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Open Science Announcements from Federal Agencies

To strengthen the foundation for a future of open science, Federal agencies celebrated a Year of Open Science in 2023, engaging in events and activities intended to spark culture change, strengthen infrastructures and policies, build capacity, recognize and celebrate open science contributions, and inspire engagement.

For a recap of federal achievements over the 2023 Year of Open Science, see the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP) Fact Sheet.

Help spotlight the value of open science by checking out this toolkit: choose and use images for social media, presentations, posters and virtual backgrounds—agency partners may even co-brand.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Energy
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Environmental Protection Agency
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Science Foundation
Smithsonian Institution
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. General Services Administration
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Energy Department of State Department of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Endowment for the Humanities

National Institutes of Health National Institute of Standards and Technology National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Science Foundation Smithsonian Institution U.S. Geological Survey U.S. General Services Administration US Office of Science And Technology Policy

This site is your gateway to major announcements by federal agencies that support open science initiatives, programs, and events.

Year of Open Science

USDA launches ARS Culture Collection - NEW!

ARS Culture Collection

USDA has a long history of open science including making microbial strains available to the scientific public at no charge. Annually, USDA distributes 5,500 microbial strains on average to scientists representing the U.S. and 42 other countries. In January of 2024, USDA launched the ARS Culture Collection on its open data repository, Ag Data Commons. This digital version of the Culture Collection contains genetic data generated on microbial strains from the collection. Since January 2024, the site has received 110,000+ views and 2,000+ downloads of datasets. And the collection is growing! Data curators are regularly checking NCBI GenBank for new genome and transcriptome datasets generated from the collection. There are currently 1,278 datasets available to the public from the collection.

USGS Community for Data Integration continues to support projects advancing Open Science - NEW!


USGS's Community for Data Integration (CDI) just released its fiscal year 2025 request for proposals (RFP) guidance. Continuing last year's focus on open science, one of this year's proposal themes is "USGS Data Strategy Goals in Support of Open Science, including increasing capacity for open science and openly sharing analysis-ready data." The annual proposal process showcases and selects ideas to solve data challenges and implement new technological innovations. An on-going project from 2024, "Beginners Git, GitLab & Software Release Carpentries-like Training for USGS Personnel to Facilitate Open Science" includes a lesson on Open Science and its relation to USGS software practices. Learn more about this community-driven, two-phase process and join the CDI to participate!

DOE Increases Public Access to Scholarly Publications by National Labs - NEW!


The Department of Energy (DOE) conducts world-class research and development (R&D) at its 17 National Laboratories, addressing large scale, complex R&D challenges with a multidisciplinary approach that places an emphasis on translating basic science to innovation. DOE uses a transparent process to evaluate and incentivize each Lab's annual performance and success in executing DOE's R&D priorities. DOE's Office of Science, which stewards 10 of the Labs, issues annual report cards to assess performance across eight key performance goals.

Following the 2013 White House OSTP public access requirements, and now as DOE begins to implement requirements from OSTP's 2022 memo, the Labs' annual performance plans include a public access component. This increased emphasis on public access facilitated the 10 Office of Science Labs exceeding their goals for enabling public access to scholarly publications through the repository DOE PAGES.

CENDI modernizes to include updates on federal open science, public access, and scientific integrity efforts

CENDI, a volunteer membership organization of U.S. federal scientific and technical information (STI) managers, recently launched an updated version of its flagship STI federated search product, Key updates include a modernized look and feel, and centralized access to federal agency open science and public access efforts including the public access plans/policies issued in response to the OSTP 2023 memorandum, "Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research."  Updates also include federal guidance and agency plans in response to the “2021 Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking.” To search and view the most recent updates described, visit the website at

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) launched the Dataset Catalog beta to improve the discoverability and reuse of research data

Dataset Catalog

The Dataset Catalog is a new online tool to help users connect with multiple repositories through a single, user-friendly, “all-in-one” resource to search, find, and retrieve datasets. The beta version of the Dataset Catalog indexes datasets from a limited collection of repositories and features minimal functionality initially. NLM is seeking user feedback to inform future product development, establish a community of users, gather usage analytics, and assess scalability and sustainability of the corpus. During this beta phase, NLM invites you to explore this tool for yourself, share with colleagues and submit your feedback to NLM (via the vertical blue “Give Feedback” button along the right-hand side of the Dataset Catalog website). Learn more about this resource here.

