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(no subject) [May. 11th, 2017|11:12 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

For my own reference:

Book Two:

1:In Which Timaeus Makes the Hard Choice
2: In Which Massey Enjoys a Nice Sauna
3: In Which Apparently Everyone In Olinscarr Has A Pottymouth Mercari Listens to the News, then Substantiates It
4:In Which Adon Puts His Talents To Good Use
5: In Which Peiha is the Happiest Person in This Narrative So Far
6: In Which the Reader is Once Again Subjected to Bad Language
7: In Which Mässey Learns, To Her Detriment, That You Can't Win 'em All
8: In Which a Jackal Comes
9: In Which Peiha Learns That Moral Assumptions Are Not Universal
[10 - Timaeus - go to 'scarr?]
[11 - Kellerin - <3]
[12 - Adon? - consolidate power]

And so:

Book Two:

P - Aiken
1 - Timaeus
2 - Massey
3 - Macci
4 - Adon
5 - Peiha
I - Aiken
6 - Kellerin
7 - Massey
8 - Macci
9 - Peiha
[10- Timaeus]
[11 - Kellerin]
[12 - Adon?]

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the beginning, indeed, of the Peshe King! [Sep. 2nd, 2016|09:50 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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Folk called her The Manic – not necessarily of courtesy – and it was an accurate description. Aside of the Peshe tradition of usenaming - which alone should've lent her about five more names, only she only had just the two: The Manic and her own - it might also been that Riypessalt was too much to bother with, in which case it was that folk were lazy, which both never did surprise the Manic and also constantly surprised her – it’s a name! How might a name be too much? two syllables instead of three didn't take up so much time nor tongue to say – but that all said, she was used to folk being lazy, since they never did do half so much as they could.

“It’s a half a candle’s building,” she told the other children at sandboxes, but they never had patience, and so never did manage to make so great a sandhouse as hers.

“It’s only til mid-nights,” she told the others at practice, but they never worked so hard, and consequently never did manage to wield with such force and fervor as she.

“It’s only your own land,” she told the others at a dinner, one of many, but they never did manage to drive the Mirivari back from their land-borders, and, furthermore, managed to complain to her that she was being unrealistic.

Nonsense! Nassatuei, unrealistic like the man in the arbor, waiting for his grapes!

“You’a fought them,” she told Tema, once, up on the wall, while she was sharpening her lightsword and he was – well, just sitting there, behind the guardstand, all comfortable among the old, used pallets and the ratty excuses for rugs. Sitting, with a half-full cup beside him, feet splayed, not moving. Most people seemed comfortable like that. How could they stand it? Didn’t their hands get bored?

“Oh, that I’ve done, yes.” Tema Mesfi was not a friend. Age-mate, surely, but that made no friendship. He was tiresomely complacent. "I have," he nodded.

“And?” She drew the whet along the blade.

“And? And – Manic, you listen. You listen, as you ain’t seem to listen. This, this of Mirivar? You seem t’think they’re like as to a chafer’s nest. Stamp ‘em out, get bit a few times, they’re gone, you're safe. Nothin, nothin of that sort, Manic, you hear? You might fight ‘em, but this New-Limb thing with the Sol Caras goes through, it’s us muráy bein them a-tribute, and who d’you think they’ll be looking to come down on hardest?”


Mone-tary-wise, Manic! That’s money to you. We antagonize ‘em, the Sol Caras takes up with ‘em, we got no way through.”

Fearful as a dog in a hutch. Manic checked the blade – good – slid it home in the scabbard, stood up. “Course we got a way through.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” Tema nodded, impressed. “You tell us it. You gonna pack up your baggies, go Walker? Gonna go live in some hosprettyable land go Downpath, maybe go walking Uppath?”

Manic scowled, turned, started walking. “May’s I will.”

“Gonna leave us all behind, yeah.” Tema yawned.

Too stupid to even understand spite! “Oh come on,” Manic whirled, snarling. “You know it I wouldn’t!”

“Then what?”

Manic scowled some more, but couldn’t think of an answer, snappy or otherwise. Wasn't worth giving him one anyway. She spat off the wallside instead, twirled back round, and went to walk.

Wallsides were thick and raised-ground: nothing you could do anymore, not with the Two’s limitations, but They’d sworn that aught old wouldn’t be destroyed by Them, not no more, only as it came in the Way, and so these wallsides were safe enough. Safe enough, and a good form for Peshe, which could draw up inside its wallsides and brandish spears and glory outside, where Mirivar might look but not touch, not if they didn’t want an eyeful of blood. And those spears: well-trained, responsive, smart, well-organized: Peshe had the brightest and strongest of the cities among its wallsides, keeping them all untouched. Good defense – if it was used.

Only the Sol Caras wasn’t using it. He wasn’t using nothing, naught the city had, for defense, and he was bending right on under to those Mirivari. First it was open policies – well, The Jade City’d stomped right all over that, of course they had: hadn’t the Sol Caras even looked at how they’d done with the other policies? With the other cities? Apparently not, because then it was he’d agreed not to take import from any but Mirivar – idiot! Happily starving out the neighbors in hopes of money and more money!

And now! Now this Two--Limb idiocy. 'Two libs of the same tree!', the Sol had proclaimed, blinder than a white-eyed rabbit to that how it wouldn't be two limbs, it'd be the one trunk a a spindly little root sucked dry of substance. Bring in Mirivari folk to advise, curtail markets - not to trade with Downpath, not to sell to neighbors - not to sell to any other than the Great Houses. How did he even think he could? How did he think he acted for Peshe?

“He doesn’t,” Riypessalt said aloud, leaning into the groundwall. Dust crumbled off it, and she reached fingers down to scratch along it.

He didn’t. A sol, such as this – not what should be. It was not in the Way, a sol acting for oneself: a sol forgot enself, and acted only in the Way, as Shalt had.

Caras had not forgotten himself.

There were those that agreed with her.

She went to go find them.

[[[Mirivar, the condescending dogfucks, thought that the Way meant that it was inevitable that some would always rule over others, and assigned their honor accordingly. It was, in their thought, honorable to simply be something. As if that was ever enough. Sitting comfortably in what piy had grown around them, never pushing past what ses they had grown into. Complacent in their ideologies, and grasping in their policies. An ugly combination – but worse to see that complacency here, in her believed own city.

The Night Way was not complacent. And Riypessalt had earned the respect of the Night Way – mostly by being out and practicing when they held their meetings.

“Come to do your spears again?” one shouted across the courtyard at her, and instead of grinning and ignoring them, Riypessalt turned from the sheds, turned, and walked toward them.

A smattering of interest: ]]]


After Riypessalt Halánsanai, anyone else was a letdown. Eruhari Astapiyarri did his gamest, though, stretching himself to the limits, which ended up bestowing upon him the dubiously honorable position of Least Uninteresting Person In The Room. This was an improvement upon his usual personality, but without Riypessalt around, one felt choked. So Eruhari stretched his attentiveness, and politesse, and solicitude to their limits. He got plenty of attention and a few sympathy fucks in return, all of which he accepted, since who doesn't like that? - but it always felt lacking: they wanted the caring, concerned, kind version of him, which was all nice and all, but not everything.

