Moar Alphabetfic~ |
[May. 24th, 2016|12:02 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community
[ | Tags | | | city: candeco, city: dovaris, city: historical cities, city: iseon's edge, city: olinscarr, city: ycai, extremely minor characters who talk lots, fic: by a pico, flailing: general, flailing: specific, nmariside beliefs, nmariside history, nmariside vs topside, on topic i promise, pico has a lot to say on the matter, ses and piy, story: the peshe king, what is going on?!, whee this is fun | ] |
A is for Alphanumericism (8) (The Two) B is for Begrudge - (1) Hussust (& Visney)
C is for Cats! Caats! Caaaaats! (1) (Kellerin, Vidvirri, Ameih) D is for E is for F is for
G is for G is for Green, Green Pastures (5) (Aiken) H is for Hard - (3) Timaeus I is for J is for K is for L is for Laminate - (7) Kellerin & Dvoshinira M is for
N is for Ninety-Nine (2) (Senicci & Special Call)
O is for Once in a Lifetime (6) (Landri & Friends) P is for Patent - (4) Peiha Q is for Quiet - (6) Aivesi R is for Ridiculous - (2) Nindres S is for Seven Brothers - (8) Peshe King characters
T is for T is for Twice in a Lifetime (7) (Landri & Friends) U is for UV Rays - (5) Kellerin & Landri V is for
W is for W is for Waterboarding (4) (Hussust & Sauda)
X is for X is for Xerosis (3) (Nie & a Walker) Y is for Z is for
B is for Begrudge // Hussust (& Visney)
The boy was no more than nine thousanddays. Eight, perhaps. Eight and more. And here he stood, arrayed around with the ones he'd brought, declaring his terms.
"I'll not," Hussust told him, and turned away.
"You will."
The voice turned him back.
"This city is being broken, and you can't sit by," the boy said, watching him. "I can't sit by. I won't. We've the money, here from Dovaris, to help you back onto your feet. And there you'll turn, and say you won't move a hand to help us?" The boy shook his head, like a parent to a child.
Like a parent to a child! Hussust imagined what his fingers would do to that thin neck. "You of Dovaris," he said. "You can know nothing of this. Go back there. This city is mine." And when there was no movement, he frowned. "Mine. You have no understanding, you child. Go!"
Still no movement. Not a one of his forty folk stepped a mun out of line. The arrogance! The impudence! Here, surrounded with his bravado, this out-city boy had the sack to stand there and tell him what to do! Like a parent to a child!
"I'll hear no more! I'll have no more! This Ycai is nothing of yours, idiot boy, and the next you give me terms you'll find yourself regretting it with your ribs!"
He turned. No more. He'd give no more audience to this one. Left that one and his there, crossed the room, and slammed the door, and only there turned back, to watch through the hole and begin to plan - how, how, how to kill each one of them.
R is for Ridiculous // Nindres (& food)
"Does he always eat so much?" Diyes asked flatly.
Landri nodded gravely.
"He's kinda like Nathan when Nathan was growing up," Kellerin added. "Except this is like Nathan on steroids. After a meet. At pizza with his buddies."
They all watched, impressed, as Nindres devoured another chopbread. Two bites.
"Every meal?" Diyes checked, and Landri nodded again.
H is for Hard // Timaeus
He hated the stink of the place. He hated the closeness. His whole piy tensed up, every time he came through a door to here, and his ses grew curdled in his mouth.
But - there'd been trouble in Candeco. Ope Tissendra had told him about it, those roses fighting from House to House, and the Candehi Feyi-House burning in the night. Sorrovers fighting with anyone, there's great enough chance of them being in it, and so he knew he had to check.
The best case: it'd be empty.
The worst case: it wouldn't, and they'd be there.
But he could hear, as he came through the broken-locked back door, then folded it to. Nighttime. Silence. Silence. Dark. Good.
Up the stairs.
In his pocket: a topside electricity-weapon. Always with him when he came here. He'd thought for days that the Two would come down on him for it, but then they spoke of it themselves. Sure, he could use it without repercussion, as long as it was only on Topside-affiliated folks.
So, Sorrovers. Fine. All to the good.
Top of the stairs. Choking smell.
That door.
He opened it, and went in. The banked fire, the tools glinting. The door to the choke-room stood open, and his ses almost breathed relief, but then he looked around the rest of the room.
He saw the table.
It wasn't worth taking a pulse. No wonder the house was silent and still. They were done.
He left the way he'd came: equally quiet, down the stairs, closed the broken-locked door so carefully. Found the rough places in the wall and heaved himself up and over; landed, and walked down the alley, and down another, all these houses the same, all the walls white and stained, all the windows blank eyes against lamp-cornered streets.
He walked. He wanted to walk longer, but here he had reached the farthest end of the city, and herealong it was only ruined houses, dust-torn and broken down, and the cliffs and the howling wind.
Houses, crumbling. He stood in the last light of town, dull orange walls behind him, black before him, black ruins beneath his feet.
He stooped, and picked up a stone.
Turned to the cliff, and to the Mixpath Sea.
It did nothing, certainly, to add stones to the sea. He threw and screamed and threw until his throat and his arms ached, both arms, whole throat torn like fire, anything he could heft, but he still threw things, pulling loose chunks of broken-walled house and kicking at the ruins and anything he could lift, he picked up, threw out hard into the roaring dust, sweat sticking up with dust, gritting into his teeth and choking against his raw throat, spitting and hacking and kicking and hating - himself, he could be so violent as this! he did this to them he would be that - and cried out again grabbing stones and throwing wildly, fingernails breaking but what did a little thing like fingernails matter when things that could be broken were fingers and knees and ribs and pelvis and everything torn open like skin was just a thin little layer over all that red that had used to be living-
He woke at bell-greening. No one had bothered him, sleeping just here among the ruin and the rocks. Not even in Isian were they stupid enough to rob someone his size. Or perhaps it was the noise he'd made that'd scared them off. Good.
