Microbes and Infectious Diseases (Print), Oct 26, 2022
Background: The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tubercul... more Background: The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) has increased greatly and continues to be impacted by co-infection with HIV/AIDS. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of TB and rifampicin-resistant M. tuberculosis among inmates. Methods: A total of 90 male and female inmates of age 18 years and above from the Nigerian Correctional Services Centre attending Faith Alive Foundation Hospital Jos, Nigeria were randomly recruited for the study. Sputum samples were collected in a large mouth transparent close cap container. Samples were analyzed using the Zheil-Neelsen staining technique and then confirmed using the Gene-Xpert technology. Data obtained were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21 software. Results: The overall prevalence of rifampicinresistant M. tuberculosis was 0(0.0%) while that of M. tuberculosis was 11(12.2%), with a male and female prevalence of 8(11.4%) and 3(3.3%) respectively. The prevalence of M. tuberculosis was highest amongst participants between ages 51-60 years, 3(75%), who have tertiary education, 3(27.3%), with a positive HIV status, 6(30%), and who were non-smokers, 8(17.4%). There was a statistically significant relationship between the presence of M. tuberculosis and participants' age group (p = 0.016), and HIV status (p = 0.023). Conclusion: Although there was no positive case of RIF/MTB, the findings indicate the presence of TB therefore, there is a need for continued advocacy on proper treatment and management of TB among inmates to forestall the emergence of rifampicin-resistant TB.
The conventional methods of identification of Salmonella involving microbiological enrichment and... more The conventional methods of identification of Salmonella involving microbiological enrichment and successive identification mostly are tedious, time consuming and not specific. Therefore, the aim of this study was to utilize molecular techniques to characterize Salmonella species isolates from some Hospitals in Jos, Nigeria. The 10 isolates collected from some Hospitals in Jos, Nigeria were screened for Salmonella using conventional biochemical methods. The positive isolates were identified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for discernment of invasion A (invA) gene at explicit molecular size (284 bp) utilizing explicit primers (forward and reverse). Sequencing of the invA gene was performed and the similarities and differences between our invA gene and published sequences on GenBank were assessed. Seven out of ten confirmed Salmonella species isolates were positive to the invA gene while the remaining three were negative. The homology level of nucleotide sequence (97.746%) demon...
A study was carried out to explore the amount of biogas that could be produced using segregated p... more A study was carried out to explore the amount of biogas that could be produced using segregated portions of municipal solid wastes (food residue, leaves, paper and a mixture of the three segregates) in Jos city, Nigeria, as substrates. The segregates were mixed with water and cow dung as inoculums, in the ratio of 3:3:1 and subjected to anaerobic digestion using a laboratory-biogas generation system set at 37 o C for a period of 25 days. The initial and final pH values of the substrates were recorded. The amount of biogas generated was measured by the method of downward displacement of water from a measuring cylinder. Total plate and methanogenic bacterial counts were taken prior to, during and after fermentation respectively. The bacteria associated with the wastes were cultured on nutrient agar and modified methanogenic agar medium, enumerated, isolated and then characterized using standard bacteriological techniques. Microbial succession during the fermentation process of biogas production was determined. The results show that all the substrates demonstrated potentials for biogas production with leaves generating the highest volume of biogas. The volumes generated by each segregate were 996cm 3 , 52cm 3 , 36cm 3 and 24cm 3 for leaves, food residue, mixture of segregates and paper respectively. The microorganisms isolated include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp, Escherichia coli, Clostridium spp, Methanococcus spp and Methanobacterium spp. The results on the microbial succession study indicate that Streptococcus spp, Clostridium spp, Escherichia coli, Methanobacterium spp and Methanococcus spp were the most active organisms involved in the biodigestion/biogas generation process. It can be concluded from the study that municipal solid wastes are a potential energy source for biogas generation that could be optimized at industrial scales.