He did get a reputation in his House, though, and that was comforting: House Astapiyarri had twelve to the Name, and when his older brothers and sisters started coming to him with their children, asking his advice on how to treat with folk, and generally paying him more attention than they ever had before his time in Peshe, he considered it at least a partial success. He couldn't really speak to anyone, but at least everybody liked who they thought he was.

"They're signing," Lánnes said at midday, the tenday after Máncanningen Fest was just finishing up.

"They can't be," Eruli told her brother bluntly. "You know they're all opposed."

"All opposed or not opposed, they're signing," Lánnes insisted.

"It's got to be the pressure," Arralt said, consideringly. "We should've come in a hundredday ago."

"Come in where," Másvales scowled. "They're not letting crack not hair open, and they've sent all ours out -"

He shot a look at Eruhari Littlest Brother, who composed his face into blank innocence just in time.

"Gotta be right scared or heartless to send that one out," he nodded at Eruhari. Didn't wait for a response. "Been what, a hundredday? Makes sense they'd crack so soon."

"They haven't cracked," Mauringey said warningly. She was the strategist, among them all - she had studied at the Library, and knew history and humanity as intimately as you could from thousands of pages. "They're drawing in - you've not noticed? we've not seen one muráy, not since the third of the thirty-fourth - and you might say it they're holding back -"

"They have to be!" Másvales snapped.

"- or," Mauringey shot her brother a Look, "- or there's dissent, there's disagreement we know, and they're not finished with us." She also looked over to Eruhari, there at his far end of the table. "We know they're not united."

Eruhari nodded once, then looked down.



Hmm. This is shaping up nicely :D
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the beginning of The Peshe King? [Aug. 30th, 2016|07:10 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

Folk called her manic – not necessarily of courtesy – and it was an accurate description. It might have been that Riypessalt was too much to bother with, in which case it was that folk were lazy, which both never did surprise Manic and also constantly surprised her – it’s a name! How might a name be too much to say? – but that all said, she was used to folk being lazy, since they never did do half so much as they could.

“It’s a half a candle’s building,” she told the other children at sandboxes, but they never had patience, and so never did manage to make so great a sandhouse as hers.

“It’s only til mid-nights,” she told the others at practice, but they never worked so hard, and consequently never did manage to wield with such force as she.

“It’s only your own land,” she told the others at a dinner, one of many, but they never did manage to drive the Mirivari back from their borderlands, and, furthermore, managed to complain to her that she was being unrealistic.

Nonsense! Nassatuei, unrealistic like the man in the arbor, waiting for his grapes!

“You’a fought them,” she told Tema, once, up on the wall, while she was sharpening her lightsword and he was – well, just sitting there, behind the guardstand, at their rest-table. Sitting, with a half-full cup before him, feet up, not moving. Most people seemed comfortable like that. How could they stand it? Didn’t their hands get bored?

“Oh, that I’ve done, yes.”

“And?” She drew the whet along the blade.

“And? And – Manic, you listen. You listen, as you ain’t seem to listen. This, this of Mirivar? You seem t’think they’re like as to a chafer’s nest. Stamp ‘em out, get bit a few times, they’re gone. Nothin, nothin of that sort, Manic, you hear? You might fight ‘em, but this with the Sol Caras goes through, it’s us bein them a-tribute, and who d’you think they’ll be looking to come down on hardest?”


Mone-tary-wise, Manic! That’s money to you. We antagonize ‘em, the Sol Caras takes up with ‘em, we got no way through.”

Manic checked the blade – good – slid it into the scabbard, stood up. “Course we got a way through.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” Tema nodded, impressed. “You tell us it. You gonna pack up your baggies, go Walker? Gonna go live in some hosprettyable land go Downpath, maybe go walking Uppath?”

Manic scowled, turned, started walking. “May’s I will.”

“Gonna leave us all behind, yeah.” Tema yawned.

“Oh come on,” Manic whirled on a foot. “You know it I wouldn’t!”

“Then what?”

Manic scowled some more, but couldn’t think of an answer, snappy or otherwise. She spat off the wallside instead, twirled on a heel, and went to walk.

Wallsides were thick and raised-ground: nothing you could do anymore, not with the Two’s limitations, but They’d sworn that aught old wouldn’t be destroyed by Them, not no more, only as it came in the Way, and so these wallsides were safe enough. Safe enough, and a good form for Peshe, which could draw up inside its wallsides and brandish spears and glory outside, where Mirivar might look but not touch, not if they didn’t want an eyeful of blood. And those spears: well-trained, responsive, smart, well-organized: Peshe had the brightest and strongest of the cities among its wallsides, keeping them all untouched. Good defense – if it was used.

Only the Sol Caras wasn’t using it. He wasn’t using nothing, naught the city had, for defense, and he was bending right on under to those Mirivari. First it was open policies – well, The Jade City’d stomped right all over that, of course they had: hadn’t the Sol Caras even looked at how they’d done with the other policies? With the other cities? Apparently not, because then it was he’d agreed not to take import from any but Mirivar – idiot! Happily starving out the neighbors in hopes of money and more money!

And now! Now it was not to sell to any other than the Great Houses. How did he even think he could? How did he think he acted for Peshe?

“He doesn’t,” Riypessalt said aloud, leaning into the groundwall. Dust crumbled off it, and she reached fingers down to scratch along it.

He didn’t. A sol, such as this – not what should be. It was not in the Way, a sol acting for oneself: a sol forgot enself, and acted only in the Way, as Shalt had.

Caras had not forgotten himself.

There were those that agreed with her.

She went to go find them.

Mirivar, the condescending dogfucks, thought that the Way meant that it was inevitable that some would always rule over others, and assigned their honor accordingly. It was, in their thought, honorable to simply be something. As if that was ever enough. Sitting comfortably in what piy had grown around them, never pushing past what ses they had grown into. Complacent in their ideologies, and grasping in their policies. An ugly combination – but worse to see that complacency here, in her believed own city.

The Night Way was not complacent. And Riypessalt had earned the respect of the Night Way – mostly by being out and practicing when they held their meetings.

“Come to do your spears again?” one shouted across the courtyard at her, and instead of grinning and ignoring them, Riypessalt turned from the sheds, turned, and walked toward them.

A smattering of interest:
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Moar Alphabetfic~ [May. 24th, 2016|12:02 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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A is for Alphanumericism (8) (The Two)
B is for Begrudge - (1) Hussust (& Visney)
C is for Cats! Caats! Caaaaats! (1) (Kellerin, Vidvirri, Ameih)
D is for
E is for
F is for
G is for G is for Green, Green Pastures (5) (Aiken)
H is for Hard - (3) Timaeus
I is for
J is for
K is for
L is for Laminate - (7) Kellerin & Dvoshinira
M is for
N is for Ninety-Nine (2) (Senicci & Special Call)
O is for Once in a Lifetime (6) (Landri & Friends)
P is for Patent - (4) Peiha
Q is for Quiet - (6) Aivesi
R is for Ridiculous - (2) Nindres
S is for Seven Brothers - (8) Peshe King characters
T is for T is for Twice in a Lifetime (7) (Landri & Friends)
U is for UV Rays - (5) Kellerin & Landri
V is for
W is for W is for Waterboarding (4) (Hussust & Sauda)
X is for X is for Xerosis (3) (Nie & a Walker)
Y is for
Z is for


B is for Begrudge // Hussust (& Visney)

The boy was no more than nine thousanddays. Eight, perhaps. Eight and more. And here he stood, arrayed around with the ones he'd brought, declaring his terms.

