Also selling other series books like Hetalia, One Piece, Death Note, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Tiger and Bunny, and more!

If interested, please click here for more info -- thank you very much! :]
Click here to see the list of doujinshi.Selli
I'm selling off some Oofuri doujinshi - pairings are Abe/Mihashi and Tajima/Hanai. If you're interested, please take a look 
TITLE: Four on Seven
DOUJINKA: machiko (london)
FANDOM: Ookiku Furikabutte
PAIRING: Mizutani FumikixSakaeguchi Yuuto


( Follow the cut )
Please comment in the post linked above if taking.
Comments are welcome and are highly appreciated. ♥
Please don't reupload/redistribute/claim as your own/retranslate.
The linked post will be locked in 2 weeks.
Selling some Oofuri doujinshi for between $4-6 USD since I'm headed back to the States soon from Japan. Pairings are Abe x Mihashi and Tajima x Hanai. Do take a look! I'm also selling doujinshi from other fandoms (including Durarara and T&B) if anyone's interested.
Name: Chouhen (shiriasu)
Chapter: 3 ( part 1 & 2 )
Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi
Rating: NC-17
Download here
- Current Mood:
= v='
Name: Chouhen (shiriasu)
Chapter: 2 ( part 3 )
Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi
Rating: NC-17
Download here.
- Current Mood:
= v='

Hey guys, so I'm moving out of my place in Japan and I'm just trying to get rid of doujinshi as much as possible. Therefore I have several sets of Oofuri (mainly Mihashi/Abe and Abe/Mihashi) doujinshi to sell. Please note that these are yaoi/slash. I don't have any het doujinshi right now.
I have sold doujinshi to people in the past before (I stupidly deleted that old entry since I was no longer selling the items listed there). However, I have had past customers who have successfully received my items.
I also have doujinshi for different series (Tales of the Abyss, Inazuma Eleven and Gintama).
Oofuri doujinshi available
Name: Chouhen (shiriasu)
Chapter: 2 ( part 1 & part 2 )
Characters/Pairings: Abe/Mihashi
Rating: NC-17
Download here!
- Current Mood:
xDDDD I'm back with another dj. That dj have more than 10 chapter. So i'll try upload 1 chapter / week. Hope everyone like it xD
- Current Mood: