Papers by Flávia Fernandes

European Journal of Entomology, 2017 other hand, the fl uorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) allows the precise lo... more other hand, the fl uorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) allows the precise location of the rDNA genes, independent of their activity, and it may also reveal variations in the size of the sites on different chromosomes (Datson & Murray, 2006; Nguyen et al., 2010). The order Coleoptera has approximately 360,000 taxonomically described species (Costa, 2003), but only 4,852 of them are cytogenetically analyzed (Blackmon & Demuth, 2015). Among these species, 372 included in the suborders Adephaga (Carabidae) and Polyphaga (Hydrophilidae, Geotrupidae, Lucanidae, Passalidae, Melyridae, Scarabaeidae, Buprestidae, Elateridae, Coccinelidae, Meloidae, Tenebrionidae, Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae) are investigated in terms of the location of NORs or rDNA genes. Of these species, 158 were analyzed using Ag-NOR, 126 by FISH with an rDNA probe and 88 species were studied using both techniques. In the latter case, 16 species exhibit different locations for Ag-NOR and rDNA when analyzed using silver impregnation and FISH (
Check List, 2012
A list of Cassidinae s. str. species collected with Malaise traps on PROFAUPAR and PROVIVE projec... more A list of Cassidinae s. str. species collected with Malaise traps on PROFAUPAR and PROVIVE projects conducted in Paraná, Southern Brazil, is presented. Along four years of sampling, 176 specimens of Cassidinae s.str. were collected totalizing 16 genera and 39 species. Among them, 22 species represent new records to Paraná, 11 are new registers to South Brazil and one species, Microctenochira achardi (Spaeth, 1926), is registered to Brazil for the first time. The richest genera were Charidotis, with 12 species, followed by Microctenochira, with seven species and Charidotella, with three species. The most abundant species was Charidotis consentanea (Boheman, 1855), with 26 specimens.

European Journal of Entomology, 2016 fi nding was corroborated by a phylogenetic study using molecular data (Gómez-Z... more fi nding was corroborated by a phylogenetic study using molecular data (Gómez-Zurita et al., 2008). Cytogenetically, only 117 Cassidinae species belonging to 13 tribes have been investigated to date (for revision see De Julio et al., 2010). The tortoise beetles are considered as a group with conserved karyotype, in which approximately 52% of the analyzed species showed 2n = 16 + Xy p , with metacentric and/or submetacentric chromosomes (De Julio et al., 2010). However, cytogenetic records also demonstrated that the diploid numbers can range from 2n = 16 to 2n = 51, as well the sex chromosome systems, which can be either simple-Xy p , X0, Xy, Xy c , Xy r , neoXY, or multiple-Xyy p , X p neoXneoY p , X p neoXneoy p , neoX p neoyy p , neoX p1 neoX p2 neoXneoy p , neoX p1 neoX p2 neoXneoy, X p1 X p2-neoXneoy (for review see De Julio et al., 2010). These variations in the diploid number and sex chromosome systems are more or less frequent according to the tribe considered. In Cassidini and Mesomphaliini, 44% and 100%
Zootaxa, 2013
The Neotropical genus Cassidinoma Hincks is revised. A new synonymy is proposed: Cassidinoma dent... more The Neotropical genus Cassidinoma Hincks is revised. A new synonymy is proposed: Cassidinoma denticulata (Boheman) = Cassidinoma monstrosa (Boheman) syn. n. The diagnosis, description, distribution, and biology are reviewed, and new distribution records are included. Illustrations of the habitus of adult and morphological structures are also added.
The species looks very similar to Ch. circumtexta Boh., but its correct identification will be po... more The species looks very similar to Ch. circumtexta Boh., but its correct identification will be possible after revision of this group of Charidotis species. True Ch. circumtexta was recorded from Brazil: Amazonas.

