not an employee of Amazon, nor do I gain anything from people signing up for this service.
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(no subject) [May. 5th, 2010|03:46 pm]
Oregon State

We have a $450 studio that is on a lease and we need someone to take over our lease! The lease runs until the end of June and if you decide to lease it again, it's $100 off in July and August. No pets and smoking is off the property.

It is on 8th and Harrison called the Monterey Villa. It's close to campus and a couple blocks away from La Conga, Harrison Bar, McDonald's, etc. The onsite manager is pretty awesome. We're moving to Salem, so that's why we're giving up a great apartment.

You can move in around June 5th, but we can negotiate an earlier move in date.

Email us!!

[email protected]
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used clothes [Mar. 19th, 2010|08:42 pm]
Oregon State
Does anyone know of any thrift shops that buy used clothes are the Corvallis/Albany/Lebanon/Salem area? I know there's Buffalo Exchange in Eugene but I wonder if there's anything closer...
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Corvallis / OSU LiveJournal communities? [Mar. 15th, 2010|11:47 pm]
Oregon State

Are there any others out there that are a little more lively than this? I've been on LJ for 5+ years and this is all I've found after searching.

I inherited a big beautiful house in the 29th and Grant Area, and I've just remodeled it and I'm renting it out, if anyone's interested. Four bedrooms / three bathrooms. Hardwoods, washer / dryer, dishwasher, built-in microwave hood. Two separate living room areas or computer den or ? I am asking $1700 / month, but might come down if no one's interested. I figure four people could split that easily but hey - I am willing to bend with the market.

Message me here if you're interested - I'll give you my phone number and we can arrange a time to see it, or leave me your number and I'll call you.

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What is the most ridiculous thing a professor has ever said in class? [Jan. 5th, 2010|10:34 pm]
Oregon State
[mood |surprisedsurprised]

 What is the most ridiculous thing a professor has ever said in class?  Funny, startling, embarrassing?

Post your quote?
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retakeing a class? [Nov. 23rd, 2009|09:56 pm]
Oregon State

[mood |worriedworried]
[music |nothing.]


im currently enrolled at a community college with the intent on transferring into OSU in summer 2011.
im not sure if anyone has the answer to this, but its worth a shot!

i am failing my spanish class. luckily, i am able to retake the class and get a better grade. that better grade will go towards my GPA.
does anyone know how OSU looks at this? the "F" will be on my transcript, obviously. does OSU take the higher grade or average the grades togeter?

any help would be much much much apprieciated. its bad enough that having to retake this class is cutting down my eligibility for FAFSA, i dont need it to cut down my chances of going to my dream school, too. =[

thanks in advance!
- kelsey!
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Last question from me, I promise! [Sep. 18th, 2009|09:23 am]
Oregon State

Hi all,

Because you were helpful earlier I have one more question :)

My boyfriend is coming in tonight and we're wondering where, near campus, is a good place to go for happy hour? Where are some good places to go in general? We're neither of us big beer drinkers - just want someplace fun to go and hang out. And yes, we're both over 21 (I'm 23, he's 26) :-)

Thanks again everyone!
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A couple of unrelated Corvallis questions... [Sep. 16th, 2009|09:58 pm]
Oregon State

1.What’s the best way to get to Portland from Corvallis? I need to be in Seattle 2 weekends from now for a wedding, and figured I could take the train from Portland, if I could get there? Any suggestions?

2.Where is a good place to get one’s hair done here? I have medium/long hair and just want a trim with some layers put in, and blonde highlights – nothing too fancy. I’d also rather not pay a ton…poor student, you know.

3.A good dentist – I’m having a problem with one tooth and I have a couple wisdom teeth that also need out (oh,
why didn’t I just have them all removed when I could have…). I’m terrified of the dentist, so someone who is going to be nice to me and not yell at me too much would be a huge plus 

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e-campus [Sep. 3rd, 2009|11:07 pm]
Oregon State

Is it worth taking an e-campus course? Specifically, I'm thinking of taking chemistry 121. Should I just wait until winter, or would it be better to take it online?

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(no subject) [Apr. 29th, 2009|01:56 pm]
Oregon State
So what makes Lebanon "scary"? And what are the good parts and bad parts of Albany and Corvallis to live in?
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Finding a place to live near OSU [Apr. 28th, 2009|01:32 pm]
Oregon State

[Current Location |Bellevue, WA]
[mood |happyhappy]

Hey all,

I'm coming to OSU this fall as a master's student and am wondering if you guys have any tips on good areas to live in or ways to find apartments:

I'd prefer somewhere relatively quiet (IE, not on the same street with the frat houses), but not too far away from the action. A pretty area is also a plus, though from what I saw of Corvallis when I was visiting, it's really beautiful!

I don't mind being a mile or so away from campus, but I'd prefer to be able to walk and bike if possible :-)

Near a bus route would be awesome.

I'm open to a roommate or two, but was thinking about living alone at least at the beginning, since I don't really know anyone and don't want potential roommate issues while I'm trying to get settled into a new program of study.

I'd be looking to move sometime in the first couple weeks of september (along with everyone else, I suppose!)