"I'll not," Hussust told him, and turned away.

"You will."

The voice turned him back.

"This city is being broken, and you can't sit by," the boy said, watching him. "I can't sit by. I won't. We've the money, here from Dovaris, to help you back onto your feet. And there you'll turn, and say you won't move a hand to help us?" The boy shook his head, like a parent to a child.

Like a parent to a child! Hussust imagined what his fingers would do to that thin neck. "You of Dovaris," he said. "You can know nothing of this. Go back there. This city is mine." And when there was no movement, he frowned. "Mine. You have no understanding, you child. Go!"

Still no movement. Not a one of his forty folk stepped a mun out of line. The arrogance! The impudence! Here, surrounded with his bravado, this out-city boy had the sack to stand there and tell him what to do! Like a parent to a child!

"I'll hear no more! I'll have no more! This Ycai is nothing of yours, idiot boy, and the next you give me terms you'll find yourself regretting it with your ribs!"

He turned. No more. He'd give no more audience to this one. Left that one and his there, crossed the room, and slammed the door, and only there turned back, to watch through the hole and begin to plan - how, how, how to kill each one of them.

R is for Ridiculous // Nindres (& food)

"Does he always eat so much?" Diyes asked flatly.

Landri nodded gravely.

"He's kinda like Nathan when Nathan was growing up," Kellerin added. "Except this is like Nathan on steroids. After a meet. At pizza with his buddies."

They all watched, impressed, as Nindres devoured another chopbread. Two bites.

"Every meal?" Diyes checked, and Landri nodded again.

H is for Hard // Timaeus

He hated the stink of the place. He hated the closeness. His whole piy tensed up, every time he came through a door to here, and his ses grew curdled in his mouth.

But - there'd been trouble in Candeco. Ope Tissendra had told him about it, those roses fighting from House to House, and the Candehi Feyi-House burning in the night. Sorrovers fighting with anyone, there's great enough chance of them being in it, and so he knew he had to check.

The best case: it'd be empty.

The worst case: it wouldn't, and they'd be there.

But he could hear, as he came through the broken-locked back door, then folded it to. Nighttime. Silence. Silence. Dark. Good.

Up the stairs.

In his pocket: a topside electricity-weapon. Always with him when he came here. He'd thought for days that the Two would come down on him for it, but then they spoke of it themselves. Sure, he could use it without repercussion, as long as it was only on Topside-affiliated folks.

So, Sorrovers. Fine. All to the good.

Top of the stairs. Choking smell.

That door.

He opened it, and went in. The banked fire, the tools glinting. The door to the choke-room stood open, and his ses almost breathed relief, but then he looked around the rest of the room.

He saw the table.

It wasn't worth taking a pulse. No wonder the house was silent and still. They were done.

He left the way he'd came: equally quiet, down the stairs, closed the broken-locked door so carefully. Found the rough places in the wall and heaved himself up and over; landed, and walked down the alley, and down another, all these houses the same, all the walls white and stained, all the windows blank eyes against lamp-cornered streets.

He walked. He wanted to walk longer, but here he had reached the farthest end of the city, and herealong it was only ruined houses, dust-torn and broken down, and the cliffs and the howling wind.

Houses, crumbling. He stood in the last light of town, dull orange walls behind him, black before him, black ruins beneath his feet.

He stooped, and picked up a stone.

Turned to the cliff, and to the Mixpath Sea.

It did nothing, certainly, to add stones to the sea. He threw and screamed and threw until his throat and his arms ached, both arms, whole throat torn like fire, anything he could heft, but he still threw things, pulling loose chunks of broken-walled house and kicking at the ruins and anything he could lift, he picked up, threw out hard into the roaring dust, sweat sticking up with dust, gritting into his teeth and choking against his raw throat, spitting and hacking and kicking and hating - himself, he could be so violent as this! he did this to them he would be that - and cried out again grabbing stones and throwing wildly, fingernails breaking but what did a little thing like fingernails matter when things that could be broken were fingers and knees and ribs and pelvis and everything torn open like skin was just a thin little layer over all that red that had used to be living-

He woke at bell-greening. No one had bothered him, sleeping just here among the ruin and the rocks. Not even in Isian were they stupid enough to rob someone his size. Or perhaps it was the noise he'd made that'd scared them off. Good.

Took a door back to Candeco. Called the Two. Asked them what they would have. He couldn't get the words out, but that was alright - he mouthed the question, and they understood.

They hesitated. "You might rest," they told him.

No, he mouthed, silent. Give me something to do.

They shrugged, and did.

P is for Patent // Peiha

En had one wine, three thumbcups of elderflower liquor, a full mug of racci, an adulterated but still rather pleasant dip of white-liquor, a share or two of milk-liquor, two glasses of soju, and a rather dull beer to wash it all down with, accompanied by an absolutely enormous plate of tiny, delicate cakelets.

It was a very expensive evening, but, well, that was celebration for you. En ended up too drunk to even think about flirting with anyone, although the part where en got sat on by someone - too far-gone at that point to truly saw who - had put en in mind to do so. Eventually. When ende head wasn't spinning.

A very successful evening, overall.

U is for UV Rays // Kellerin & Landri

"That's the sun."

"It can't be, Kij-girl."

"No, really." She pointed. "There's like, I think, a million earths can fit inside the sun. So that's about how big it is compared to Earth. And Earth compared to the nmari ... I mean, I dunno how big the nmari is -"

"A hundred dayslength."

"A hundred. You guys always do things in metric, how's it exactly a hundred?"

Landri shrugged, falling back. "A hundred is a hundred, Kij-girl, that's big enough for me."

"Nothing's big enough for you."

Landri grinned and held his hands out for her.

Q is for Quiet // Aivesi

There was peace here. Out, on the path: nothing else to do but walk.

No one he had to listen to.

Sure, and surely there were folk walking, Walkers, and groups, caravans, and all manner of traders walking uppath and down, in the day, and they stared, or ignored him, or reacted in all manner of idiotic ways. That was people. They would do that. Hadn't his father warned him and warned him? and so he was ready. Fine.

Bindri-ao beside him. Bindri-ao always beside him.

They would reach The City in three more days, he said, and Aivesi nodded and kept walking. Walking was tiring, certainly, but it was, for his ses, a relief not felt since the windlong.

He would miss it.

L is for Laminate // Kellerin and Dvoshinira

Kellerin looked up from the cabinet. It was a really pretty cabinet, and Landris' dad was working on another one over there to match it.

"Sorry, what?"

"That when you'd return to us from Diyes," Landri's dad said, painting on clear stuff onto the wood. He looked up at her, nodding friendlily. "I might ask?"

"Oh, uh." Kellerin ran a hand over the cabinet. "I didn't know you wanted us to come back. I thought -" and then, as that silence turned into an awkward one, since Landri's dad was staring at her, kind of, "...I thought that's where we were staying?"

Dvoshinira frowned, and put his little paintbrush down. "You'd live up in Flowerclose District, then? So far from your own family?"