The attempt to use probiotic lactic acid bacteria from a popular fermented beverage in a Nigeria ... more The attempt to use probiotic lactic acid bacteria from a popular fermented beverage in a Nigeria (kunun zaki) is a quest to find an ideal cure for Helicobcter pylori-induced gastritis, gastric malignancies and peptic ulcer. The lactic acid bacteria counts of the samples of the beverage were determined and the organisms were identified using standard bacteriological methods and tested against Helicobacter pylori.The results showed the mean Lactic acid bacterial count to be 4.5x 10 8 cfu/ml while the microbial flora in the beverage were Lactobacillus acidophilus (50%), Lactobacillus casei (20%), Lactobacillus plantarum (10%), Bacillus cereus (10%) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10%) with their respective frequencies of occurrences in parentheses. The inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus with the mean zone of inhibition of 51.25mm was found to be more effective against Helicobacter pylori strain J99, while Lactobacillus casei with the zone of inhibition of 39.50mm was more effective against strain P12. The synergistic effect of the two lactobacilli combined in equal proportion against both strain J99 and strain P12 with the mean zones of inhibition of 80.00mm and 77.75mm respectively for the H. pylori strains were significantly higher than those of the individual lactobacilli used. It could be concluded from this study that the two Lactobacillus sp from 'kununzaki' demonstrated strong inhibitory effects against Helicobacter pylori and further studies are recommended to validate if they could serve as probiotic alternatives to the treatment of H. pylori-induced peptic ulcers.
Spent brewers’ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is a good source of protein, amino acids, v... more Spent brewers’ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is a good source of protein, amino acids, vitamins, crude fibre and metabolizable energy remains underutilized in spite of its several advantages. Spent brewer’s yeast was used to formulate poultry feed replacing soya bean in graded levels and used in broiler chicken production. Objective: To investigate the effect of spent brewers’ yeast on growth performance, carcass characteristics and internal organs of broiler chickens. Methods: Two hundred 14 day old “sayed” broiler chickens were used to determine the growth performance and carcass characteristics as well as internal organs fed the formulated feeds. Five experimental diets containing 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% spent brewers’ yeast used to replace soya bean were formulated and used to feed broiler chickens for 50 days. The experiments were in a completely randomized design with the five treatments each replicating four times with 40 birds per treatment and 10 birds per replicate. ...
Zika virus infection (ZIKVI) have been known for years in Africa but data on sero-epidemiology am... more Zika virus infection (ZIKVI) have been known for years in Africa but data on sero-epidemiology among vulnerable pregnant women is lacking. We aimed to describe the seroprevalence of ZIKVI and associated factors in Jos, North Central Nigeria. A cross-sectional study was performed at Plateau State Specialist Hospital in Jos, North Central Nigeria from August to December 2020. We enrolled a total of 90 (45 HIV positive and 45 HIV negative) pregnant women aged ≥18 and ≤50 years attending antenatal clinic. Ethical approval was obtained and approved by the Health Research Ethics Committee of the hospital. Detection of ZIKV IgG antibodies was done using a commercial sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit to qualitatively analyze Human Zika virus IgG (ZV-IgG) in human serum. A total of 90 pregnant women was recruited, and the overall seroprevalence was (14.4%) for Zika virus (20.0% HIV positive and 8.9% negative) IgG antibodies. A significant association was found with age category among the HIV negative pregnant women p=0.012, and in the history of blood transfusion among the HIV positive participants, p=0.013. No association with educational level, employment, marital and resident, gestational trimester, fever, yellow fever vaccination, rashes and parity was found for anti-ZIKV IgG positivity in the groups. Our results showed high seroprevalence among the pregnant women, an indication that the ZIKV antigen that triggered the antibodies response is in circulation, therefore, suggest the need for ZIKV surveillance and larger study on specific IgM antibodies in Nigeria.