I'm up north in Washington, so while I could come down and visit for a weekend, I can't drive down often to check out apartments - I'm going to try and do as much of this as I can via the internet/telephone, and then try to make one trip down there to see places, etc, as my boss gets mad when I take time off from work :-)

So any recommendations you guys have for:
*areas to look at/areas to avoid
*sources I can use to find apartments/places to live

I would really appreciate!

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moving to Oregon soon... [Apr. 27th, 2009|11:30 pm]
Oregon State
So what does everyone think of Corvallis/Albany/Junction City?
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Question about signing up for housing online [Mar. 3rd, 2009|08:06 pm]
Oregon State

[mood |confusedconfused]

Hey guys. I'm going to be a freshman this fall, and will be signing up for housing soon. Not to mince works; how the hell do I do that? The OSU housing website is far from helpful. Is there some page that pops up after the 16th that I can only access then?

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Are your views differ than your parents? [Mar. 3rd, 2009|02:57 pm]
Oregon State
Hi guys,

My name is Jennifer, and I am a casting associate at MTV.  Right now we are casting for an upcoming episode of the award-winning series True Life.  For this episode, we are looking for people who are at odds with their parents for one reason or another.  The topics we are focusing on are students who are living a more Americanized lifestyle their traditional parents don't understand, students who are practicing a religion that their parents don't support, or  students who are dating someone their parents don’t approve of.  We are also always interested in hearing other stories about what students and their parents don't see eye to eye on.  I  would really appreciate if you could pass it along to anyone else you may know.

If you could have people email their situations to [email protected] with their name, age, location, phone number, and recent photo of themselves I would really appreciate it.

Thanks, and feel free to call me with any question

Since its initial episode in 1998, MTV's award-winning True Life documentary series has told remarkable real-life stories of young people and the unusual subcultures they inhabit. Whether documenting the lives of gay marriage activists, individuals dealing with obesity, or teens in high school--the True Life series tells its stories solely from the varied voices and points-of-view of its characters--putting the series in the unique position of reflecting the state of youth culture at any given moment.
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looking for a roommate [Feb. 25th, 2009|11:49 pm]
Oregon State

Just another shot in the dark. Looking to fill a room in my house. Trying to find someone laid back and cool. House is near the First Alternative Coop North store. Rent is $350/mo and equal share of the utilities. Roommates should be gay or gay friendly.

4 bedroom 2 bath house
Furnished house and bed and desk if needed
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(no subject) [Feb. 16th, 2009|07:16 pm]
Oregon State

I'm sure questions similar to this are asked almost daily, but I'm thinking of attending Oregon State as a Computer Science major and have a couple questions.

Oregon State is appealing to me because it's more focused on engineering and research, rather than just teaching you C++ and calling it good. I'll be getting my A.S. at the community college here and transfer to whichever university I decide on. My question is, would I have to steer my courses in the right direction specifically for OSU? More engineering classes, more math classes, etc.? Or would your standard "calculus, physics and electronics blah blah blah" work?

And then the obvious question... I'm originally from Las Vegas and lived in downtown Portland for a while (though I'm not at all the "Vegas type", precisely why I moved to Oregon), so I'm more accustomed to the big city, and the idea of living in Corvallis is actually frightening me. Is it completely miserable for city-folk, or large enough to be tolerable? I'm fine with staying in and studying all the time provided there's nothing else to do, but it would be nice if I didn't despise where I live.
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looking for a roommate [Feb. 2nd, 2009|10:03 pm]
Oregon State

[mood |determineddetermined]

We have a room open.

4 bedroom 2 bath house, good people for roommates, currently all male. My boyfriend and I share a room, the other three are rented out. House is furnished, bedroom can also include a bed and a desk. Rent runs $350/mo, and utilities usually run between $50-$80/mo. Looking to fill the room for the rest of the school year and summer too. House is near 27th and Grant, right around the corner from the North Store 1st alternative co-op. Bus #7 picks up at :40 after and drops off at :45 after at campus. My parents own the house, mom's a licensed broker in California and I'm a licensed broker in Oregon.

Utilities include power/gas/cable internet/phone/TV with DVR and HBO.

Inquire within to learn more. If you're not looking for a place, please let your friends know.
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Priority Housing [Feb. 2nd, 2009|05:44 pm]
Oregon State

[mood |hopefulhopeful]

So I'm looking for roommates for halsell hall. Guy, girl, doesn't matter. Let me know if your interested
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Roommate Matching Network [Jan. 20th, 2009|07:56 pm]
Oregon State

[mood |blahblah]

Can anyone enlighten me about this? I've filled out my housing stuff and made the profile, but I'm not sure where to go from there. I know there's a page for submitting your roommate's name, but shouldn't I be able to see other people's profiles online?

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Housing questions [Dec. 30th, 2008|10:35 am]
Oregon State

[mood |optimisticoptimistic]

Hey all. I'm currently a senior at Grant High in Portland, and just got accepted.

I'm thinking of requesting a room in Wilson Hall. Can anyone give me an idea of what dorm life is like? Are there any stigmas attached to specific wings, like the quiet wing or the female-only wing?

Also, is it possible to get your own room in any of the halls as a sophomore?

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