Kellerin frowned confusedly. "Uh, my family's topside? It's all far."

"Your family's us."

Kellerin realized, all of a sudden, that this was one of those cultural things. "So is it okay if we talk about this when Landri's here?" she asked hurriedly. "Cause I think this's like a Topside thing, and I know I'm gonna fuck up badly if I try to answer you."

Landri's dad watched her a little longer, then knelt back down with his paintbrush. "Surely we can," he said, and returned to his work.

S is for Seven Brothers

Sennes, Lannes, Senchessa, Minchessa, Masvales, Arralt, Eruhari. But Senchessa was born after Eruli, and after Minchessa there were three girls born: Mauringey, Corrigan, and Corring. Then, between, Arralt and Eruhari was Vinali, and so Eruhari was the smallest both of boys and of girls.

It could easily be said that the Astapiyarri Parents loves color and brightness. Well they should - the Mother was an artist. Even so. Her body had given out after twelve children, and the Father had followed, not long after, for how could a father of so many let his couple slip away and not follow? Well, he would need his time with The One Who Comforts, and so the oldest raised the youngest and they all grew to the Name together.


That last could be a good start for a chapter or something in the Peshe book.


1) Begrudge:
Hussust is a Bad Shit, but we knew that already :D Today I Learned! Visney was kind of arrogant growing up? I mean, he turned out wise and everything, but he was always convinced he knew the way of things, and it took a while to learn there were many ways of things. I mean: his parents tried to teach him that, all along, and he got that, but still, there's some moral judgements he felt comfortable passing before he shoulda.

2) Ridiculous
I wanted some silly/happy after I wrote that. I got it.

3) Hard
Oh, uh.

4) Patent
Lookit me switching wildly between moods. Shit, guys, I just needed something after Hard, okay?

5) UV Rays
Whee more happy~

6) Quiet
Just revisiting Aivesi briefly. Catching him in one of those rare n happy moments when shit ain't goin down.

7) Laminate
Gosh okay there's a lotta K/L shippy stuff in this list huh. I wanted to explore the imperfections of a relationship like they have: this is hte first time Kellerin gets sprung with "but why would you want to live away from your family?" and "you are our family" and all that those two entail. Fun~

8) Seven Brothers
If I'd been thinking ahead this woulda been Fic #7. O well.

I just needed names. I got names! I feel accomplished.
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alphabetficbecause writiing is hard [May. 13th, 2016|11:00 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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Yep, it's a fic day! :D

A is for Alphanumericism (8) (The Two)
B is for
C is for Cats! Caats! Caaaaats! (1) (Kellerin, Vidvirri, Ameih)
D is for
E is for
F is for
G is for G is for Green, Green Pastures (5) (Aiken)
H is for
I is for
J is for
K is for
L is for
M is for
N is for Ninety-Nine (2) (Senicci & Special Call)
O is for Once in a Lifetime (6) (Landri & Friends)
P is for
Q is for
R is for
S is for
T is for T is for Twice in a Lifetime (7) (Landri & Friends)
U is for
V is for
W is for W is for Waterboarding (4) (Hussust & Sauda)
X is for X is for Xerosis (3) (Nie & a Walker)
Y is for
Z is for


C is for Cats! Caats! Caaaaats! // Kellerin & Vidvirri

On the table behind him was a cat. Kind of small, not dainty but cute. Black and grey fluffs. "So you guys have a pet?"

"Oh, this?" Vidvirri looked behind him. "No, no. This one's a walk-in. Just come in eats my food stays around an bothers us."

"He identifies with it strongly," said Ameih confidentially.

N is for Ninety-Nine // Senicci and Special Call

"Lil early for tomorrow," Eriy said, and plopped down basket in front of her. It was one of those little baskets you got at the bakery, and inside was a rose-cake.

Eriy grinned as Senicci lit up. "Like I said. Been enough days you'll not be novvie come tomorrow, n'then you can pick on our next class of newbirds your ownself."

"Not that she'd want to," hets Leisi said, and smiled at Senicci. Senicci smiled back, then sniffed toward the cake.

"Hey, you'n eat that and I'll take it happily," Hesce said, leaning back from his desk.

"She's eating let 'er eat," Eriy told him.

Hesce shrugged expansively. "Thought I'd offer."

X is for Xerosis // Nie & a Walker

This one came up fast - not but a thousandmark downpath and already his figure was coming clear. Nie Samares squinted, and Farri turned away.

"This kind," he said.

"What kind?" Lanning asked.

Farri shoook his head. "Been the one kind of gone. You'll talk, there's naught there but the going."

"He might not," Masmi said. "He, she. Could be -"

"No," Samares said. "Excuse my interrupting you, pretty one, but no. No, this one's a Walker, true and true. You'll be out here long enough you see them."

Masmi squinted. "How can you tell?"

"You'll see when that one gets here," Samares told her.

And they did. The Walker got closer, and closer, and then was only a few alds away. This one - he. He was wild. Eyes like he'd seen naught but the wind, face like he'd eaten dinner with Others. Masmi saw immediately; Samares registered the shock on her face, but waved the others back and came forth with food wrapped in a cloth and water in a skin. The Walker almost went past him; he had to skip aside a bit and plant himself directly in the man's way.

Even then, the Walker kept going. Nie Samares walked alongside, and spoke.

"Where are you going, then, Brother of Landres?"

This got a response. Those ears sharped up; those eyes, filmy and messed in a crack-skinned face, slid aside to rest on Samares' face.

"Going as going may take me," he croaked.

"Then you'd take this, too, to ease your path," Samares said, and held out hte package and hte water.

The Walker looked down at those, and slowed his step, and then paused. "I might," he said, and swung his pack down; he took the package and water and stuffed them inside, any old way. Swung it back on, already starting up again.

Nie Samares was, noting they were already some little way from his folk, asked one more question. "How far?"

"As far as I might," the Walker said. "I thank you. As far as I live. I leave you."

And he did. Nie let him, falling back, then walking back to his people.

W is for Waterboarding // Hussust & Sauda

There were so many ways to get what he needed. And Sauda wouldn't let him do them! Wouldn't let him!

He tried anyway, once. It worked, and he came to Sauda the next morning, able to tell him quite clearly and confidently that House Carnasai was indeed completely out of funds, and was hoping to mount a final rally on Sauda's own roses, and that they might beware of Carnasai influence in their roses, and root it out appropriately. Sauda thanked him, and asked him - how had he known?

Well, he told, of course. And Sauda became very quiet. He almost stopped moving. It was very interesting.

And when he had the conversation, after that, forbidding Hussust from ever using that method again - well, delight! Amazement! Perfection! Because: he could not stop him.

Sauda could not stop him.

G is for Green, Green Pastures // Aiken

And was there ever a time when he didn't long for something?

Time grew and grew, and it seemed there were only a few ways of being:

longing and lorn and leaning and waiting for death

All of these were ways to slip in and out of life, and wait for - for what? for the next catastrophe? For the next couple? For the next door opened so close he could smell the moss and the salt?

For the next empty day when the cuss-rotten Two came to him, closed his veins, healed his skin, and aimed him back at a city, without even a scar to remind him that this had happened?