Human vitamin deficiencies still occur in many countries although most vitamins are present in a ... more Human vitamin deficiencies still occur in many countries although most vitamins are present in a variety of foods, mainly because of malnutrition not only as a result of insufficient food intake but also because of unbalanced diets; this work screens some Lactic acid bacteria isolated from selected Nigerian fermented foods for vitamin (thiamine, riboflavin and niacin) production. Five lactic acid bacteria were isolated from selected Nigerian fermented foods (yoghurt, ogi, ogiri, ugba). The isolated lactic acid bacteria were identified based on cultural and biochemical characteristics. All the isolates were screened for thiamine, riboflavin and niacin production using microbiological assay. Thiamine, riboflavin and niacin produced were quantified.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are often predisposed to infectious diseases because of the t... more Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are often predisposed to infectious diseases because of the temporary nature of their abode which usually does not have adequate water and hygiene facilities. A hundred (100) samples of hand-washed water taken under aseptic conditions from the hands of the IDPs prior to the emergence of COVID-19 were analyzed using standard bacteriological procedures to determine the total plate and coliform counts, identify the bacterial isolates, and to determine their sensitivity to an array of commonly used antibiotics. Structured questionnaires were also administered to IDPs in order to determine their knowledge, practice, and compliance to hand washing. The results of the study showed the mean total plate count and coliform count of the subjects to be 2.71 × 105 cfu/ml and 2.78 × 105 cfu/ml for House of Recabs and 2.90 × 105 cfu/ml and 2.54 ×105 for Stefanos Foundation respectively. The percentage frequency of Occurrence (in brackets) of the bacterial isolat...
Municipal solid wastes constitute one of the most challenging health and environmental hazards fa... more Municipal solid wastes constitute one of the most challenging health and environmental hazards facing urbanizations in African countries. This study was therefore carried out on antibiotics susceptibility profile of bacterial pathogens and possible health hazards that could be associated with municipal solid wastes in Gboko town, Nigeria. Fourty samples were collected for bacteriological analyses. The municipal solid wastes collected were mixed homogenously, segregated and each segregate was weighed and recorded. The bacteriological loads and flora of the wastes were determined. The antibiogram assay of the isolates was carried out as well. A structured questionnaire was administered to households in order to assess the challenges and hazards associated with the wastes in Gboko town. The biodegradable bulks occupied the total mean of 63.59 % while the non-biodegradable matter formed the remaining 36.41% respectively. The bacterial isolates from the dumps with their respective percen...
Antibiotics being an effective antibacterial did not really last long as expected. This is becaus... more Antibiotics being an effective antibacterial did not really last long as expected. This is because as soon as they were discovered, bacteria started developing resistance against it. Even though studies have shown that resistance genes existed long before the discovery of antibiotics, the reason why we have increased growth in antibiotics resistance is as a result of misuse and overuse of the agents in human and agricultural settings. The aim of this study is to identify the common bacterial species in wastewater and to determine their resistance pattern to regularly/commonly used antibiotics. Samples were collected from the general wastewater channel of the state specialist hospital, Maiduguri. The bacterial isolates identified were Enterobacter spp, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp, Proteus spp, Klebsiella spp, Salmonella spp, Bacillus spp, Coagulase -ve Staphylococcus and other Coliform spp. The antibiotics susceptibility of the bacterial isolates was assayed using the dis...
Escherichia coli O157:H7 commensally lives in the rumen of food animals, making it an important f... more Escherichia coli O157:H7 commensally lives in the rumen of food animals, making it an important foodborne pathogen. It can be transmitted through direct and indirect contact with animals or manure of animals carrying E. coli O157:H7, mediating its transfer to water and food products, which could cause infections to human upon consumption. E. coli O157:H7 is currently an emerging food-borne pathogen of severe public health concern. To this effect, bacteriophages can provide alternative measures for its control. This study was aimed at isolation and characterization of lytic phages isolated from effluent water and soil against E. coli O157:H7 as potential biocontrol agents. Fifty environmental bacteria and four phages were isolated from six different locations; Student Village Hostel_1and 2, Old JUTH_1and 2 and Angwa Rukuba_1 and 2 and were examined for their physiological and morphological characteristics. The fifty environmental bacteria isolates were characterized and screened to d...
