*Chris Evans was born in 1981 in Sudbury, Massachusetts
*Chris is 25 years old
*Chris's birthday is June 13 1981 which makes him a Gemini
*If not for acting, Chris had planned to attend NYU after graduating from high school
*Chris prefers film roles over television roles
*Chris had a short-lived TV series called "Opposite Sex" in which he played the character of Cary Baxton
*Chris dated 7th Heaven star Jessica Biel for several years and is currently single
*That is Chris's ACTUAL voice you hear singing in the prom segment of "Not Another Teen Movie"
*Chris can also be seen in Marilyn Manson's video "Tainted Love" along with most of the cast of NATM
*When Chris found out he had to take his shirt off in NATM he hit the gym to buff up his bod
*Chris loves teen movies
*Chris is a romantic! For Jessica Biel's birthday one year, while Jessica was asleep Chris put rose petals everywhere. Jessica woke up to 4 dozen of red, white and pink rose petals.
*Chris is a really talented artist! On Jessica and Chris's first year anniversary they couldn't be together. Jessica was filming Texas Chainsaw Massacre while Chris was filming The Perfect Score so Chris drew his and Jessica's favorite picture of the two together and framed it for her.
*Chris is fond of David Mamet films/plays, and other films/plays with small, strong character interplay
*Chris's nickname given by his friends is CEVANS (pronounced seavens)
*Chris's friends describe him as being generally good at sports, unbelievable at art, generous to a fault and very kind
*Chris has a dog 'East' who he loves, he is a half English and half American bulldog and was named after the part of the country he misses the most
*Chris lives in the valley and loves working out now
*Chris has one younger sister Shanna who lives at home with her Mom, one younger brother Scott who lives in NY and an older sister who also lives in NY, Carly. Scott and Carly are both actors too, they do theatre, and Scott has an 'amazing voice' like his brother
*Carly was the one who inspired Chris to give acting a shot
*Chris's mom's name is Lisa Evans
*Chris's dad is a dentist
*Chris's height is 6'1"
*Chris has a total of 5 tattoos and plans to get one more dedicated to his dad
*The tattoo you see on Chris's left bicep is a Taurus, his mom's birth sign. On his right arm is a symbol for "family" and the word "loyalty" and on his stomach, just above his six-pack is inked "In Loving Memory, Bardsley, With Me Always," a tribute to his best buddy, Matt, who died in an off-roading accident in November of 2003. And then on his right ankle are the letters S, C and S - for Chris's siblings, Scott, Carly and Shanna
*Chris lost the role of "Drew Baylor" to Orlando Bloom in "Elizabethtown"
*Chris gave up eating, stopped excercising and barely slept to prepare for the role of Syd in "London"
*He scored an 1180 on his SATS
*He's a big fan of cold weather and doesn't really care much for the beach
*Chris has a fear of falling and is afraid of heights
*Chris has signed on to star in three "Fantastic Four" films
*Chris says that American History is one of the most important things he learned in school and the least important was Quadric Equations
*Chris thinks schools should totally outlaw oral reports
*Chris has said the best part of growing up is learning
*He played lacrosse growing up in Boston
*Chris is a friend of Eric Christian Olsen, his NATM and Cellular co-star. Chris mentions on the NATM DVD commentary that Eric was the first person he met in LA