This had happened. Everything had happened. Everything ran, and dulled, into a single dread fade with threads woven in - those threads returned to so often they were frayed and splitting, but not yet broken.

And when they broke?

(Well, the Two would fix it.)

O is for Once in a Lifetime // Landri & Friends

Shinsa spread his arms. "Gorgeous! Beautiful! Stunning! Magnificent!"

"Glorious!" Macci added.

"Absolutely glorious," Shinsa agreed, "like the most beautiful of cakes in a shop window!"

"Like a pretty dog on grooming day," supplied Macci.

"Like a sugar-float in a cup of tea!" Shinsa expanded.

"Like a perfect round of shit on the side of the road," Macci added.

"But you don't understand-" Landri started.

Diyes had been giving it thought all this time, and now he interrupted Landri. "Like the perfection of a paper figure in theater," he offered.

"Ehn," Macci opined.

"Maybe," Shinsa told him. "How about, 'like an actor only I can see the appeal of'?"

"That is more likely," Diyes agreed.

Landri sighed loudly and went to root around Diyes' kitchen.

T is for Twice in a Lifetime // Landri & Friends

"She's really from Topside?"

"Yes," Landri said, and grinned.

"Oh," Shinsa said. And then: "...oh, no."

"Oh, yes, Shinsa-boy."

"Oh no, what? Oh yes, what?" Diyes demanded.

But Macci was also looking confused. Shinsa frowned, eyes still on Landri as he spoke. "This one, this - this provocationist, means to tell us -"

"Tell us?"

"- you can't." Shinsa said back at Landri. "You've known her all of two tendays, Landri-kid, it's not that it's possible."

"It is that it's possible."

"Does she know?"

And Landri looked away at this. "Well, perhaps not quite. It'll take," he considered, "time. Time and some."

Shinsa tried to share a look with Macci. Macci still wasn't getting it. And Diyes was getting frustrated.

"Well," he said, looking back at Landri. "You may as well. Go on, then, being as you are. How beautiful is she?"

Landri hesitated. "Well, she may not be quite ..."

Shinsa rocked back. "Oh, Landri."

A is for Alphanumericism // The Two

Language - that took an eon or two. Language was soemthign to be studied. These squawks and indications they used - they not only meant things, they signified complex ideas, and it wasn't until they learnt to ingratiate themselves into the neurological structure without shutdown, pain, or disorder that they finally began to be able to attribute meaning to the meaning.

Those complex ideas?

Hilarious. Amazing. Basic, and so important to these ones-

They went through a hundred thirty-nine iterations of fully-developed linguistic structure before finally settling on one they might integrate into the first ones they brought.

Which worked well, of course, until the first ones began speaking it.


writing is hard. haaaaaaaaard.
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Various Variouses: Names [Apr. 30th, 2016|11:03 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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+ The reason Nie Samares is Nie Samares is the same reason Rás' Peiha is Rás' Peiha. The shortened form of the family name comes first, to alert you which family that individual belongs to; after that, the personal name.


Rásveli Peiha (because en is directly of the leading family's main branch)


Niesomi Samares Gendebástasai (Samares of the Gendebast branch of the Niesomi family.

None of this is so different from the rest of nmariside's form out House-names, excepting form. The formal form of a name might be

Sorrover Riyanai Cäntestasai

but the informal version might be

Riyanai Sorrover Cäntestasai

(Because we all know that uppath goes in for formality (except for Sayvay, which lol.).)


This all holds true for House-names. Houses are a small section of the society - the top of the trapezoid. Other name-formats:

+ Calendaris: Matrelineal to two generations with gender-indicators.

- Ländri Itándrafi Illándranai
- Sendri Vindranai Asindranai

+ Commonry/Commonalty*: might have only one name. Might also have personal name and a family name.

- Corridi
- Vidvirri
- Hesce Samáles

* regular folk. More on these terms and their use later.

+ Titles: come before names. But adjectives come after titles. (because adjectives come after nouns, and adverbs come after verbs.)

- mändrän arra Idest
- hetsvesir Leisa Siy
---- shortened: hets. Leisa
- Sáng Fer Vïsney
---- shortened: Sáng Vïsney

(The shortening are always the personal name, because once you're shortening it it's already passed into informal.)


Finally: appellations.

+ Ressa: "sir"/"ma'am" for general folks.
+ Ressáni: "sir"/"ma'am" for formal/very respectful.
+ Rácha: "sir"/"ma'am" for a patron/you're-paying-me relationship.
---- so not like an old retainer or server; more like hired guards, hired work crews, etc. Piyirri called the folks in Book 1 rácha.
+ Feyi: "sir"/"ma'am" for a command/commanded relationship.

+ titles. You can always call somebody by theirtitle & full name, but you can only call them by their shortened title & personal name if you know them well. If you're casually referring to them, the shortened title is A-Okay.)

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Nmariside words for and concepts of Love [Apr. 3rd, 2016|12:01 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

Crappy and noteslike because it's late o'clock.

Love, nmariside, can be:

+ held
+ begiven
+ given
+ misconstrued
+ received
+ kept
+ shared
+ ?

Held love is when you have love for s.o but maybe it doesn't reach them.
Love that's begiven is when both parties know and feel they love and are loved.
Given love is love you give another.
Misconstrued love is when one is assuming they are being loved, but they're not.
Received love is when one feels love. It may or may not actually be given. Humans are complicated.
Kept love is jealous, selfish. My precious.
Shared love is a synonym for love that's begiven.

There's proly more verbs one can verb love with.


Here, below, I will list some of the main nmariside-specific words for types/facets of love.

Also, maybe traslations. If you're lucky. And I can think of 'em.

Nen - sweety, maudlin kind of love. squishy, <3ey romance.

Yin - love in its most widely-applicable definition. (?)

Otayin - love for s.o you don't know. (eg, fictional crushes, role models, good leaders etc.)

Saiyin - familial love

Otayin (ota-yin?)
Sai-yin (saica)
---- Ven (attract) vonvon

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Ordinals! [Sep. 23rd, 2015|08:26 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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sivse (settse/settsa)
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edit of Old Olinscarr, part 2 [Feb. 2nd, 2015|10:39 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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And so Hewchasit walked ahead with Osendri, and Nihe followed with the red one, and the two companies walked behind. The red was silent a little, and Nihe talked nothing herself out of nerves, but then in a look up she caught him eyeing her; when he saw that he winked and told her, "I've ever to see lips as red as y'en, ye see, an wonderin at how they might be."

"It's paint," Nihe said.

That got a grin. "That's nawt we do, little second, that ye'd keep paint for lips an all. But pretty they are, so they might be telling me y' name, if ye'd allow -"

And Nihe laughed and did.

He was Nandrames, and he stood second to Osendri. His was the work of spreading decisions and speaking to people; he made happen what Osendri ordered. He was young, and lithe-strong, and Nihe'd not seen a one like him, not skin so red as the path beneath them, nor a form she liked so much on a man. She'd not say it, though, for Peshefolk would never make such a self-display, giving so much of herself so soon. So instead she asked him questions.