European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2021
In the quest to produce an acceptable local beverage that could serve as an alternative variety t... more In the quest to produce an acceptable local beverage that could serve as an alternative variety to kunun-zaki for many millions of Nigerians who take the cereal-based beverage as their most preferred and affordable drink a study was undertaken to assess the microbial and sensory quality attributes of laboratory-produced Date fruit-based kunun-zaki. Different blends of dry date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) formulated as follows; F1 (100:0), F2 (70:30), F3 (50:50), and F4 (30:70%) of date fruits/sorghum were soaked overnight in water, drained and were wet-milled with ginger and cloves using an equal volume of sterile water, F5 (0:100) was market (Control) sample. The microbial succession study included the identification of organisms at various critical stages of the production of the beverage. The results of the study showed the mean pH, and TTA (%) values for the respective formulated Kunun-dabino product were F1 (4.87 and 0.3870), F2 (4.66 and 0.4508),...
An Aspergillus niger isolate was screened for citric acid production from glucose and the cultura... more An Aspergillus niger isolate was screened for citric acid production from glucose and the cultural conditions were manipulated for optimum citric acid production. Optimization studies improved citric acid yield by 13.34% from 12.81 g/l obtained during the screening test to 14.52 g/l obtained at the end of the optimization studies. Glucose concentration of 15%, pH of 5.5, methanol at 3% concentration (v/v) and agitation rate of 450 rpm were found to be more suitable for citric acid production by the Aspergillus niger isolate used in this studies. Keywords : Citric acid, Aspergillus niger , Submerged fermentation, cultural conditions
Background: The high cost of conventional animal feed ingredients in Nigeria has made it necessar... more Background: The high cost of conventional animal feed ingredients in Nigeria has made it necessary to search for alternative local sources of feed. Crop residues including sweet potato leaves abound in Nigeria. These have been explored as feed sources. The ability of microorganisms to convert agricultural wastes to more useful products could be harnessed to produce feed from sweet potato leaves which can be obtained in high abundance at low cost. Aim: To examine the possibility of converting sweet potato leaves to animal feed through fermentation with a co-culture of Chaetomium globosum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Materials and Methods: Triplicate samples of sweet potato leaves were fermented with a coculture of C. globosum and S. cerevisiae for 21 days at 25±2°C and the effects of fermentatio n on Original Research Article
Microbes and Infectious Diseases (Print), Oct 26, 2022
Background: The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tubercul... more Background: The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) has increased greatly and continues to be impacted by co-infection with HIV/AIDS. Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of TB and rifampicin-resistant M. tuberculosis among inmates. Methods: A total of 90 male and female inmates of age 18 years and above from the Nigerian Correctional Services Centre attending Faith Alive Foundation Hospital Jos, Nigeria were randomly recruited for the study. Sputum samples were collected in a large mouth transparent close cap container. Samples were analyzed using the Zheil-Neelsen staining technique and then confirmed using the Gene-Xpert technology. Data obtained were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 21 software. Results: The overall prevalence of rifampicinresistant M. tuberculosis was 0(0.0%) while that of M. tuberculosis was 11(12.2%), with a male and female prevalence of 8(11.4%) and 3(3.3%) respectively. The prevalence of M. tuberculosis was highest amongst participants between ages 51-60 years, 3(75%), who have tertiary education, 3(27.3%), with a positive HIV status, 6(30%), and who were non-smokers, 8(17.4%). There was a statistically significant relationship between the presence of M. tuberculosis and participants' age group (p = 0.016), and HIV status (p = 0.023). Conclusion: Although there was no positive case of RIF/MTB, the findings indicate the presence of TB therefore, there is a need for continued advocacy on proper treatment and management of TB among inmates to forestall the emergence of rifampicin-resistant TB.
The conventional methods of identification of Salmonella involving microbiological enrichment and... more The conventional methods of identification of Salmonella involving microbiological enrichment and successive identification mostly are tedious, time consuming and not specific. Therefore, the aim of this study was to utilize molecular techniques to characterize Salmonella species isolates from some Hospitals in Jos, Nigeria. The 10 isolates collected from some Hospitals in Jos, Nigeria were screened for Salmonella using conventional biochemical methods. The positive isolates were identified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for discernment of invasion A (invA) gene at explicit molecular size (284 bp) utilizing explicit primers (forward and reverse). Sequencing of the invA gene was performed and the similarities and differences between our invA gene and published sequences on GenBank were assessed. Seven out of ten confirmed Salmonella species isolates were positive to the invA gene while the remaining three were negative. The homology level of nucleotide sequence (97.746%) demon...
