Papers by Anna Szczepaniak-Kozak

De Gruyter eBooks, May 23, 2022
wie dieses zu starten war ein durchaus gewagtes Experiment. Umso glücklicher sind wir mit dem Res... more wie dieses zu starten war ein durchaus gewagtes Experiment. Umso glücklicher sind wir mit dem Resultat. Das erste komplett frei lizenzierte Grundrechtslehrbuch Deutschlands ist das Ergebnis eines engagierten Diskussionsprozesses vieler verschiedener Autor:innen in unterschiedlichen Stadien ihrer wissenschaftlichen Laufbahnen. Das Buch kombiniert bewährtes Wissen und aktuelle Fragen mit neuen technischen Möglichkeiten. Die Offenheit und Kompetenz unserer Autor:innen, die kollegiale Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe, das hohe Engagement und die Begeisterung aller waren eine echte Bereicherung. Unsere Rolle als Herausgabe-Team in diesem agilen Projekt war und ist stark geprägt durch die organisatorische, koordinierende und strukturierende, aber auch moderierende Arbeit. Angefangen hat unsere Arbeit mit der Zusammenstellung des Teams. Dabei war es uns wichtig, dem nach wie vor geringen Anteil von Frauen beziehungsweise FLINTA* unter den Autor:innen von Lehrbüchern, Kommentaren und Zeitschriftenbeiträgen im Verfassungsrecht zu begegnen. Besonders freut es uns, dass wir unsere selbst gesetzte Quote von 50 % Frauen erreichen konnten. Nach der Teamzusammenstellung und einem ersten Kennenlernen begann die Arbeit an den Materialien Anfang 2021. Wir sind mit einer Vision für ein offenes Grundrechtslehrbuch gestartet, haben aber weder Themen vorgegeben, noch den Autor:innen das Schreiben bestimmter Abschnitte angetragen. Vielmehr haben wir im Autor:innenkollektiv diskutiert, welche zentralen Themen wir in diesem Lehrbuch bearbeiten wollen, welche inhaltlichen Präferenzen bestehen und wie wir den Arbeitsprozess selbst strukturieren. In kreativen und energiegeladenen Diskussionen wurden die Inhalte immer wieder neu angeordnet und verfeinert. Geschrieben haben wir die Texte online auf Wikibooks in mehreren kurzen Schreibeinheiten (Book Sprints). Zwischen den einzelnen Book Sprints wurden die Texte in einem offenen Peer Review mehrfach gegenseitig gelesen und kritisch diskutiert. Einzelne Probleme wurden nicht nur bei unseren gemeinsamen Treffen, sondern vor allem in flexiblen Chatgruppen oder über die Kommentarfunktion in den Beiträgen selbst gelöst. Dieser Entstehungsprozess ist für Interessierte in den Versionsgeschichten der Artikel auf Wikibooks nachvollziehbar. Dass es nie zu ernsthaften Auseinandersetzungen kam, verdanken wir dem Engagement und der Offenheit des ganzen Teams. Gerade in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie war es eine tolle Erfahrung, über dieses Projekt mit so vielen Kolleg:innen aus ganz Deutschland zusammenzukommen, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und auch jenseits der Arbeitstreffen, zum Beispiel beim virtuellen Pubquiz, eine schöne Zeit miteinander zu verbringen.
Kultur – Kommunikation – Kreativität – Reflexivität

The paper discusses key educational issues related to the processes of decision-making and contin... more The paper discusses key educational issues related to the processes of decision-making and continuous teacher development at the level of the national (educational) authorities in Greece and Poland, regarding the urgency of the needs arising from the intensifying migration in the EU over the last two decades, and in view of the research conducted within the MaMLiSE project. The paper begins by reporting the official decisions and policies which laid the grounds for tackling the considerable linguistic variety that now characterises the school populations in each country, caused by the phenomenon of migration, and with refugee flows included. In addition, country-specific methods and resources used to produce educational materials for pupils from a migration background are presented. Finally, the available educational materials and their suitability to the specificity of each country’s current educational conditions are discussed. The concluding remarks are that a strong need is curr...
Promoting multilingual practices in school and home environments

Journal of Intercultural Communication
This paper investigates the interplay between language and intercultural communication with a spe... more This paper investigates the interplay between language and intercultural communication with a special focus on the importance of working knowledge of foreign languages other than English for a satisfactory experience during longer sojourns abroad. Its authors present a revised understanding of the role of lingua franca English and a local language (here Polish) in intercultural relationships, especially the crucial influence of local languages on conversational control and social integration while in a foreign land. Our study has shown that lingua franca English is insufficient to successfully function abroad, and individuals deciding to resettle need to invest in learning a local language which, in the longer perspective, emerges as a medium for in-depth intercultural communication pertaining to self-positioning, relation building and meaning-making of the new semiotic budget.

