? ?
03 June 2009 @ 05:39 pm
By slash_queen13 not me
Alrighty then!

Hallo Thar!
I've been working on these few icons for a little while. You can't really tell since the images were reduced to the 100x100 size but the background colours are supposed to match the eye colours of the icon's subject.
And yes I know some probably won't agree with my idea of a 'pretty' guy but ... well I just know what I like ...


- Jensen Ackles
- Richard Armitage
- Jeremy Brett
- David Burke (As Dr. John Watson)
- Josh Holloway (As James Ford AKA Sawyer)
- Hugh Laurie (As Dr. Gregory House)
- Vincent Price (As Prof. Harry Jarrod)
- Alan Rickman
- Shin Koyamada (He was in 'The Last Samurai' as Katsumoto's son)
- Tatsuya Fujiwara (As Raito/ Light Yagami)
- Toby Stephens

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
03 June 2009 @ 06:20 pm
New batch! Good times! :D

Bit of a dump - sorry if this kills le dial up!

[18] - Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert
[9] - David Tennant (In Hamlet - Except for One Doctor Who)
[7] - Flight Of The Conchords
[10] - Female Celebrities (Scarlett Johansson, Marilyn Monroe, Rose McGowan,
[9] - Male Celebrities (Elijah Woods, Gaspard Ulliel, Julian Barratt, Jake Gyllenhaal, Conan O'Brien, Masi Oka)
[3] - Random ( Spaced photoshoot, I Am America quote, Guitar shot.)

[3] - San Fransisco view
[3] - Hugh Laurie
[1] - Stephen Colbert
[1] - Scarlett Johansson
[2] - Jake Gyllenhall & Jason Swartzmann

Please Credit - It doesn't take long ^_^
No Hotlinking - Or I'll cut you ;)
Comments? Are My Oxygen!
Enjoy 'em!

If That's What You're Into!Collapse )
03 June 2009 @ 06:16 pm
Icons that were inspired by my recent trip to see "Wanted". Fabulous movie - and here are some icons of the two lead actors.
These aren't *from* Wanted - just of the Actors.
Also random ones! ^_^

[17] - Angelina Jolie
[17] - James McAvoy
[2] - John Barrowman in Torchwood
[1] - David Tennant

Comments are like Oxygen! :D
Credit is Neccessary Please
No Hotlinking
Enjoy them! XD

1. Photobucket 2. Photobucket 3.Photobucket

Everyone's Got Love Today!Collapse )
Current Mood: blankblank
03 June 2009 @ 06:15 pm
Wow! Icons! Banners! From me!

14 Bleach
6 Stephen Colbert & Jon Stewart
2 L from Death Note
1 House

Fall Out Boy

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Do I Dazzle You?Collapse )
Current Mood: artistic
03 June 2009 @ 06:03 pm
(<i>Not me - <lj user= "ejzaka"> made these)

Firstly: LJ cuts work funny on my comp- pray I've made this cut work or prepare for a page stretch.

Next, well, since I have never contributed to Jackanapes thus far, I am now posting some things I made that may (or may not) be of use to anyone. Why anyone would want to use them is quite beyond me but I have had enough of being useless to this comm :D

I'm still having a love affair with Hawes, my new PSP, therefore I give you...

PSP wallpapers!

1 cat
2 horses
1 wolf
1 hare

Lighthouse - The Hush Sound
The Siren - Nightwish (x2)
Ghost Love Score - Nightwish

Watership Down

They're 480 x 272 - right size for a PSP wallpaper but you can use them for anything you want.
I haven't submitted anything before... be nice. n.n"

And here they are... Collapse )
Current Mood: apatheticapathetic
03 June 2009 @ 05:58 pm
(Again - These were made by ejzaka not me - Just Transferring. Nao didn't want me to post them. I really like these though - so THERE :D

More PSP wallpapers! ^_^

This time I have;
3 tigers
1 dog
2 cats

For reasons unknown, I really like the tiger ones.

Size is 480x272 again. As always, use these for whatever you want, but they are the right size for PSP wallpaper.

Here they are.

A tiger in a ballroom... what a random combination...Collapse )
Current Mood: apatheticapathetic
03 June 2009 @ 05:53 pm
(I know that its longelateque posting this but I am just transferring posts over. There were made by sparkilcious90)
Hello everyone! :) I'm Sparkle and it's my first post here, so be nice. Having said that, if anyone has strong opinions on any of the icons, please feel free to share them. Also - please credit. That aside, enjoy! <3

Also...I do realise that these icons barely have any connections with one another at all. I like to make them for other people as well as myself, so these aren't all my interests.

- 4 x Duffy
- 6 x Julianne Moore
- 6 x Keeley Hawes (including some 'Ashes to Ashes')
- 1 x Marcia Cross and Felicity Huffman
- 2 x Olivia Hallinan
- 1 x Chris Brown (I do not condone what he did to Rihanna - this icon was made well before that...)
- 1 x Yoda (Star Wars)


Do or do not... there is no tryCollapse )
Current Mood: apatheticapathetic
Current Music: We Are The People - Empire Of The Sun
22 April 2009 @ 01:56 pm
Hello my BUDDYROO'S! :D

Well this here is my shared community! :D All the working delights of Becca, Marge, Nao and myself will be placed here - and the things from jackanapes_icon can be found here! ;) ENJOY! XD
Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
28 February 2009 @ 06:31 pm
Since there was a MINOR problem over at jackanapes_icon the comm with my friends!

So NAMBLA shall be it!

Current Mood: busy