A study was carried out to explore the amount of biogas that could be produced using segregated p... more A study was carried out to explore the amount of biogas that could be produced using segregated portions of municipal solid wastes (food residue, leaves, paper and a mixture of the three segregates) in Jos city, Nigeria, as substrates. The segregates were mixed with water and cow dung as inoculums, in the ratio of 3:3:1 and subjected to anaerobic digestion using a laboratory-biogas generation system set at 37 o C for a period of 25 days. The initial and final pH values of the substrates were recorded. The amount of biogas generated was measured by the method of downward displacement of water from a measuring cylinder. Total plate and methanogenic bacterial counts were taken prior to, during and after fermentation respectively. The bacteria associated with the wastes were cultured on nutrient agar and modified methanogenic agar medium, enumerated, isolated and then characterized using standard bacteriological techniques. Microbial succession during the fermentation process of biogas production was determined. The results show that all the substrates demonstrated potentials for biogas production with leaves generating the highest volume of biogas. The volumes generated by each segregate were 996cm 3 , 52cm 3 , 36cm 3 and 24cm 3 for leaves, food residue, mixture of segregates and paper respectively. The microorganisms isolated include Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp, Escherichia coli, Clostridium spp, Methanococcus spp and Methanobacterium spp. The results on the microbial succession study indicate that Streptococcus spp, Clostridium spp, Escherichia coli, Methanobacterium spp and Methanococcus spp were the most active organisms involved in the biodigestion/biogas generation process. It can be concluded from the study that municipal solid wastes are a potential energy source for biogas generation that could be optimized at industrial scales.
The attempt to use probiotic lactic acid bacteria from a popular fermented beverage in a Nigeria ... more The attempt to use probiotic lactic acid bacteria from a popular fermented beverage in a Nigeria (kunun zaki) is a quest to find an ideal cure for Helicobcter pylori-induced gastritis, gastric malignancies and peptic ulcer. The lactic acid bacteria counts of the samples of the beverage were determined and the organisms were identified using standard bacteriological methods and tested against Helicobacter pylori.The results showed the mean Lactic acid bacterial count to be 4.5x 10 8 cfu/ml while the microbial flora in the beverage were Lactobacillus acidophilus (50%), Lactobacillus casei (20%), Lactobacillus plantarum (10%), Bacillus cereus (10%) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10%) with their respective frequencies of occurrences in parentheses. The inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus with the mean zone of inhibition of 51.25mm was found to be more effective against Helicobacter pylori strain J99, while Lactobacillus casei with the zone of inhibition of 39.50mm was more effective against strain P12. The synergistic effect of the two lactobacilli combined in equal proportion against both strain J99 and strain P12 with the mean zones of inhibition of 80.00mm and 77.75mm respectively for the H. pylori strains were significantly higher than those of the individual lactobacilli used. It could be concluded from this study that the two Lactobacillus sp from 'kununzaki' demonstrated strong inhibitory effects against Helicobacter pylori and further studies are recommended to validate if they could serve as probiotic alternatives to the treatment of H. pylori-induced peptic ulcers.
Spent brewers’ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is a good source of protein, amino acids, v... more Spent brewers’ yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which is a good source of protein, amino acids, vitamins, crude fibre and metabolizable energy remains underutilized in spite of its several advantages. Spent brewer’s yeast was used to formulate poultry feed replacing soya bean in graded levels and used in broiler chicken production. Objective: To investigate the effect of spent brewers’ yeast on growth performance, carcass characteristics and internal organs of broiler chickens. Methods: Two hundred 14 day old “sayed” broiler chickens were used to determine the growth performance and carcass characteristics as well as internal organs fed the formulated feeds. Five experimental diets containing 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% spent brewers’ yeast used to replace soya bean were formulated and used to feed broiler chickens for 50 days. The experiments were in a completely randomized design with the five treatments each replicating four times with 40 birds per treatment and 10 birds per replicate. ...
