? ?
Omona Queer
Where all the gay ones go
and a new background. During the next few weeks I'll see what I can do..I hope I can get this place back up and running

I don't know who this is but I ship it.
For those of you who have allowed your obsession for EXO to inspire you to role-play as one of them, check out exohex_rp. I don't wanna tl;dr all over this entry so the banner should speaks for itself. ^_^ If the EXO member you want is taken, feel free to pick someone from another band. Thanks~ <3

WOOOOOO haven't posted stuffs in a while (u-kiss is back so that might be changing real soon heh heh)!

So, I was on someone's tumblr and found this little gem. My thoughts automatically went to Key and Taemin but then I was like "when the hell will Taemin EVER be a top?"

Anyways here it is:

credit: hiswhiskeyisthelucifer
04 17 12(no subject)

well played CUBE, well played....
(hint: Hyuna groping/being groped by girls)
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