I'm sorry if this is not allowed, but after basking in the glory of trending #GodHatesHate to #1 last night, I wake up to Twitter surf and find this moron:
@adamlambert I THREW THE SEX TOYabout 8 hours ago from web in reply to adamlambert
I read these and literally said aloud WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Do you guys agree with my anger or think that maybe she was just being facetious and I should channel a clearly misguided anger toward WBC or something?
ETA: Okay, you can figure out her username apparently. Oh well. I don't really give a fuck.
Also, what the actual fuck is wrong with me. My speakers were broken, supposed to be a godsend so I could avoid listening to fuckery. Instead, I went on my dad's laptop, watched Matt's epic bubble tweet (both of them) and then decided to bleed my eardrums by listening to Kara's version of "No Boundaries". It's actually not bad, but she's so breathy and pitchy that I want to punch her in the face. She sounds like a pre-pubescent Hilary Duff.