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The paper presents the mathematical model describing a flow of the gas-solid particles mixture in a cyclone separator, as well as methods of erosion wear forecasting for separator elements. The model is a development of the methods... more
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In operation of dust systems of big power boilers, a required dust-air mixture should be distributed to particular burners. This problem is very important because loss of imperfect combustion should be limited, and also because of life of... more
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    • Chemical Engineering
The paper presents a method for finding such instalation elements which are especially subjected to erosion wear and a method for quantitative assessment of the erosion loss at a given operational time of a pneumatic conveying system.... more
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      ErosionTheoretical and Applied Mechanics
Use of large power boilers requires appropriate distribution of the air -coal particle mixture to particular burners. The tests of gas and coal distribution show the problem of their non-uniformity under different working conditions of... more
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    • Geology
During cement production process, part of the fuel can be burned in preheater, so it is necessary to supply additional air (tertiary air), which should be taken from the clinker cooler [1]. Trouble at the tertiary air conveying make... more
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Industrial installations for clinker production have a very complex structure and they are difficult to analyse by theoretical methods [1].One of the most important element of this installation is precalciner, where is the initial stage... more
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Clinker burning process has a decisive influence on energy consumption and the cost of cement production. A new problem is to use the process of decarbonization of alternative fuels from waste. These issues are particularly important in... more
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Rotary kiln installation forms a very complex system, as it consists of various components which affect cement production. However, some problems with particle settling are encountered during operation of tertiary air installation. This... more
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      EngineeringChemical Process Engineering
The subject of the study is to analyze the phenomena of thermal flow in the precalcinator chamber of the exchanger's furnace tower including the combustion of coal dust and decarbonisation of raw lime powder. During the research were... more
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The main topic of the study is to evaluate the effect of particle concentration and fractional composition on the differential pressure in the Venturi tube during the measurement of flow rate of the gasparticle mixture. Gas phase flow was... more
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    • Materials Science
Clinker burning is the most complex process in cement production from limestone. This is especially visible for the two-stage combustion of fuel in a rotary kiln without the typical reactor-decarbonizator. This work presents results of... more
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Thepaperpresentsamethodforfindingsuchinstalationelementswhich are especially subjected to erosion wear and a method for quantitative assessmentoftheerosionlossatagivenoperationaltimeofapneumatic conveying system. Motion of the gas is... more
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      ErosionTheoretical and Applied Mechanics
In the pneumatic conveying systems of large power boilers, the required separation of the dust-air mixture to particular burners has to be obtained. This problem is very important in consideration of limitation of losses connected with... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnergy Science
Damage reasons of the rotary kiln of pulverized coal burners conveying pipe is related with many reasons. This paper analyses the numerical simulation of the gas-solid two-phase flow field in the coal channels of pulverized coal burners... more
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In the case of designing and service of the pneumatic conveying systems for power boilers, presence of the solid particle segregation in some areas is an important problem. In many cases, in such systems diversification of concentration... more
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