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Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

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Imagining Nishiura in this situation... [Aug. 31st, 2014|06:46 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

I can't picture Haruna agreeing to pitch a game like this, but maybe Mihashi would...
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Big Windup AMV - Starting Line "Best of Me" - Abe X Mihashi [Nov. 21st, 2013|11:46 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun
Here is a Big Windup AMV I made! It's Mihashi X Abe, to the song "Best of Me" by The Starting Line, made by me. I got really lazy partway through and stopped screen recording new clips and just used stuff I had. But I did the best with what I had. Enjoy!~~~

p.s. I am also looking for Oofuri friends! I also like Cross Game and Ace of the Diamond. I go to conventions too. I want to cosplay the catcher from Ace of the Diamond. I've already cosplayed as a Nishiura player as my first cosplay ever. I also like learning Japanese & making videos like this for other animes. I made a Sora X Riku (Kingdom Hearts) one too, which I think is kinda has better clips to go with it -
Comment, PM, etc. to exchange contact online information, such as Skype, google hangouts, Facebook, Facebook groups etc. Those are my preferred contact methods, but I'm open to joining other platforms for the sake of my Oofuri friends. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! :3
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Fall tournament structure discussion [Jun. 27th, 2013|02:50 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

Due to the current chapters of the manga, aflyingteapot and I have been discussing how the fall tournament works, and we think we've finally got it mostly figured out? If anyone else knows more about how the fall tournament works and wants to chime in, or if you want to see what we've put together so far, I made a new entry with this discussion here.
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Fic (Oofuri) - Disproportionate Retribution [Jun. 4th, 2013|06:06 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun


Title: Disproportionate Retribution
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Haruna/Mihashi; past Haruna/Abe and one-sided Abe/Mihashi
Word count: 4749
Warnings: Frotting? Is that something you warn for??
Summary: The only thing Haruna has on his mind when he decides to seduce Mihashi is vengeance. Really.
Notes: This is set post-high school, so everyone's college-age and there are references to games/events that haven't happened in canon. This also ended up a lot filthier than I initially intended, so um. Sorry/you're welcome? :D Thanks as usual to reallycorking for the read-through and feedback ♥

At my fic journal: It's not like Haruna has an explicit desire to see Takaya suffer.
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Cosplay picspam [May. 27th, 2013|08:42 am]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

Hi! Welp, I posted a picspam with a bunch of my favorite awesome Oofuri cosplays in my journal a few weeks back, but then I forgot to link it here! So I'm linking to it now, in case anyone would like to see: Oofuri cosplayspam

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Oofuri MADS [May. 11th, 2013|03:16 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun
Hey guys! I'm new to this website in general (I actually just created an account for this community :P), so sorry if I do anything wrong. If I do, don't hesitate to take it down!
Anyways, I found these MADs that I absolutely adore (and wish I could understand): (Kuso miso technique? o_o) (o.o) (same type of MAD as the first one, except this one is more... abemiha-ish)\

Enjoy! :)
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Fangurlz?? [Mar. 14th, 2013|02:02 am]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun


My name is Chrispy and I need someone to Oofuri gush with. I'm new to the fandom. Super shocked that this got past me..It's amazing..... Totes just bought volumes 15-20, can't wait to get them in the mail (squeee) I'm an old otaku (my first anime convention was in '99 >< ) the internet still amazes me... and I'm not sure I completely understand how the LiveJournal thing works... (still trying to figure out what the tumbler is...) Anyway, derp aside, I want an oofuri friend!! So if anyone wants to squee with me email me! BTW I'm 24, a chick, and live in Maryland. I usually attend Katsucon, tekkoshocon, t-mode, anthrocon, animazement, otakon and AnimeUSA. I'm going to Bronycon this year too XD.


[email protected]
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SO, Ohayocon [Dec. 21st, 2012|09:48 am]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

[Current Location |my house]
[mood |sadsad]
[music |Rawkfist--TFK]

I might not be going :( I had a medical thing done yesterday, and might not have the cash to go. :( I really wanted to go, but sadly I might not be there.

I had a sinus operation, and it was pretty sudden, and urgent, and the hotels like 120 bucks a night. I still have my cosplay, and might save it for next year, which will be my last year, because I go to a doctor in columbus, and my mom makes Ohayocon a special occasion when we go down, but money is tight now. my doctor is only a pediatric doc and can see me till im 21 and I'm 20 now. It sucks, but I might go sunday, if I can make it. I really wanted to go you guys. 

Sorry. :'( 

Tajima may not be there. I am really bummed about it. 
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OHAYOCON 2013~!!!!!!! [Oct. 23rd, 2012|08:18 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

So, I AM going to Ohayocon 2013! I am planning on doing a Tajima cosplay. I act too much like him. lol. Where do you all get your baseball uniforms from? I wanna get a blank uniform from EPIC sports, and do their practice uniforms. and how hard is it to do thei Nishiura cap? I wanna be able to have one for my cosplay. any help? :) oh, and I'm new here. I'm Jules.I'm 19 and in college, and I love Oofuri :)
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selling-- [Sep. 15th, 2012|06:25 pm]
Ookiku Furikabutte - fanworks, discussion, fun

I have a few books I'm selling cheap! Trying to make room for other stuff. Most are MizuSaka.

Also selling other series books like Hetalia, One Piece, Death Note, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Tiger and Bunny, and more!

If interested, please click here for more info -- thank you very much! :]

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