Ohhh man, this beer makes me feel 2 emotions: happy or angry. SO HAPPYYYY!!!
What are you so happy about today from your team?!
Woo! My Ravens were on National TeeVee tonight!! Yeah! Showed everyone our beloved steamed crabs at the beginning! Then... the announcers talked about the Jets for THE ENTIRE GAME. Man, eff you! We hosted that ish AND we won! Kiss itttttt.
How did your teams do today? Any plays that stuck out at you in particular? What are you hoping for next week from your favs?
I'm really proud of the Raven's defense doing a good job at playing offense, lol. My Ravens have a bye next week, but I'll def. be checking in on some games to get in my fix!
Who are you rooting for today??
Currently watching da Bears stomp the Falcons, prayer circle 4 mah Vikings against the Chargers next.
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My b, NFL. I'll use your new playoff logo.
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( it's the final countdooooooowwn tunununu tununununuCollapse )
I think this image sums it up for me:

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What a perfect ending! I live for games like this.
let's discuss, shall we?
Vikings' Kluwe does everything to his own beat
On the field, in the locker room, in his band or on Twitter, Vikings punter Chris Kluwe is anything but ordinary.
( 'He's like a diamond -- there's a lot of facets to his being' - Vikings ST coordinator Brian MurphyCollapse )
Maybe I'm biased. Maybe it's been a slow year for the Vikings. But I, for one, think he's pretty awesome.
Try to find another speed reading football player that's been to Antarctica. That's right, there aren't any.
My next question is this: Who's your favorite player? Why?
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And I was rooting for the Ravens, too. :D
But in all seriousness, congrats. I was rooting for the…
At this point I hope we go 0-16 so we can get Andrew Luck.