Took a door back to Candeco. Called the Two. Asked them what they would have. He couldn't get the words out, but that was alright - he mouthed the question, and they understood.
They hesitated. "You might rest," they told him.
No, he mouthed, silent. Give me something to do.
They shrugged, and did.
P is for Patent // Peiha
En had one wine, three thumbcups of elderflower liquor, a full mug of racci, an adulterated but still rather pleasant dip of white-liquor, a share or two of milk-liquor, two glasses of soju, and a rather dull beer to wash it all down with, accompanied by an absolutely enormous plate of tiny, delicate cakelets.
It was a very expensive evening, but, well, that was celebration for you. En ended up too drunk to even think about flirting with anyone, although the part where en got sat on by someone - too far-gone at that point to truly saw who - had put en in mind to do so. Eventually. When ende head wasn't spinning.
A very successful evening, overall.
U is for UV Rays // Kellerin & Landri
"That's the sun."
"It can't be, Kij-girl."
"No, really." She pointed. "There's like, I think, a million earths can fit inside the sun. So that's about how big it is compared to Earth. And Earth compared to the nmari ... I mean, I dunno how big the nmari is -"
"A hundred dayslength."
"A hundred. You guys always do things in metric, how's it exactly a hundred?"
Landri shrugged, falling back. "A hundred is a hundred, Kij-girl, that's big enough for me."
"Nothing's big enough for you."
Landri grinned and held his hands out for her.
Q is for Quiet // Aivesi
There was peace here. Out, on the path: nothing else to do but walk.
No one he had to listen to.
Sure, and surely there were folk walking, Walkers, and groups, caravans, and all manner of traders walking uppath and down, in the day, and they stared, or ignored him, or reacted in all manner of idiotic ways. That was people. They would do that. Hadn't his father warned him and warned him? and so he was ready. Fine.
Bindri-ao beside him. Bindri-ao always beside him.
They would reach The City in three more days, he said, and Aivesi nodded and kept walking. Walking was tiring, certainly, but it was, for his ses, a relief not felt since the windlong.
He would miss it.
L is for Laminate // Kellerin and Dvoshinira
Kellerin looked up from the cabinet. It was a really pretty cabinet, and Landris' dad was working on another one over there to match it.
"Sorry, what?"
"That when you'd return to us from Diyes," Landri's dad said, painting on clear stuff onto the wood. He looked up at her, nodding friendlily. "I might ask?"
"Oh, uh." Kellerin ran a hand over the cabinet. "I didn't know you wanted us to come back. I thought -" and then, as that silence turned into an awkward one, since Landri's dad was staring at her, kind of, "...I thought that's where we were staying?"
Dvoshinira frowned, and put his little paintbrush down. "You'd live up in Flowerclose District, then? So far from your own family?"
Kellerin frowned confusedly. "Uh, my family's topside? It's all far."
"Your family's us."
Kellerin realized, all of a sudden, that this was one of those cultural things. "So is it okay if we talk about this when Landri's here?" she asked hurriedly. "Cause I think this's like a Topside thing, and I know I'm gonna fuck up badly if I try to answer you."
Landri's dad watched her a little longer, then knelt back down with his paintbrush. "Surely we can," he said, and returned to his work.
S is for Seven Brothers
Sennes, Lannes, Senchessa, Minchessa, Masvales, Arralt, Eruhari. But Senchessa was born after Eruli, and after Minchessa there were three girls born: Mauringey, Corrigan, and Corring. Then, between, Arralt and Eruhari was Vinali, and so Eruhari was the smallest both of boys and of girls.
It could easily be said that the Astapiyarri Parents loves color and brightness. Well they should - the Mother was an artist. Even so. Her body had given out after twelve children, and the Father had followed, not long after, for how could a father of so many let his couple slip away and not follow? Well, he would need his time with The One Who Comforts, and so the oldest raised the youngest and they all grew to the Name together.
That last could be a good start for a chapter or something in the Peshe book.
1) Begrudge: Hussust is a Bad Shit, but we knew that already :D Today I Learned! Visney was kind of arrogant growing up? I mean, he turned out wise and everything, but he was always convinced he knew the way of things, and it took a while to learn there were many ways of things. I mean: his parents tried to teach him that, all along, and he got that, but still, there's some moral judgements he felt comfortable passing before he shoulda.
2) Ridiculous I wanted some silly/happy after I wrote that. I got it.
3) Hard Oh, uh.
4) Patent Lookit me switching wildly between moods. Shit, guys, I just needed something after Hard, okay?
5) UV Rays Whee more happy~
6) Quiet Just revisiting Aivesi briefly. Catching him in one of those rare n happy moments when shit ain't goin down.
7) Laminate Gosh okay there's a lotta K/L shippy stuff in this list huh. I wanted to explore the imperfections of a relationship like they have: this is hte first time Kellerin gets sprung with "but why would you want to live away from your family?" and "you are our family" and all that those two entail. Fun~
8) Seven Brothers If I'd been thinking ahead this woulda been Fic #7. O well.
I just needed names. I got names! I feel accomplished. |