Welcome to NASA's Open Science 101!

NASA's Open Science 101

NASA has been moving forward to accelerate the adoption of open science with a number of activities supporting training in open science, increasing discoverability of NASA's open science data and information, and incentivizing open science:

  • NASA released Open Science 101, a community-driven, public, free, online course, to equip scientists with tools for practicing open science, promoting transparency and reproducibility.
  • NASA supported the launch of Science Explorer (SciX), an advancement of Astrophysics Data System, a literature portal set to revolutionize how science is found, accessed, and utilized, and is developing Science Discovery Engine (SDE), an integrated search tool that enables discovery of open data and information across all NASA’s science divisions, providing immediate benefits to science data users and improving overall user experience.
  • NASA has been engaging the community through a workshop on Modernizing Tenure, Promotion, Review and Hiring to Reward Open Scholarship that was attended by 50 university presidents and provosts as well as representatives from NASA, DOE, NIH, NSF, EPSCoR, NOAA, and OSTP and a Center for Open Science workshop, with over 1,100 attendees registered, showcasing the outcomes and ongoing work stemming from the 2023 Year of Open Science.
  • NASA celebrates and recognizes contributions to science beyond just publications, by awarding NASA’s Exceptional Public Service Medals to Fernando Pérez and Brian Granger “for exceptional leadership and the co-creation of Jupyter, an open-source interactive computational tool used widely across NASA, propelling NASA towards open science.”

The National Transportation Library Implements the CURATE(D) Steps

National Transportation Library

In 2023 the National Transportation Library’s (NTL) Data Services Team incorporated the Data Curation Network’s CURATE(D) workflow into their data curation and cataloging process. NTL is a sub-organization that exists within the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), which is a part of the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The introduction of the CURATE(D) Steps allows NTL to take a step forward in open science practices, thus elevating the level at which we fulfill our mandates and services, such as those outlined in the USDOT Public Access Plan. NTL has now over 150 hours of total CURATE(D) work under their belts. These hours have taught them to better analyze, improve, and understand the data they work with and the challenges and needs of DOT researchers. CURATE(D) has help bridge the gap between our data stewardship efforts upon receiving a dataset and improving the practice of open and FAIR science for DOT’s own research. All the lessons we have learned and the knowledge we have gained will go to improving the data of all USDOT funded research. We have made our own workflow ( available on ROSA P. Although specific to NTL, the workflow could easily serve as a starting point for other governmental agencies or institutions to apply to their workflows. We hope our implementation can demonstrate the benefits of this workflow and help others apply it to their work. The CURATE(D) workflow has not only helped NTL to improve data curation and management best practices but expanded our approach to open science, and we hope our experience can help others to do the same.

USGS continues championing open science through communications, trainings, and seed projects


Over the past half year, the USGS has continued championing open science through communications, trainings, and seed projects. Communications were aggregated on the USGS Open Science website, including open science success stories and open science tips. USGS hosted a Data Equity training from We All Count, and a cohort of USGS staff tackled the NASA TOPS Open Science training. The USGS Community for Data Integration funded eleven projects in its annual proposals process, which had a theme of “Increasing USGS capacity for Open Science.”

Open Science Recognition Challenge Winners Announced


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has announced five "Champions of Open Science" who submitted stories of open science success to the OSTP Year of Open Science Recognition Challenge. This challenge engaged researchers, community scientists, educators, innovators, and the broader public to highlight efforts to expand access to research for the benefit of science and society. From overcoming the climate crisis by restoring our relationship with nature to achieving better health outcomes in communities across the United States, the winners exemplify what's possible with an open, equitable, and secure research enterprise. A list of winning projects can be found here, and more information about the winning submissions can be found here.