Was he of Osendri's family? No, no, he was not even cousin, why? And Nihe told the Midpath custom, that a mandran might pass the rule to one of their family, but not to others. A strange idea, Nandrames thought - the rule must go to the most capable, be that family or not. But, Nihe asked, who'd keep the rule stable, then? who'd keep usurpers and liars and pretenders from rule? Ah, the dog-anen, Nandrames smiled. Them as trained-up and as voted out by every esca and every town of their own favoured, them round the rule and there's no question who ought to what. Well, but couldn't they be bought? Well certainly, but who couldn't? But more like they followed their own thought - they protected the interests of their escang, coming to those who shown themselves worth rule, advised them, and surrounded them, and protected them. Nihe thought that sounded too doubtful, too easy to throw over should a ruler be hated. But up-the-path, was that different? Yes, Nihe told him, and then told him how.

Thus they walked, following Hewchasit and Osendri, slowly followed by the two companies. Osendri's folk walked in the back, quiet and not mixing with the Peshefolk, but watching them always. Hewchasit’s company was similar, talking about Osendri’s folk in quiet voices, and looking back doubtful and often.

And they came upon the esca.

First one, on the left of the path, rising up sudden and high out of the Lin. Nihe stared, falling silent: dust, piled up and upon itself til it stood higher than her head, higher than three of her, high nearly as five of her. Its sides sloped down sharply til they fell away into Lin. Houses were built onto it, two of them, on so steep a slope that on one side they had one floor and on the other side two.

Strange, sloping land! Nihe asked, and Nandrames answered: it was the nature of lands, here Downpath. The path ran fast and strong, here, and it grew impatient; it threw up long tongues of dust, out into the lin, where they collected, coil upon coil, like knots made of land. "There ye'd see another," he pointed, and downpath on the right: another one, this one bigger and with more houses on it. Five of them.

And the further they walked, the more esca grew, one side of the path and the other, and sometimes several together. A strange walk: the Peshefolk muttered as they passed by the piled-lands, looking upon them in suspicion and wonder. Larger the further walked, too, and when it was near greening the companies came upon an esca larger by far than any they’d seen yet, filled with houses surrounding a many-windowed palace.

The land was moving.

Moving! Nihe didn't want to believe it, not in the light of day. Rivulets of dust running down its sides, in deep-dug ditches and channels, pooling and bobbing and washing against the foot of the esca, just below the last line of houses. It was like watching a person whose blood-vessels played above their skin - the Peshe company halted, and would not come forth.

"Hey, then!" Hewchasit called to them. "It's near to green-time, we need to get in!"

Hesitance among the Peshefolk, and Nandrames stepped from Nihe's side, to go and listen to Osendri. A moment later he was back. "Ye of escahi!" he called. "Ye'd assure these up-the-path sisters an brothers of their safety, that we'd have! Ye'd do now!"

And Osendri's folk looked, at that, toward the Peshefolk. One-by-one coming forward, halting, hesitating before the Uppath folk, they spoke. Low voices in their weird accents, but murmuring like as to frighted animals: there's nawt to fear, y'en guests, we'd have ye to the salt with us, if ye'd but follow.

Hewchasit watching, nodding assurance as her folk looked to her. Osendri? Had already walked on ahead. Nihe saw that and frowned, but wiped her face blank as her eye caught Nandrames noting the expression. She went to her mother's side, instead, and helped to walk the Peshefolk in, assuring them against the fearful land.

Walked them in and up: steps carved into the dust beneath them, and houses surrounding this central stair. The near houses opened their shutters, Downpathfolk watching curiously from inside; little children with lanterns on long sticks came clattering down stairs from the palace, standing the company round and walking up with them, lighting them against the failing white of the sky. The last of the folk started up the stairs, and Nandrames looked down in the green light to Nihe and her mother, and the three of them started in, up the stairs, with the little lanterns and Osendri's folk to guide them.

And guided they were, up those long stairs, long up, and finally into the palace, opening in like a cavern. The whole bottom floor was one long, large room, forty paces deep and thirty wide. Columns stood along its length to support its ceiling; shuttered windows glowed bright lines out into the green.

"But ye'd rest," Nandrames announced, and the escahi ushered the Peshefolk straight through this room and up stairs, up along to the second floor, where a long passage with open doors along it stretch the length of the hall below. "Any of these," they were told, and left to take rooms - they did that in groups of four, and Hewchasit arranged these groups carefully, that any fearful or willful would be accompanied by loyal and careful, and there would be no mistakes. “For,” she said to them, “here we must watch ourselves, and take care to do no harm.”

Very well, all the Peshefolk agreed, and they went to their chosen rooms. Osendri’s folk came soon after to tell them there was dinner, and so they trooped downstairs again, to newly-set-out tables full of such good foods as they’d seen this morning. Osendri’s folk fell to, and the Peshefolk ate more quietly, but with great appetite.

And Osendri, at a single small table with Hewchasit, Nihe, and Nandrames, asked they needed aught, and Hewchasit told they were fine, only they would know where the baths were. Osendri looked to Nandrames, who spoke in: there weren’t enough for now, but they’d bring some tomorrow morning.


o gosh this world is fun to write

I love seeing this place. this place: it's what olinscarr used to be. I'm finding it a whole lot better than first time round: it's much more alive and accessible than is the previous version.

I'm going to stretch out later, too. the next scene's going to be settling in, but it'll be lengthened, as the peshefolk get a better feel for the place; there'll also be adventuring even downer-path, because Nandrames is going to bring Nihe on a fieldtrip and they're going to look around at other escang.

wheeeee :D
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The Teahouse in the City of Roots [Dec. 29th, 2014|11:21 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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The Teahouse in the City of Roots


The teahouse sat cradled in branches, lin stretching out wide and white below it. It was built carefully and beautifully, and survived windlongs by dint of hiring enough Haverrai to cocoon it around in hardwood, like the pupa of a butterthief chafer.

They were taking down the shutters now. Mesvahi didn't mind. She owned the place. She walked from room to room with her friend, and watched the workers at it.

"Is it sure you don't mind the cost?" Arhew asked her. Red tea in a mug; this wasn't a time for showing off. They had slippers on against the sawdust and the splinters; the old wood was getting piled up in the corners of rooms.

"It's not cost, is it, if it's not me paying," Mesvahi answered.

Arhew found this amusing and fascinating. "They're still patrons, then?" And amended herself: "he still provides, then?"

"Oh, yes," Mesvahi grinned. Took a good long sip of her tea, sweetened with sugar.

"But he's not asked you hauc?"

"To House Raschao? He knows I wouldn't."

"But then -" And Arhew paused for a few counts, since this was getting a little too touchy. "- he provides, he's paying this, he doesn't want you hauc - there's something, Messica. There's anything-"

"There's nothing," Mesvahi shook her head. "Naught but regard on my side, and - and high regard on his." She stopped, looking in her cup, then gestured Arhew to a room with no workers. It was an outer room - they'd taken the shutters down already, and there stood nothing but the floor, the support beams, and the linlight around them. It was bare, brown and white, and Mesvahi sat down on the floor.

"It's a little more than regard," she confessed.

Arhew knelt in front of her, listening intently.

"His-half love."

Arhew breathed in. "And you're -"

"I'm just - I do like, I admire the man. His House - I'dn't hauc to that for a handful of bonewhite, not when they'd have me to contract and send in daughters and sons to take this -" she swept up a hand at the teahouse ceiling.

"So is it them, or him?"

