With the new season we're making up some new rules and trying out something different. For right now, our watch posts will be the same. We'll have them for east coast and west coast on Idol nights, and spoilers should absolutely not find their way into the WC post or we'll cut out your butt hole.
Here's where the new part comes in: WE WILL BE HAVING DAILY POSTS FOR IDOL NEWS. These will be all-purpose dump posts for articles, tweets, pictures, videos, etc. These posts are free-for-alls with an emphasis on Idol info. If you want to talk about Cash Cab in them or something though nobody will get mad. The Daily News Posts will be for regular news, updates, off topic and non-spoiler on topic discussion.
We realize the term "regular news" is kind of subjective, but just use common sense. If Adam Lambert cuts his hair, that goes in the daily news post, because that's pretty regular (you're suppose to cut your hair like every 6 weeks, right?). If he shaves his whole head and runs down the street wearing green metallic paint and a codpiece, that can get its own post because that is not a standard, everyday thing.
Tweets, updates, standard pictures, behind the scenes, video blogs, and somewhat Idol-related news (XFUK, other talents shows, etc.) will go in the daily posts. Album releases, deaths, marriages, signings, and massive announcements or happenings get their own posts, as well as posts that you yourself put a lot of work into, like if you decided to shop all the season 11 contestants into High School Musical.
If you're unsure about something, ask myself (@Clamanity),

Spoilers, like elimination results, will remain spoilers until the Saturday after. On Fridays after eliminations we will have weekly spoiler-filled result discussion posts. If during the week spoilers come out, like song lists, somebody drops out, gets arrested, or something of that nature, that is considered irregular, spectacular and/or spoiler news and should go in its own post.
This might sound very confusing because I'm falling asleep right now and we only just worked this out. If you have any questions or concerns, please put them here in this post. This is a trial thing, and if it doesn't seem to work out for the comm, we'll switch things up. But for now we would like to give it a go.
82 screamers | Scream On