The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy Open Science Recognition Challenge


The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in collaboration with federal agencies participating in a Year of Open Science, announced the Year of Open Science Recognition Challenge, inviting researchers, community scientists, educators, innovators, and members of the broader public to share stories of how they've advanced equitable open science. This recognition challenge seeks to spotlight the stories and teams behind projects that have addressed a particular challenge or advanced a solution, while embodying open science principles and practices. Submissions close on November 22, 2023. To learn more, visit

USGS Community for Data Integration Releases FY2024 Request for Proposals with Open Science Theme


USGS's Community for Data Integration (CDI) just released its fiscal year 2024 request for proposals (RFP) guidance. One of the themes this year is "Increasing USGS capacity for Open Science." The annual proposal process showcases and selects ideas to solve data challenges and implement new technological innovations. CDI projects improve our collective knowledge about creating better, longer lasting, and more accessible science products by leveraging the tools, methods, and datasets available to USGS science communities. Lead principal investigators must be from the USGS, but the entire CDI community is encouraged to ask questions, comment on, and help evaluate the statements of interest. Learn more about this community-driven, two-phase process and join the CDI to participate!

DOE's Award DOI Service Links Awards to Research Outputs

Award DOI

The Department of Energy's Award DOI Service supports global identification of DOE awards and promotes acknowledgment, citation, discovery, and reuse of DOE research and development information. The service currently works with DOE national laboratories to assign digital object identifiers (DOIs) to awards provided by laboratory user facilities. DOIs help facilitate linkages among research components. With the Award DOI Service, awards can be part of those linkages; the metadata for research outputs like data, publications, and software, can include the DOIs for the relevant awards, highlighting the connections between the products and the awards.

More information:

OSTP Updates on Available Public Access Plans and Requests for Comment

US Office of Science And Technology Policy

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) continues to work closely with federal agencies on developing or updating their plans for policies to ensure free, immediate, and equitable access to federally funded research consistent with its 2022 Memorandum. To date, the following agencies have chosen to make their updated plans publicly available and/or have published opportunities for public comment:

OSTP expects agency policies for increasing public access to scholarly publications and scientific data to be publicly posted by December 31, 2024 and to go into effect by December 31, 2025.

NSF Invites Engagement on its Revised Public Access Plan

NSF Public Access Plan 2.0

NSF Public Access Plan 2.0: Ensuring Open, Immediate and Equitable Access to NSF-supported Research, reflects NSF's values of scientific openness, integrity, equity, fairness and academic freedom, and is the centerpiece of NSF's Year of Open Science. Help inform implementation of this policy by engaging. Visit NSF's refreshed Public Access webpage, which is chock full of information, including recordings of five "Listen and Learn" webinars. Share your issues of concern with [email protected]. And respond to NSF's Request For Information in July.

EPA Announces Participation in Year of Open Science

DOE Code

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports the goals of the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Open Science and is collaborating with other federal agencies to recognize and celebrate a Year of Open Science. Since EPA issued its first Plan to Increase Access to Results of EPA-Funded Scientific Research in November 2016, we have worked to ensure the public has access to the results of federally funded peer-reviewed, scientific research publications and research data. EPA is developing plans to further strengthen its public access efforts, consistent with the 2022 memorandum on Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research. We look forward to collaborating with federal colleagues in making federally-funded science more open and equitable.

DOE CODE: The Department of Energy's Software Services Platform

DOE Code

The Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (DOE OSTI) provides a DOE software services platform and search tool for DOE-funded code - DOE CODE. DOE CODE allows users to search and discover bibliographic metadata for scientific and business software resulting from DOE-funded projects and details on how to access the software. Additional functionality of DOE CODE includes the submission of software to OSTI, code archival and preservation, and project development collaboration through a repository service. DOE CODE also reports software inventory to the government-wide website which helps to foster scientific progress, provide transparency, and promote public uptake of DOE-funded software. As a member of DataCite, OSTI/DOE CODE provides assignment of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to unlimited distribution software. This allows stronger connections to be made between software, publications, and data through reference and citation via DOI metadata. DOI assignment, coupled with announcement of DOE-funded software, promotes open science by enabling researchers to more easily discover, access, and reuse software.

