OK, lots of Adam posts lately (I bet Kris is still at home sleeping and playing video games, thus there's no ~hot goss~ on him currently, lol) but I was back reading all the awesome the comments on
this amazing post...and I think Kris deserves one, too.
So ladies and gents...
How does Kris inspire you to be more kick awesome?Personally...he makes me want to be a more selfless person. Some of the things Mama Allen was talking about in that radio interview (especially the story about Kris leaving his guitar over in Thailand) seriously made my jaw drop and, tbh, made me feel like such a shitty individual, haha. If I could be like...one tenth as selfless as Kris, I feel like it would be a huge accomplishment. (And I feel like if the world was just one tenth as selfless as Kris, every problem ever would be eradicated, haha) I want to practice more random acts of kindness...give people random compliments...smile more...I KNOW THIS SOUNDS CHEESY, JUST GO WITH ME ON THIS, OK?! :D
And on a different end of things...he's making me want to go back to church. I'm not the most religious person ever...I was raised Catholic but I really do not agree with a lot of the things the Catholic church supports...but I do have a lot of faith, I'd say. It's been a sort of ping pong battle the past handful of years between my faith and my social consciousness, particularly regarding my strong beliefs in the rights of the LGBT community. And while I'm well aware you can be Christian and gay/supportive of gay rights...so much of what we see in life and in the media totally contradicts that. It's disheartening, to say the least. But then here comes little old Kris Allen...so steadfast in his beliefs and devotion, yet adamant about the fact that, YES, you can actually be an open minded, warm hearted, loving and accepting Christian. I don't know...it's just ~inspiring~ to me and makes me want to go out and find a church that I can feel at home in.
Edit: And on a completely silly note...he is helping me justify my love of plaid :D
How about you bbs?!
squinty!Kris thanks you for your time