In the present work, we have characterized the chromosomes of 13 Cassidinae beetles, belonging to... more In the present work, we have characterized the chromosomes of 13 Cassidinae beetles, belonging to four tribes, the
broad aim being to increase the cytogenetic data and establish the mechanisms involved in chromosome evolution of this subfamily,
which appear to be conserved karyotypically, i.e. 2n = 16 + Xyp. The analysis of mitotic and meiotic cells revealed a high
diversity of diploid numbers (2n = 18, 2n = 22, 2n = 26, 2n = 32, 2n = 36, 2n = 40, 2n = 42), and the presence of sex chromosome
system of the Xyp type in most species, with the exception of two representatives that exhibited Xyr and XY systems. C-banding
showed constitutive heterochromatin predominantly localized in the pericentromeric region of the chromosomes, but differences
regarding the number of chromosomes with positive C-bands, intensity of the blocks, and presence of additional bands in autosomes
and/or sex chromosomes were observed among the species investigated. Our data revealed that the karyotype 2n = 16
+ Xyp does not occur in all 13 tribes of the Cassidinae characterized cytogenetically, seeming to be only a shared feature among
the species of the Cassidini. Variations in the C-band pattern, mainly in closely related species, suggest that the interspecifi c
karyotype diversifi cation occurred as a result of changes in the quantity and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin. The occurrence
of the Xyp sex chromosome system in the tribe Mesomphaliini, which showed the highest diversity of simple and multiple
systems among the coleopteran as a whole, reinforces the view that derived systems originated by chromosome rearrangements
involving the Xyp ancestral system.
Data of collections are presented with their abbreviation followed by the author's last name (in ... more Data of collections are presented with their abbreviation followed by the author's last name (in normal character) and year of collection. Whenever possible, the counties in which each species was recorded are given (underlined and in alphabetical order). However, in some cases, the information available only shows for sure that a certain species occurs in the State. In these cases, the source of information is cited right after the species name (in square brackets). When the occurrence of the species is given by both literature and collections, the collection data follow the former (with authors of publications in small capitals).
The Neotropical genus Cassidinoma Hincks is revised. A new synonymy is proposed: Cassidinoma dent... more The Neotropical genus Cassidinoma Hincks is revised. A new synonymy is proposed: Cassidinoma denticulata (Boheman) = Cassidinoma monstrosa (Boheman) syn. n. The diagnosis, description, distribution, and biology are reviewed, and new distribution records are included. Illustrations of the habitus of adult and morphological structures are also added.
Novos Olhares, Novos Saberes Sobre a Serra do Japi: Ecos de sua biodiversidade., 2012
A tribo Omocerini, proposta por Hincks, inclui atualmente sete gêneros (Canistra Erichson, Carlob... more A tribo Omocerini, proposta por Hincks, inclui atualmente sete gêneros (Canistra Erichson, Carlobruchia Spaeth, Cassidinoma Hincks, Cyclosoma Guérin-Meneville, Discomorpha Chevrolat, Omocerus Chevrolat e Polychalca Chevrolat), 17 subgêneros e 147 espécies. ...

Micron, 2010
Among the subfamilies of Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae sensu lato (s.l.) includes 6000 species distri... more Among the subfamilies of Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae sensu lato (s.l.) includes 6000 species distributed in 43 tribes. Approximately 100 of these species were cytogenetically analyzed and most of them presented 2n = 18 = 16 + Xy p , which was smaller than 2n = 20 = 18 + Xy p considered basal for Polyphaga. However, some groups of species presented maintenance of the basal diploid number and others showed increase in this number. Certain species of the latter group also exhibited variation in the type of sex chromosome system (SCS). Considering the recent taxonomic revision accomplished for the Cassidinae s.l. species, the existence of phylogenetic relationship for some species of this subfamily, the high diversity of species of this group in the Neotropical region, and the low number of Cassidinae s.l. species karyotyped so far, the aim of the present work was to establish the main mechanisms involved in the karyotype evolution of this subfamily through the study of seven species of the Brazilian fauna and overview of the cytogenetic data. The individuals were collected in southeast and south of Brazil. The chromosomal preparations obtained from embryo and testes of adult males were stained with Giemsa solution. The species Agroiconota inedita (2n = 42 = 40 + Xy p ), Charidotella (s.str.) immaculata (2n = 22 = 20 + Xy p ), Charidotella (s.str.) sexpunctata (2n = 22 = 20 + Xy p ), and Stolas chalybaea (2n = 24 = 22 + Xy p ) revealed diploid number higher than that established as basal for Polyphaga and biarmed chromosomes. The karyotype of Cteisella confusa, Deloyala cruciata, and Metriona elatior showed the chromosomal formulae 2n = 18 = 16 + Xy p considered modal for Cassidinae s.l. and biarmed chromosomes. The seven species exhibited easily identified sex chromosomes due to their size and/or morphology. The analysis of meiotic cells of all the species showed pachytenes with a positively heteropycnotic block probably corresponding to the sex chromosomes; diplotenes with a high number of bivalents with two chiasmata and sex chromosomes in a parachute configuration, and metaphases II that confirmed the chromosomal morphology, the type of SCS, and the regular segregation of all chromosomes. The data regarding to the number and morphology of the chromosomes, their behaviour during meiosis, and type of SCS were inedit for the majority of these species. In relation to the all Cassidinae s.l. species that presented SCS of the Xy p type, A. inedita was that with the highest diploid number. Furthermore, this work reported for the first time the cytogenetic information of representatives of the genera Cteisella and Metriona. Taking into account the phylogenetic and cytogenetic data of Cassidinae s.l. species, the karyotype differentiation of this group seems to have occurred from the basal karyotype of Polyphaga by decrease in the chromosome number and subsequent increase in this number. Pericentric inversion, centric fusion and fission seem to have been the main mechanisms that promoted the evolution of the autosomes. However, in the sex chromosome evolution, the mechanisms involved were centric fission and/or chromosomal translocation. ß
Data of collections are presented with their abbreviation followed by the author's last name (in ... more Data of collections are presented with their abbreviation followed by the author's last name (in normal character) and year of collection. Whenever possible, the counties in which each species was recorded are given (underlined and in alphabetical order). However, in some cases, the information available only shows for sure that a certain species occurs in the State. In these cases, the source of information is cited right after the species name (in square brackets). When the occurrence of the species is given by both literature and collections, the collection data follow the former (with authors of publications in small capitals).