More information:

USGS holds workshop on "Open Data for Open Science"


In May 2023, the USGS Community for Data Integration (CDI) hosted a broadly attended workshop themed "Open Data for Open Science." The workshop inspired in-depth conversations around the difference between open data and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data, the importance of USGS Fundamental Science Practices in doing open science, and what it means for science to be equitable. We were honored to be joined by USGS Director Dave Applegate, USGS Chief Scientist Geoff Plumlee, and Department of the Interior Chief Data Officer Tod Dabolt, who provided insight into USGS and Department perspectives on open science. Our CDI members led engaging breakout sessions on topics such as conducting interdisciplinary open science, communication of open data, and tools and computing capabilities for working with data throughout the data life cycle. During the workshop, we learned that open science is spectrum, and we are continuously striving to be more open by including more aspects of the open science definition in our work. Join the CDI to gain access to the workshop session recordings and other workshop outputs.

Open Science in the new USDA Science and Research Strategy


On May 8, 2023, USDA released the USDA Science and Research Strategy 2023-2026 during the AIM for Climate Summit in Washington, DC. The strategy recognizes that relevant, timely, robust, and accessible data are critical for accelerating innovative technologies, driving climate-smart solutions, bolstering nutrition security and health, cultivating resilient ecosystems, and most importantly, translating research into action. Open science is the mechanism to achieve transparency and equitable access that are key to scientific integrity.

For more information: USDA Science and Research Strategy, 2023-2026: Cultivating Scientific Innovation

NASA's Public Access Plan: Increasing Access to the Results of Scientific Research


In response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP) memorandum on "Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research," NASA has released an updated draft of their plan for access to federal funded research: "NASA's Public Access Plan: Increasing Access to the Results of Scientific Research." NASA seeks public input on the updated draft plan through a request for information published in the Federal Register on May 18, 2023. The RFI closes on August 17, 2023. Early comments are encouraged. Comments received after this date will be considered to the extent practicable.

U.S. Department of State Announces Participation in the Year of Open Science


The U.S. Department of State supports the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Open Science in advancing global awareness to U.S. policies and practices related to open science and affirm our commitment to the open, secure, and equitable sharing of government-funded fundamental research.

NOAA EPIC Creates an Open Science Environment for the Advancement of the Unified Forecast System


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) launched the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) in partnership with the Weather Enterprise (academia, government, and industry). EPIC, mandated by Congress in 2018, is the catalyst to drive a collaborative weather research community to enhance the Unified Forecast System (UFS). Designed to support the Weather Enterprise, the UFS is the source system to simplify NOAA's current operational suite of 21 stand-alone forecast systems, utilizing common codes and infrastructure. EPIC is moving the UFS into a public-facing cloud computing environment. The EPIC community Portal (ECP;, provides community access to the UFS code base, tutorials, advanced user support, application training, codefests, workshops and funding opportunities. EPIC creates an open science environment for UFS that enables collaborations and contributions within the broad weather community to advance operational forecast skill. Key success metrics for EPIC will include the number of community contributors to UFS, the speed at which new code innovations move from research to operations or product applications, and the improvement of the skill of the forecast system. You can join the effort by attending the Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop July 24-28, 2023 virtually or in-person in Boulder, CO.

During the Year of Open Science, EPIC is at the core of NOAA's vision and mission to advance NOAA's numerical weather prediction systems through a collaboration with the Weather Enterprise. Visit and join our community!

U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Participation in the Year of Open Science


U.S. DOT endorses the goals of the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Open Science. DOT has already been sharing science results widely, and supports increased access to results whenever possible. We look forward to working with our federal colleagues in making federally-funded science more open and equitable.