Zika virus infection (ZIKVI) have been known for years in Africa but data on sero-epidemiology am... more Zika virus infection (ZIKVI) have been known for years in Africa but data on sero-epidemiology among vulnerable pregnant women is lacking. We aimed to describe the seroprevalence of ZIKVI and associated factors in Jos, North Central Nigeria. A cross-sectional study was performed at Plateau State Specialist Hospital in Jos, North Central Nigeria from August to December 2020. We enrolled a total of 90 (45 HIV positive and 45 HIV negative) pregnant women aged ≥18 and ≤50 years attending antenatal clinic. Ethical approval was obtained and approved by the Health Research Ethics Committee of the hospital. Detection of ZIKV IgG antibodies was done using a commercial sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit to qualitatively analyze Human Zika virus IgG (ZV-IgG) in human serum. A total of 90 pregnant women was recruited, and the overall seroprevalence was (14.4%) for Zika virus (20.0% HIV positive and 8.9% negative) IgG antibodies. A significant association was found with age category among the HIV negative pregnant women p=0.012, and in the history of blood transfusion among the HIV positive participants, p=0.013. No association with educational level, employment, marital and resident, gestational trimester, fever, yellow fever vaccination, rashes and parity was found for anti-ZIKV IgG positivity in the groups. Our results showed high seroprevalence among the pregnant women, an indication that the ZIKV antigen that triggered the antibodies response is in circulation, therefore, suggest the need for ZIKV surveillance and larger study on specific IgM antibodies in Nigeria.
Human vitamin deficiencies still occur in many countries although most vitamins are present in a ... more Human vitamin deficiencies still occur in many countries although most vitamins are present in a variety of foods, mainly because of malnutrition not only as a result of insufficient food intake but also because of unbalanced diets; this work screens some Lactic acid bacteria isolated from selected Nigerian fermented foods for vitamin (thiamine, riboflavin and niacin) production. Five lactic acid bacteria were isolated from selected Nigerian fermented foods (yoghurt, ogi, ogiri, ugba). The isolated lactic acid bacteria were identified based on cultural and biochemical characteristics. All the isolates were screened for thiamine, riboflavin and niacin production using microbiological assay. Thiamine, riboflavin and niacin produced were quantified.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are often predisposed to infectious diseases because of the t... more Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are often predisposed to infectious diseases because of the temporary nature of their abode which usually does not have adequate water and hygiene facilities. A hundred (100) samples of hand-washed water taken under aseptic conditions from the hands of the IDPs prior to the emergence of COVID-19 were analyzed using standard bacteriological procedures to determine the total plate and coliform counts, identify the bacterial isolates, and to determine their sensitivity to an array of commonly used antibiotics. Structured questionnaires were also administered to IDPs in order to determine their knowledge, practice, and compliance to hand washing. The results of the study showed the mean total plate count and coliform count of the subjects to be 2.71 × 105 cfu/ml and 2.78 × 105 cfu/ml for House of Recabs and 2.90 × 105 cfu/ml and 2.54 ×105 for Stefanos Foundation respectively. The percentage frequency of Occurrence (in brackets) of the bacterial isolat...
Municipal solid wastes constitute one of the most challenging health and environmental hazards fa... more Municipal solid wastes constitute one of the most challenging health and environmental hazards facing urbanizations in African countries. This study was therefore carried out on antibiotics susceptibility profile of bacterial pathogens and possible health hazards that could be associated with municipal solid wastes in Gboko town, Nigeria. Fourty samples were collected for bacteriological analyses. The municipal solid wastes collected were mixed homogenously, segregated and each segregate was weighed and recorded. The bacteriological loads and flora of the wastes were determined. The antibiogram assay of the isolates was carried out as well. A structured questionnaire was administered to households in order to assess the challenges and hazards associated with the wastes in Gboko town. The biodegradable bulks occupied the total mean of 63.59 % while the non-biodegradable matter formed the remaining 36.41% respectively. The bacterial isolates from the dumps with their respective percen...
