Tags: , !!off topic, #adamfarted, #gokeyisadouche, #krisallenpoops4haiti, #mattgiraudhatgod, (guitar solo), (in rap voice), 42 & loving you in pittsburgh, a 9.6 inch duck, a boat purchase in his near future, a bunch of hot dorks, a crow moans in horny recovery, a crush doesnt mean i was having...., a fan in a seat, a nun-made bed, accidentally my ovaries, adam & kris write the fanfic you guys, adam confronts the vagina, adam got an election, adam is not a fun sucker, adam lampert, adam's facial hair is moved by this, adam's x-rated fun factory, all aboard the fail boat, all the midgets are kris, allison iraheta is a dorce of nature, anal sunshine when she's gone, and kris isn't with his wive, and then you started singing, anderdam coopbert is the new kradam, armed with a scorned vagina, batman & robin are real hot together, beauty and the leest, bed=adam, beep beep beep off the radar, before kradam there was cake, ben honeycutt tho, bicurious in the other direction, birthed from a pocket & living the dream, boo you whore, casey causes gasms, erectile this function, even guinea pigs scorn you, fake lego not tim, fake tranny pee, fap fap fap, feeding my right-click-save-as addiction, fuck me sideways six ways from sunday, get it together shit adam, getting acquainted with matt's ipad, how adam get pragnant?, hush cats, lee is ambidexterous, like a boss, moderately to severely stoked, mr. cook has a type, my nonexistant balls are blue as smurfs, my ovaries imploded, obvious troll is obvious, odontv/tyler = otp, ontd_ai is not a trending ihop, paint: the only thing that won't judge, pocket rocket, randy likes your package, randy the middleaged lumberjack, sad panda, save a babby, singing various bollywood classics, siobhan is da bomb, superman wears krisallen4real pajamas, thank you @god, that little stinker, the unicorn princeling, the universe ships kradam, this ain't dominos, this is my life, thundercock, tight pants security coming, tim is a precious angel, time for a my pants, tylerontv is more real than kradam, uhhhh i have womanly parts, wanna go to taco bell?, wanna see my figglehorn?, who was phone, wings are fun! (like adam's peen), with a fierce black girl from compton, yaayaya! (hands flailing in the air), yeah capes!, yeah i brought lasers, you have a great smile, you win a free toaster, your argument is invalid, your missing something, zombie uprising
& I'm feelin':

Current Music: Ryan Star - Start a Fire
4909 screamers | Scream On