NASA Boosts Open Science through Innovative Training for Scientists and Researchers


NASA has awarded selections for a total of $6.5 million to U.S. institutions for open science education and training for scientists and researchers at all levels - from undergraduate students to principal investigators to program managers. As part of a Year of Open Science, NASA is awarding $2.7 million across several different projects this year, with a total of $6.5 million over three years. Through the agency's Open-Source Science Initiative (OSSI), NASA is promoting change in the openness and speed of access to scientific information by supporting new training opportunities with NASA's Transform to Open Science (TOPS) summer schools and virtual cohorts. These events promote understanding of open science using an introductory curriculum called Open Science 101, which helps learners increase their knowledge and skills in specific disciplines. Read more about TOPS, enroll in training and learn how to earn your NASA Open Science Certification.

National Endowment for the Humanities - Research & Development Grants


Apply for an NEH Research & Development grant, for planning or implementation, up to $350,000. Got an idea for a better way to preserve cultural heritage materials-from artifacts to digital assets-or to organize, search, discover, or use them? Deadline: May 16, 2023. We also offer phone consultations with staff, a recorded webinar, and tips.

DOE Office of Science Public Reusable Research (PuRe) Data Resources

Public Reusable Research (PuRe) Data Resources

The Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science enhances the stewardship of high-value data resources by designating them as Public Reusable Research (PuRe) Data Resources. These resources are data repositories, knowledge bases, analysis platforms, and other activities that make data publicly available to advance scientific or technical knowledge. PuRe Data Resources are authoritative sources of data or capabilities in their subject area that make data easier to find, access, and reuse across the broader scientific community. They are held to high standards for data management, resource operations, and scientific impact, which in turn enable better communication, better stewardship, and better science. As part of the Year of Open Science, the DOE Office of Science is highlighting our PuRe Data Resources starting with our newest designated resource, the Active Thermochemical Tables (ATcT).

USDA releases Public Access information resource


USDA continues its longstanding commitment to public access to federally funded research with a new webpage that answers questions about USDA's current policies. The page helps food and agricultural researchers submit their USDA-funded research outputs to the National Agricultural Library's PubAg and Ag Data Commons. Researchers can also learn about USDA data management plan requirements and how to obtain persistent identifiers for themselves and their research outputs. This page — and platforms like PubAg and Ag Data Commons — are part of USDA's ongoing efforts to improve public access USDA research and deliver on the Department's commitment to equity. PubAg provides free public access to over 325,000 full-text articles and 4 million citations related to food and agriculture. Ag Data Commons provides access to nearly 7,000 datasets related to food and agriculture.

NASA's PubSpace now accessible from the STI Repository


PubSpace is NASA's designated public access repository. It is a collection of NASA-funded scholarly publications within the Scientific and Technical Information Program (STI) Repository, aiming to increase access to federally funded research in accordance with NASA Public Access Policy. The collection enables free public access to NASA's peer-reviewed scholarly publications, including accepted manuscripts and publisher's version of record. NASA has entered into a partnership agreement with the Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States (CHORUS) publishing group. NASA researchers who publish in a CHORUS member's journal can now more easily satisfy the Agency's requirements for public access. The NASA STI Program has leveraged CHORUS resources to increase access to NASA-funded research by integrating metadata for NASA-funded publications available from CHORUS into the new PubSpace Collection within the NASA STI Repository. NASA's PubSpace portal to the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) PubMed Central (PMC) repository of journal articles from NASA-funded research, is still accessible. This content will be discoverable in the NASA STI PubSpace Collection.

USGS Plans Upcoming Workshop "Open Data for Open Science"


The U.S. Geological Survey is formulating its Year of Open Science Plan and the first step is to generate excitement about Open Science across the USGS. Deliberate and effective communications will actively promote and demonstrate the value of a more open, equitable, and secure scientific enterprise and engage scientists from across the USGS. To begin, the USGS has set up a public website to inform and garner interest in staff and partners about Year of Open Science activities. A major focus in the Year of Open Science is the Community for Data Integration workshop themed "Open Data for Open Science," happening from May 2-5, 2023. Participation and contribution in-person or virtually is open to all interested. A draft agenda is available here.