Antibiotics being an effective antibacterial did not really last long as expected. This is becaus... more Antibiotics being an effective antibacterial did not really last long as expected. This is because as soon as they were discovered, bacteria started developing resistance against it. Even though studies have shown that resistance genes existed long before the discovery of antibiotics, the reason why we have increased growth in antibiotics resistance is as a result of misuse and overuse of the agents in human and agricultural settings. The aim of this study is to identify the common bacterial species in wastewater and to determine their resistance pattern to regularly/commonly used antibiotics. Samples were collected from the general wastewater channel of the state specialist hospital, Maiduguri. The bacterial isolates identified were Enterobacter spp, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp, Proteus spp, Klebsiella spp, Salmonella spp, Bacillus spp, Coagulase -ve Staphylococcus and other Coliform spp. The antibiotics susceptibility of the bacterial isolates was assayed using the dis...
Escherichia coli O157:H7 commensally lives in the rumen of food animals, making it an important f... more Escherichia coli O157:H7 commensally lives in the rumen of food animals, making it an important foodborne pathogen. It can be transmitted through direct and indirect contact with animals or manure of animals carrying E. coli O157:H7, mediating its transfer to water and food products, which could cause infections to human upon consumption. E. coli O157:H7 is currently an emerging food-borne pathogen of severe public health concern. To this effect, bacteriophages can provide alternative measures for its control. This study was aimed at isolation and characterization of lytic phages isolated from effluent water and soil against E. coli O157:H7 as potential biocontrol agents. Fifty environmental bacteria and four phages were isolated from six different locations; Student Village Hostel_1and 2, Old JUTH_1and 2 and Angwa Rukuba_1 and 2 and were examined for their physiological and morphological characteristics. The fifty environmental bacteria isolates were characterized and screened to d...
European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2021
In the quest to produce an acceptable local beverage that could serve as an alternative variety t... more In the quest to produce an acceptable local beverage that could serve as an alternative variety to kunun-zaki for many millions of Nigerians who take the cereal-based beverage as their most preferred and affordable drink a study was undertaken to assess the microbial and sensory quality attributes of laboratory-produced Date fruit-based kunun-zaki. Different blends of dry date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) formulated as follows; F1 (100:0), F2 (70:30), F3 (50:50), and F4 (30:70%) of date fruits/sorghum were soaked overnight in water, drained and were wet-milled with ginger and cloves using an equal volume of sterile water, F5 (0:100) was market (Control) sample. The microbial succession study included the identification of organisms at various critical stages of the production of the beverage. The results of the study showed the mean pH, and TTA (%) values for the respective formulated Kunun-dabino product were F1 (4.87 and 0.3870), F2 (4.66 and 0.4508),...
An Aspergillus niger isolate was screened for citric acid production from glucose and the cultura... more An Aspergillus niger isolate was screened for citric acid production from glucose and the cultural conditions were manipulated for optimum citric acid production. Optimization studies improved citric acid yield by 13.34% from 12.81 g/l obtained during the screening test to 14.52 g/l obtained at the end of the optimization studies. Glucose concentration of 15%, pH of 5.5, methanol at 3% concentration (v/v) and agitation rate of 450 rpm were found to be more suitable for citric acid production by the Aspergillus niger isolate used in this studies. Keywords : Citric acid, Aspergillus niger , Submerged fermentation, cultural conditions
Background: The high cost of conventional animal feed ingredients in Nigeria has made it necessar... more Background: The high cost of conventional animal feed ingredients in Nigeria has made it necessary to search for alternative local sources of feed. Crop residues including sweet potato leaves abound in Nigeria. These have been explored as feed sources. The ability of microorganisms to convert agricultural wastes to more useful products could be harnessed to produce feed from sweet potato leaves which can be obtained in high abundance at low cost. Aim: To examine the possibility of converting sweet potato leaves to animal feed through fermentation with a co-culture of Chaetomium globosum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Materials and Methods: Triplicate samples of sweet potato leaves were fermented with a coculture of C. globosum and S. cerevisiae for 21 days at 25±2°C and the effects of fermentatio n on Original Research Article
Papers by John Egbere