"Both." Quieter: "his love, but not mine, not like his. And his family - I couldn't. I couldn't lose this."

Arhew sat back on her heels. She sipped her tea, and looked out at the lin.

"He says he doesn't mind," Mesvahi added. "He says I might decide as I like. He says he'll continue patronage regardless."

"Only it's not sure..."

"It's sure."

Arhew looked back at her. "You're sure?"

"Oh yes." Mesvahi looked up. "He says it he will."


The Peony bloomed out of Arn-Obastacai bright and pale - Mesvahi painted it recently, every joint and length of it, and its pale, bright colors shone against the city's roots.

Bright linlight in all the windows, and Mesvahi in among her guests. Three thousanddays ago she'd've been serving the foods and running like a bonedog to finish everything; these days she had a hired girl to do that, bright young thing with far more energy than she herself could muster anymore. Nothing was easy anymore. Not tea, now, with thirty-three guests besides. Not Geihast there at the front of her, asking it again.

"I'd have you in my family," he told her, while the children played on the balcony and their parents talked and laughed in the greatroom. She and Geihast in the front hall, light leaking in from their left. Geihast had her hands; he stood an ell close. She felt the closeness of him and wanted, very much wanted him, but -

"- I can't." It was true. "I can't be there. Not in that city, my heart, not in a place," she pulled her hands back, "a place they have the Houses and the pahi - not, not there. It's tame. It's so," she couldn't describe it. She couldn't tell him all the bland length of it, all the perfection and richness that felt sickeningly sweet, that place where walls cut people away from people, where you lived among your riches or your kept-people and you stewed like too-sweet jam. Miserable, she pushed her fingers back into his, and leant up against him. "I can't."

She couldn't. It was true. Couldn't he just - but she knew - he was too much at home, there, too able to live in a place like that.

He sighed, and drew his arms around her, and bowed his chin onto her hair. "I'll keep coming out here, then. You know I will. I can't come so often now, but I'll do as I can."

She smiled a bit, against him, even though she didn't want to.


Lights in Mirivar were hoarded, jealously, like everything else. Families kept their lanterns inside the walls, safety for their own above all, and it was only the cityguard that carried any light in the streets. Mirivar, from high enough in Arn-Obasatacai, segmented itself, clusters of bright all facing in, with long, dark swathes - lone dots of bright crawling along them.

Mesva loved her own city more. The Bridge was strung up with such lanterns that it glowed, of a night, a wonder of strung lights, yellow against the black. Her city itself - it was like a bush, the coils of root and branch decked out as each house lit itself, the light sharing with the street and with neighbors. Lit from within, where people had dug in til they'd made enough house for themselves, and there there were tunnels, winding and root-propped, strings of light showing paths into the city's heart.

And her own Peony! Lit up like its own name - its pale beams reflecting, its intricately carved shutters cutting the light up in flowers and shapes, its stained-glass glowing backlit with candles. It was a gorgeous sight, there a few tiers above the Bridge, and a straight sight up from Mirivar's Edge. You couldn't help but see it.

She looked up, out at it, and thought it was no wonder Geihast might love her - if he saw this every night. If he came up from his family courtyard and stood here, before going to bed, undressing, combing his hair out, watching the colors flicker against the night.

She had tried to explain, again and again. He had tried to understand, and did what he could. He never could understand it enough, not from his own eyes - not with his House, here about him, reliant on him, waiting for him to come next House Head. He loved this work, for work it was - but didn't she love her own?

She turned back from the window. He was there, under the grape-carved posts of the bed, leant up, watching her like there was nothing but her.

She came back to him, stood by him, and held him.


"There's more every day," she said, leant back into him. In her bed, just a pile of cushions and blankets on a rag-stuffed mattress, in a small, long-windowed room above the Peony. Below them, she could hear her hired girl closing up; moving tables, mopping up. He was tense behind her, and she looked up. He was not smiling.

"They come here?"

A bit of annoyance. "Yes, and am I to send them away? Blow out of here, littleshanks, my dear man isn't liking your politics?"

He tried to smile, at that. It worked a little, but she could still feel him taut and unmoving. "You'd do best to that," he said. "Maybe not those words, but that sentiment, yes."

She sat up all the way, as this was worse. "You'd have me side with those well with keeping pahi? You'd have me to Mirivar's camp?"

"They're drinking here, it's danger for you," he said. "You said there's more. The more of them, the more they'll come. And they come here, your Peony'll be itself a bed of little politickers, bringing the fight here. I don't want you a-danger, Mesca!"

There was upset on his face and in his posture. Mesva frowned, still not coming forward to comfort him. "That's as may be, but there's danger as there's danger, these days. Any where you're among people, there's talk of that family -" and and incredible thought struck her. "You're never against them. You're never - saying they'd be - be given back -?"

And for a horrible moment, he hesitated. Mesvahi drew herself back further, out of his reach entirely.

"No," he breathed, more to himself. He looked away. "No, it's not they should be given back. They were property, but - but not here, they're not. And House Hassa'll never accept that loss. Not that of fifty goldwhite a head."

A head! Like kept-people were herd creatures!

"House Hassa'll keep at it til they've got recompense. They'll be sending hounds after the pahi, to get them back, else. And anyone gets in the hounds' way, those hounds won't care, they'll cut them down and say it's justice." He looked up at Mesvahi. "Any one of your little guests, they'll fight with, and if there's rumour even a one of the runaways set foot in here -"

Mesva watched him, waiting, to see what he'd say.

He didn't say anything. Instead he sat up off the cushions, wrapping his arms around her, forehead against her ribs.

Was that it? Was that all the answer she'd get?

How could he be so stupid in this? How could he care about her, without caring about the runaways? How could she be loving someone who thought of people as herd animals?

His hands tightened on her back, and she - she would keep her teahouse open to any who needed it! she would, she had to! - she helped him back down against the cushions again, her body on his.

She knew what she had to do. But she wanted him, too, and he - if this was how he understood it -

- she had to take him as he was.


So. What used to be Arn-Bastio/Arn-Bascho is now Arn-Obastacai (with regional variations of Aran-Bascho/av and so on).

I'm thinking of cleaning this up and denmaricising it a little for public consumption and selling it? we'll see.

moor here but I am le tire and need to sleeps
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the noodle stand by the so|t [Jun. 28th, 2014|09:21 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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One day, somehow, with munnies, I am going to commission this picture (prolly from like Isaia? or someone equally talented, because I don't think I'd have the artistic ability for it):

In olinscarr, along the edges of one so|t, there's a noodle stand open all night. They use hand-painted lanterns and it's a little family affair - the family's house is right behind it. It's the only lit-up place in the whole street, and it's late, late at night, far past the mid-night drums. The wind and the dust are blowing, and it's black, with only the barest few lit windows around. But the noodle stand is lit up, and there might be a customer.

(I might also write this as a short story. Who knows.)

((if there was a music for this scene, (despite its seeming-unfitness), I would choose Midnight in a Perfect World by DJ Shadow.))
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the locus policing story - I just cogitatively fleshed out the skeleton, and ... [Feb. 3rd, 2014|11:02 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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This ... may not be a YA after all.
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[Locus Policing] in wchih we switch narration POVs for fun and profit [Feb. 2nd, 2014|11:40 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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[in this in-between part that hass not been written, Senicci has a nice talk and lookaround the deadhouse, and a nice talkaround with Vissici, who knows she ain't dealin with no chump. Then S&Eriy go to the justive-hosue, where they watch some justicings. Then Eriy sends Senicci off home early.]