NIH Announces Supplements for Software Enhancements and AI/ML-Readiness

NIH Announces

The NIH Office of Data Science Strategy recently announced Administrative Supplements to Enhance Software Tools for Open Science (NOT-OD-23-073) and Administrative Supplements to Support Collaborations to Improve the AI/ML-readiness of NIH-Supported Data (NOT-OD-23-082). NOT-OD-23-073 encourages and enables researchers to engage in new types of collaborations focused on improving the quality and sustainability of research software from a software engineering perspective. Supplements will support efforts that address robustness, sustainability, reusability, portability, and scalability of existing biomedical research software tools and workflows of recognized scientific value. NOT-OD-23-082 seeks to ensure data generated through NIH-funded research is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learing (AI/ML)-ready and shared through repositories, knowledgebases, or other data sharing resources. These opportunities work to establish a modernized and integrated biomedical data ecosystem that adopts the latest data science technologies, including AI and ML, and best practice guidelines arising from community consensus, such as the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, and open-source development.

Second Phase of the NIH Preprint Pilot Launched

NIH Preprint Pilot

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the launch of the second phase of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Preprint Pilot with the addition of more than 700 new preprint records to PubMed Central (PMC) and PubMed. This second phase expands the scope of the Pilot to include preprints resulting from all NIH-funded research. Eligible preprints are those acknowledging direct support of an NIH award or authored by NIH staff and posted to bioRxiv, medRxiv, arXiv, or Research Square, on or after January 1, 2023. NLM will automatically include the full text of the preprint (as license terms allow) and associated citation information available in PMC and PubMed, respectively. New preprint records will be added on a weekly basis. Phase 2 of the pilot is expected to run through 2023. A project of NLM, the NIH Preprint Pilot was launched in 2020 to explore new approaches to increase the discoverability of NIH-supported research results, with the first phase focusing on NIH-supported research on COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

NIH to Launch Data Management and Sharing Plan to Help Promote Open Science

NIH Launch

On January 25, 2023, NIH's new Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) will go into effect for most competing funding applications and intramural research protocols, requiring researchers to submit a DMS Plan with their application for funding outlining how they will share and manage data, as well as complying with the approved plan. This Policy conforms to the 2022 OSTP public access guidance and is part of NIH's broader efforts to accelerate biomedical research by making the outputs of NIH-funded research available for validation of research results and reuse in future research. Additional information about the Policy is available at the agency URL below, including a template, examples, and guidance for writing a DMS Plan, information on repositories for sharing and accessing NIH-funded data, budgeting for data management and sharing, and more.

NIST announces participation in the Year of Open Science


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will join other federal agencies in celebrating the Year of Open Science in 2023 as we mark the ten-year anniversary of a White House Office of Science and Technology Policy memo requiring increased access to results of federally funded research. During the past 10 years, NIST has developed portals through which the public can access our research data as well as open-source research code. These research products are provided with digital object identifiers (DOIs) and sample citations to make them readily discoverable and citable. NIST's peer-reviewed publications are available through PubMed Central, and NIST Technical Series publications are available through the Government Publishing Office. NIST provides resources for students and educators through a webpage devoted to education on standards and the science of making measurements. NIST is also leading the effort to create a Research Data Framework for managing research data through its lifecycle. We expect to cap this year's celebration with the release of a new web portal to expand access to all NIST research products made available as FAIR digital objects, connecting them using natural language processing and persistent identifiers such as DOIs. Activities will be announced on a Year of Open Science page on NIST's website.

USGS Participation in 2023 Year of Open Science


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is looking forward to collaborating with agency partners to promote and contribute to the 2023 Year of Open Science. As a global leader in Earth system science, the USGS understands the enormous value of making research products and processes available to all who are interested and can put it to good use. Currently, the USGS supports open science with robust data and software release policies and tools, open communities of practice, and ongoing partnerships with underrepresented groups. The USGS will be engaging its scientists in activities to further improve accessibility, reproducibility, and transparency of our scientific work, through trainings, workshops, and cross-USGS communications.

