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      Roman StudiesHistory and archaeology
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    • Classical Reception Studies
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      Classical Reception StudiesClassics and Cinema
This is a digital offprint for restricted use only | © 2014 Koninklijke Brill NV
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      Film AdaptationClassical Reception Studies
This volume grew out of an interdisciplinary discussion held in the context of the Leverhulme-funded project 'Changing Beliefs in the Human Body', through which the image of the body in pieces soon emerged as a potent site of attitudes... more
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You can access this article online, for free! Here's the link: This article explores how themes and questions developed within the field of reception studies can be usefully... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesMuseum environmentStone conservationAnalysis of Pigments on Ancient Artifacts
This chapter focuses on the anatomy of the classical hybrid, and its relationship to (whole) human and animal bodies. Both ancient and modern sources describe hybrid anatomies in the positive terms of construction and creation, of... more
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his article focuses on the models of body parts that were dedicated in Classical healing sanctuaries in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. My interpretation builds on, but goes beyond, the traditional reading of the votive body parts,... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsThe body in archaeologyHistory of Medicine and the Body
This article represents an initial exploration of how allegorical figures were made and viewed in Classical antiquity. It focuses on a well-known series of personifications which decorated a second-century CE temple complex in the heart... more
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[Opening two paragraphs - please contact me if you'd like to read the whole chapter] "In many ways, the Arch of Constantine in Rome is an obvious choice of subject for an exploration of Roman memory. Not only was its primary function... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureLate AntiquityMemory Studies This chapter focuses on the small-scale models of classical ruins sold by vendors in the historic centre of Naples. These models, which normally represent columns, arches and... more
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      Material culture of religionClassical Reception StudiesNaples
[First 2 paragraphs of article follow] For historians interested in the religious beliefs and practices of classical antiquity, votive offerings constitute a resource of almost immeasurable richness. Gifts to the gods—anathemata in... more
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      Biography of ObjectsEx-VotoVotivesAnatomical votives
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      ReligionJapanese StudiesAmerican StudiesClassical Archaeology
This book examines a type of object that was widespread and very popular in classical antiquity-votive offerings in the shape of parts of the human body. It collects examples from four principal areas and time periods: Classical Greece,... more
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      ArchaeologyClassicsArt HistoryVotives
Many of the votive offerings which survive from antiquity were purpose-made for dedication. These include things like anatomical votives, figurines, temple models, and sculpted reliefs bearing scenes of sacrifice or healing. Other types... more
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An 'In Conversation' article for the journal 'Material Religion', on the topic of 'Sensual Religion' (co-authors: Graham Harvey, Angeliki Lymberopoulou, and Patricia Rodrigues de Souza). Free eprint via link below (50 copies).
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      Material ReligionSouth Italian vase-paintingThe Senses
This opening essay introduces the term 'material religion' and gives a brief account of this academic field and its history. It considers how and why classicists and classical archaeologists have not yet fully engaged with the debates... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMaterial Religion
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      Italian (European History)History of Roman CatholicismSpirituality & MysticismMariology
"This book investigates one of the most characteristic and prominent features of ancient Greek literature – the scene of debate or agon, in which with varying degrees of formality characters square up to each other and engage in a contest... more
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      World LiteraturesClassicsGreek LiteratureHomer
In this paper we analyse Oedipus’ appearance during Odysseus’ tale in book 11 of Homer’s Odyssey in order to outline and test a methodology for appreciating the poetic and thematic implications of moments when ‘extraneous’ narratives or... more
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      World LiteraturesClassicsGreek LiteratureHomer