Abstract Orientador: Zundir José Buzzi. Dissertação (mestrado)-Universidade Federal do Paraná, Se... more Abstract Orientador: Zundir José Buzzi. Dissertação (mestrado)-Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciencias Biológicas (Entomologia). Defesa: Curitiba, 2007. Inclui bibliografia. Área de concentração: ...
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2007
Papers by Flávia Fernandes
broad aim being to increase the cytogenetic data and establish the mechanisms involved in chromosome evolution of this subfamily,
which appear to be conserved karyotypically, i.e. 2n = 16 + Xyp. The analysis of mitotic and meiotic cells revealed a high
diversity of diploid numbers (2n = 18, 2n = 22, 2n = 26, 2n = 32, 2n = 36, 2n = 40, 2n = 42), and the presence of sex chromosome
system of the Xyp type in most species, with the exception of two representatives that exhibited Xyr and XY systems. C-banding
showed constitutive heterochromatin predominantly localized in the pericentromeric region of the chromosomes, but differences
regarding the number of chromosomes with positive C-bands, intensity of the blocks, and presence of additional bands in autosomes
and/or sex chromosomes were observed among the species investigated. Our data revealed that the karyotype 2n = 16
+ Xyp does not occur in all 13 tribes of the Cassidinae characterized cytogenetically, seeming to be only a shared feature among
the species of the Cassidini. Variations in the C-band pattern, mainly in closely related species, suggest that the interspecifi c
karyotype diversifi cation occurred as a result of changes in the quantity and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin. The occurrence
of the Xyp sex chromosome system in the tribe Mesomphaliini, which showed the highest diversity of simple and multiple
systems among the coleopteran as a whole, reinforces the view that derived systems originated by chromosome rearrangements
involving the Xyp ancestral system.
broad aim being to increase the cytogenetic data and establish the mechanisms involved in chromosome evolution of this subfamily,
which appear to be conserved karyotypically, i.e. 2n = 16 + Xyp. The analysis of mitotic and meiotic cells revealed a high
diversity of diploid numbers (2n = 18, 2n = 22, 2n = 26, 2n = 32, 2n = 36, 2n = 40, 2n = 42), and the presence of sex chromosome
system of the Xyp type in most species, with the exception of two representatives that exhibited Xyr and XY systems. C-banding
showed constitutive heterochromatin predominantly localized in the pericentromeric region of the chromosomes, but differences
regarding the number of chromosomes with positive C-bands, intensity of the blocks, and presence of additional bands in autosomes
and/or sex chromosomes were observed among the species investigated. Our data revealed that the karyotype 2n = 16
+ Xyp does not occur in all 13 tribes of the Cassidinae characterized cytogenetically, seeming to be only a shared feature among
the species of the Cassidini. Variations in the C-band pattern, mainly in closely related species, suggest that the interspecifi c
karyotype diversifi cation occurred as a result of changes in the quantity and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin. The occurrence
of the Xyp sex chromosome system in the tribe Mesomphaliini, which showed the highest diversity of simple and multiple
systems among the coleopteran as a whole, reinforces the view that derived systems originated by chromosome rearrangements
involving the Xyp ancestral system.