? ?


I have a few books I'm selling cheap! Trying to make room for other stuff. Most are MizuSaka.

Also selling other series books like Hetalia, One Piece, Death Note, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Tiger and Bunny, and more!

If interested, please click here for more info -- thank you very much! :]

Selling some Oofuri doujinshi

Hello! I'm selling some of my old Oofuri doujinshi here since I have way too many. If you're interested please PM me or leave a comment in the linked post (doujin list). Most doujin are between $3 to $5. Cheap shipping via registered airmail (from Germany) to anywhere in the world.

Click here to see the list of doujinshi.Selli

doujinshi for sale!

I'm selling off some Oofuri doujinshi - pairings are Abe/Mihashi and Tajima/Hanai. If you're interested, please take a look here!

[Scanlation][MizuSaka] Four on Seven

TITLE: Four on Seven
DOUJINKA: machiko (london)
FANDOM: Ookiku Furikabutte
PAIRING: Mizutani FumikixSakaeguchi Yuuto
SCANS: ebil_trio
TRANSLATION: rainbowbeats
( Follow the cut )

Please comment in the post linked above if taking.
Comments are welcome and are highly appreciated. ♥
Please don't reupload/redistribute/claim as your own/retranslate.
The linked post will be locked in 2 weeks.

Selling Oofuri DJ

Selling some Oofuri doujinshi for between $4-6 USD since I'm headed back to the States soon from Japan. Pairings are Abe x Mihashi and Tajima x Hanai. Do take a look! I'm also selling doujinshi from other fandoms (including Durarara and T&B) if anyone's interested.

Doujinshi Store Info )Oofuri DJ )
Ok chapter 3 part 1 and part 2 rls :">

  Chouhen (shiriasu)

Chapter: 3 ( part 1 & 2 )

Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi

Rating: NC-17

Download here
Ok chapter 2 part 3 rls :">

  Chouhen (shiriasu)
Chapter: 2 ( part 3 )
Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi
Rating: NC-17

Download here.

Selling some Oofuri Doujinshi!

Hey guys, so I'm moving out of my place in Japan and I'm just trying to get rid of doujinshi as much as possible. Therefore I have several sets of Oofuri (mainly Mihashi/Abe and Abe/Mihashi) doujinshi to sell. Please note that these are yaoi/slash. I don't have any het doujinshi right now.

I have sold doujinshi to people in the past before (I stupidly deleted that old entry since I was no longer selling the items listed there). However, I have had past customers who have successfully received my items.

I also have doujinshi for different series (Tales of the Abyss, Inazuma Eleven and Gintama).

Oofuri doujinshi available
Ok next chapter rls :">

  Chouhen (shiriasu)
Chapter: 2 ( part 1 & part 2 )
Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi
Rating: NC-17

Download here!
xDDDD I'm back with another dj. That dj have more than 10 chapter. So i'll try upload 1 chapter / week. Hope everyone like it xD

  Chouhen (shiriasu)
Chapter: 1

Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi

Rating: NC-17

Download here.