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Participation in the Year of Open Science


The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has a long tradition of funding open scholarship. Our National Digital Newspaper Program has supported 20 million digitized newspaper pages made freely available online at Chronicling America via a partnership with the Library of Congress. Our Fellowships Open Book Program turns books written by NEH-funded researchers into open access ebooks. The NEH-NSF Documenting Endangered Languages program makes grants and fellowships to linguists recording and transcribing endangered and moribund languages for research, preservation, and revitalization. Humanities Collections and Reference Resources makes grants to libraries, archives, and museums to steward important collections of cultural heritage materials. Digital Humanities Advancement Grants fund research to develop cyberinfrastructure for the humanities, including open source software and tools. Scholarly Editions & Translations funds collaborative teams editing, annotating, and translating foundational humanities texts, including the papers of many U.S. presidents, that are vital to scholarship but are currently inaccessible. A new program, the Dangers and Opportunities of Technology, funds research investigating the ethical and social impacts of technology, science, and medicine.

DOE OSTI Launches [email protected]


The Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (DOE OSTI) offers services and support for assigning and using persistent identifiers (PIDs) for research components such as data, software, text documents, awards, people, and organizations. PIDs promote open science by enabling greater discovery and reuse of research outputs through unique identification and providing appropriate credit through citation and identifying contributors. By increasing interoperability through resolvable links and robust metadata, and facilitating impact and evaluation through linked research components, PIDs deliver value to the broader research community. With the recent launch of [email protected], federal agencies and researchers can find general information about PIDs, details about the PID services OSTI provides, and community resources.

NSF Invests in Ten Open Science Research Coordination Networks to Promote Open Science


NSF funded a cohort of 10, three-year, multi-institutional projects to start in 2023 to build and enhance national coordination among researchers and other stakeholders to advance FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) data principles and open-science practices. These are the inaugural awards in an open-science program NSF calls FAIROS RCN (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, Open Science Research Coordination Networks) and represent a pooled investment of over $12.5 million in open science from all of NSF's seven directorates. These 10 projects are composed of 28 distinct NSF awards representing many organizations and institutions in the United States seeking to advance open-science efforts. The NSF Solicitation 22-553 for FAIROS RCN supports groups of investigators or "research coordination networks" to communicate, innovate, coordinate, and standardize research practices, training, and educational activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic, and international boundaries to achieve the goals of FAIR and other open-science guiding principles. Full details on all 28 awards are available at the agency URL listed below.

CDC's Data Modernization Initiative

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC's Data Modernization Initiative

The ultimate goal of CDC's Data Modernization Initiative (DMI) is to get better, faster, actionable insights for decision-making at all levels of public health. Our vision is to create one public health community that can engage robustly with healthcare, communicate meaningfully with the public, improve health equity, and have the means to protect and promote health. Five key priorities of DMI include (1) Build the right foundation, (2) Accelerate data into action, (3) Develop state-of-the-art-workforce, (4) Support and extend external partnerships, and (5) Manage change and governance.

NASA Declares 2023 as the Year of Open Science


NASA has declared 2023 as the Year of Open Science to celebrate the benefits and successes of open science and to inspire more scientists to adopt open science practices. NASA's Year of Open Science is part of the five-year Transform to Open Science (TOPS) mission and the Open Source Science Initiative (OSSI). TOPS is an ambitious plan to accelerate open science practices and major scientific discoveries by increasing understanding and adoption of open science practices and broadening participation by historically excluded communities. In 2023, TOPS will release an introductory open science curriculum, engage with historically underrepresented groups, and develop incentives for open science practices. The success of the Year of Open Science will be driven by collaborations with individuals, teams, and organizations who are ready to transform the culture of scientific research into one that celebrates openness and inclusion.
