John Converse
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Papers by John Converse
Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
Miles, Todd L. A God of Many Understandings?: The Gospel and a Theology of Religions. Nashville, Tenn: B & H Academic, 2010.
I will argue that it was his time as a German Chaplain on the frontline of the First World War that shaped his existential worldview laying the foundation for his philosophical-theology of what many label as 'universal salvation'.
Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
Miles, Todd L. A God of Many Understandings?: The Gospel and a Theology of Religions. Nashville, Tenn: B & H Academic, 2010.
I will argue that it was his time as a German Chaplain on the frontline of the First World War that shaped his existential worldview laying the foundation for his philosophical-theology of what many label as 'universal salvation'.