? ?
16 August 2011 @ 10:19 am
So I went to the Kris Allen/Lifehouse show last night and that Chris Allon guy sang this new song! Check it out!

You Got A Way (Acoustic) DTE Clarkston, Michigan August 15, 2011

18 November 2010 @ 04:49 pm

Kris thanked his fans on twitter and posted this hilariously cute vid

Very Beatles-esque.. Love it!

eta had to add one more...

& I'm feelin': gigglygiggly
30 October 2010 @ 11:10 pm
So, I just spent an entire week on the road, okay, well four days but still and in those four days I saw Kris Allen twice, here is my part one of a two part review.

Edit: Added a few concert pix. Enjoy!!

Kris Allen is a Ninja. o.OCollapse )
Current Location: Home, TN
& I'm feelin': tiredtired
25 August 2010 @ 08:00 pm
I went to Kris' show at The Social in Orlando on Friday. I was close (and The Social is TINY) so I have a lot of good pics and some video. I met Kris, Cale, Andrew, Torres and Chris Nathan after the show, so there's that too. I sort of accidentally Inception'd Cale with a merch idea. ET and half-Kris even made an appearance. \o/

There's even some Krale and some... do Andrew and Torres have a pairing name? Whatever it is, there's some of that. I also took video of the Krizzle duet, Everybody Wants to Rule the World, and Kris doing some hip-rolling dance thing about four feet in front of me. UNF.

Preview (Warning: sound isn't great on this one, but it sure is pretty):

Pics and more video in here.Collapse )

My full recap post with all of the rest of my pics and the full story of meeting everyone:

A final thought to leave you guys with: The Social has a photo booth in the dressing room and bands are encouraged to use it. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES.
& I'm feelin': contentcontent
And finally, here are some of the almost 200 pix I took at the Orlando show.  I think you guys are gonna like them.....

BIG pictures under the cut, jsyk.Collapse )
Current Location: Home, TN
& I'm feelin': contentcontent
23 August 2010 @ 11:04 pm
There is a part one to this post that I didn't think needed to be posted here but if you want to read it and see what it took to get us to this Kris show in Orlando...we live in's a link to my journal, , other than, enjoy & laugh at me, if you must. =P


Does It Surprise Anyone I Met Kris Again? What He Said To Me After the Show Though Might....;)Collapse )
Current Location: Home, TN
& I'm feelin': contentcontent
I've got a bit of media and I chatted with Cale post show - he and Kris are writing! He was triple cute and sounded incredible, imagine that?

Kris's sweet ass welcomes you in...
title or description

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