The monograph focuses on the interrelations between language and intercultural communication, wit... more The monograph focuses on the interrelations between language and intercultural communication, with particular emphasis on the importance of foreign language skills in shaping positive personal, professional and educational experiences of students during longer stays abroad, mainly within the Erasmus+ programme. The authors present a critical perspective on the understanding of the role of English as a lingua franca in intercultural relations and highlight the key role of the local language (in this case, Polish) in the processes of conversational control and social integration. The monograph begins with a literature review that focuses on the types of motivations underlying the decision to go or stay abroad and invest in learning the local language. In the next chapter, the authors focus on methodological aspects of narrative research in the context of intercultural communication. The theoretical part is followed by the presentation of the findings of a study based on a narrative interview, which over the course of two years (2018–2019) involved 53 respondents – representatives of 24 countries, who share the experience of an extended stay in Poland for educational or professional purposes. Contrary to popular belief, the research revealed that English is not sufficient to function abroad successfully. The results indicate that people who decide to stay abroad for a longer period should invest in learning the local language, which sooner or later becomes a medium of deep intercultural communication in terms of positioning themselves, building relationships and increasing their cultural and linguistic resources.
The Many Faces of Multilingualism, 2020

A case is one of the basic concepts in medicine and sharing information about new cases of diseas... more A case is one of the basic concepts in medicine and sharing information about new cases of diseases belongs to the oldest forms of medical communication. In this chapter, the state of the art of research on the genres of medical case reporting is discussed. In detail, two perspectives are adopted. On the one hand, its definition as well as history are provided in order to demonstrate the evolution of the genres as a result of developing medicine and changing intellectual thought styles. Moreover, the case report, along with other case-related genres, is presented to point to its characteristic features, the most important one being that it is relatively patient-focused in that it reports a particular case of a disease in a given patient. This fact allows it to be studied within the patient-centred models of medical practice. Additionally, approaches from which researchers have studied it so far are demonstrated. These include: qualitative, quantitative and linguistic approaches as w...

Angewandte Linguistik – Neue Herausforderungen und Konzepte, 2021
In this chapter, it is postulated that foreignl anguage users develop ap ragmatic accent, whichr ... more In this chapter, it is postulated that foreignl anguage users develop ap ragmatic accent, whichr efers to the systematic occurrence of selected pragmatic features in their performance of communication functions in the target language. In thespecification of this term,Irefer to tworelatedconceptualizations,one by Scarcella (1992) and the other by Yule (1996). Iapply the expression coined by Yule to refer to aphenomenon which is parallel to Scarcella'sdiscourse accent. In ordertosubstantiate this concept, in later sections of this chapter, first as ummary of the interlanguage pragmatic competence research which I conducted is presented. This empirical endeavour showed that even advanced Polish EFL speakers do not fully approximate the natives peaker model and instead retain in their pragmatic output aset of pragmatic features whichenables their easy identification as nonnativeusers. In the subsequent sections, the title concept is further exemplified by means of evidence coming from research reports offeredbyother researchers or coming from other languages. Keywords pragmatic accent, pragmatic overgeneralization, pragmatic transfer, estimation of future social distance,camaraderie 1I wish to express my thanks for prof. Karen Glaser (University of Leipzig) for reviwingthe draft of this chapter.Her ideas helped me to improvethe text to aconsiderable degree. Open-Access-Publikation im Sinne der CC-Lizenz BY-NC-ND 4.0

Biometrical Letters, 2020
Summary This paper focuses on pragmatic competence development in second or foreign language lear... more Summary This paper focuses on pragmatic competence development in second or foreign language learners. In particular, it attempts to fill the significant research gap in measuring change in pragmatic competence and capturing pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic development over time. The paper proposes an innovative approach by applying a logistic model with multinomial distribution for measuring change in InterLanguage Pragmatics Research (ILP). Applied in the field of pragmatics, this statistical tool offers a comprehensive and flexible approach to modelling relations between independent and dependent variables in ILP research. The model is tested in a longitudinal study of Polish undergraduate students learning English, and specifically in the way they formulate requests by means of requestive directness strategies. The paper concludes that, regardless of time elapsing, the factors P (power distance) and D (social distance) have a highly significant influence on the use of request...
Cyberhate in the Context of Migrations, 2022

Applied Linguistics Papers, 2018
The existing studies on pragmatic competence of English teachers, e.g., J. Majer and Ł. Salski (2... more The existing studies on pragmatic competence of English teachers, e.g., J. Majer and Ł. Salski (2004), E. Krawczyk-Neifar (2004), M. Savič (2016), A. Szczepaniak-Kozak and E. Wąsikiewicz-Firlej (in press), indicate that it is not varied and requires improvement in certain areas. These deficiencies might be interpreted as a result of not only the absence of pragmatic competence (PC) modules in teachertraining education but also a relatively low frequency of English teachers' contact with native speakers (NS) of English (A. Szczepaniak-Kozak 2010). Nevertheless, we know very little what shape teacher PC takes, including the way it differs from that represented by NSs. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies based on data collected in naturalistic settings (lessons of English). Consequently, this paper attempts to fill in this gap in research by presenting the methodology and conduct of a case study, based on classroom observation of teachers' pragmatic performance, to investigate whether there are differences in the PC represented by non-native teachers (NNTs) and native teachers (NTs) of English. The findings indicate that NTs do not hold the upper hand in this regard and that a demonstrable linguistic and pragmatic competence, along with appropriate professional training, are better indicators of diverse pragmatic input. On this basis, we propose that some degree of proficiency in pragmatics and its teaching should be a requirement for a certificate or diploma for future foreign language teachers.
Angewandte Linguistik – Neue Herausforderungen und Konzepte, 2021
Papers by Anna Szczepaniak-Kozak