When she'd sent off the novvie girl, Eriy Másván bet her feet in direction toward the dalarast's rooms. Been a long day and she'd cut the novvie out early, a bit, may quarter-candle, so as to get her own business a worked. Only she'd do that later - she had words for Seven now.

Took the stairs double - too light on her feet, not enough work today. She wasn't body-tired but her head was - it'd been a thousandday since she'd spent so much time of a newbird. Usually she just saw 'em for training, then shoved 'em off at the end so she could get on her workout or her watch. Weren't often that Special Call got novvies of their own - course, it had been quiet of late.

Hit the dalarast's door knocking. "C'mon, Seven, I've word or five to have of you, just you open -"

A click.

"S'better," Eriy said, and marched on in. Seviy hadn't moved of her spot from before - Eriy'd doubt she'd move til she had her positions and plans all out and right for process, and never til. You'd take care with the dalvei, though, if you weren't one-eyed and quarter-brained - that plan she'd work out'd work the first time it was set up.

She - Eriy - paused a count in the door just of curiosity, and eyed over the dalvei's plan-board. The floor-outlines of two livings, and above of them a long ruler-stick, balanced on a bridge of rolling little wheels. The floorplans were perfect. She'd probably been there once and memorized it.

"It's Astahewinai House's houses," Seviy said, not looking up. "Shut the door. We've worked ses into some - shut the door." Eriy kicked it shut behind her. "Ses into some goldwhite and followed you-know-who in there and he's stuck himself in there the last three days. I'm pulling his poxy cleverass face out tomorrow if I can clear it."

Eriy came on over to the board, inspecting it. "Ses fade?"

"No. Some." Seviy looked aside at her. "Lov let a bit down, so it's not so strong. He's tired. Jasney's keeping it up overnight, just in case he moves."

"And Lov?"

"Going in by my plans tomorrow. Tomorrow night."

Eriy nodded. "Just him?"

"Just him in, but Másmi and Corridi backup."

Eriy nodded. "Sounds good."

Seviy turned back to her work.

"Know there's a reason I come here, Seven."

"Then Blue can kindly tell me what it is," Seviy said, still eyes-down to her work.

"Blue'll kindly tell you be a bit polite of my newbird," Eriy growled. "I'n't bring her up here of a tour, you know, I brought 'er cause she's clever -"

"So she's clever."

"So she's clever enough I thought you should see her," Eriy finished. Nassa, Seviy could be a pile!

Seviy shook her head. "Lot of them try," she said. "They usually don't have enough brains, and of the ones that have brains, those usually don't have enough observation skills, and of the smart and observative ones, they all either want out on watch or they're distinctly lacking in creative flexibility."

"Creative flexibility?"

"I can't teach that. No one can. You may as well put a cascos on a dog and call it heir to the sol. Unless it's born it, it just won't happen."

Eriy frowned.

"So really, it's saving a pain for me and a hopeache for her. Now, if there's naught else I can help you with..."

Eriy frowned more and unleaned from the table. "Naught else," she said, and headed toward the door. Couldn't help stopping before it, though, and adding, "she's been at your sister's."

No response from behind her. Eriy half-turned.

"At the deadhouse, Blue. She was curious. Asked to look. I didn't lead 'er -"

"Hmm." Seviy didn't even look up.

Eriy went out, shutting the door hard behind her.


She went back to Special Call's office-room next. Lov was sleeping again, or may still sleeping. Candlework took it out of you, and Jasney wasn't near so good - she'd be off in the end room sweating over a candle even though it was just two goldwhite. It'd be right nice if Gavriy the Ycaiiy dogfuck would just stay in-house for tonight and the morrow, but that'd be only if he didn't know, or if he felt like giving the vei' a nice easy catch for the once. If he didn't, there were the coins, ses in his pocket shining bright in Jasney's ses-eye, so's she could follow him out to the path if he dared went so far.

So Lov slept and no one else there. Hesce's and Issens' reports all tidy on their desks, awaiting a notary bringing them to Mindri, or may Mindri just coming in and reading them herself.

Eriy went to her own desk, but nothing, so she turned and left again.

She went to the courtyard, and there, in the wan light of near-greening, was half of everyone. In the corner, Corridi, sparring with the only other vei near his own size. Hets. Leisi and Issen were doing swordwork, and Masmi was off alone running through a desperately difficult-looking sequence with a javalin. Hesce wasn't there, but well, Hesce. Mindri was probably doing papers, Vissici the dead and she already knew where Seviy was ...

Eriy went over to the weights corner, pulled on ankle-and-wrist, and stepped into sanni first form.

Sanni forms to warm up, then grab a partner for handwork practice. Yuhei was always fun, but still stretching, so she bounced around, keeping warm, til he could join her. Then it was just practice, til Corridi begged in with hopes of keeping his own handwork up. Then all of them separated and Eriy did plain-weights for a bit, then off the ankle-and-wrists and went a couple around the courtyard to finish.

She was soaked and the Locus was dark by the time she finished - lights lit lines along the walls above her, and reflected back against the glass of the ceiling. "M'gon home," she waved Corridi, the only one left here, and Corridi, in the middle of long-form sanni and breathing deep and careful, nodded briefly.

She had a single last stop to make, so exiting the Vei'an she turned left round the corner and went, past the deadhouse, past the justice-house, all on down to the Tentean. The two vei at the door saw her, and one's already unlocking the front door for her. "Usual?" she asked. Eriy nodded, and the guard nodded back and opened the door for her.

Inside was long, low, and deceptively quiet - you'd think it to be empty, so quiet. But popeled it was. There were a couple more vei in here: one reading by the front door, the other playing mandragesi with a woman guest. Other guests, two of 'em, by the fire - there's always a fire on, here - a woman a-feed of her infant. And one man, on a chair in the corner, huddled, may dozing, may staring. The food-table was empty of today's delivery and high with piled bowls, smelling of grease and spit.

Eriy crosst the room, and the vei looked up, saw who, and nodded back to their doings. Eriy let herself up the stair, into the second floor, and at the sixth room, knocked.

A bump, a shuffle, a mutter, a quiet call from the other side of the door. "Who's it?"


"Ah," and the lock was worked and the door swung in a few mun. Half a face looked out. Then a few mun more, and a thin woman filled the fold of the door.

"Eriy, 'lo, nice see y' come," she said, ducking eyes and swiping hair back. She was still so skinny, but at least the bruises were yellowing.

"Shensiy, you well?"

Shensiy nodded.

Eriy waited.

Shensiy looked up, and smiled a little and nodded again. "Well 'ere. Quiet. S' - it's - n them?"

"No word. Sorry."

Shensiy nodded quickly, tucked her hair back again.

"He wouldn't," Eriy said.

Shensiy looked down, shook her head. "Don' wan'im t' - t'pick one'f 'em. Instead. I was. I stood between him an - an I tried but -"

"- but there's no word, so don't at worrying yourself on something's ent yet gone," Eriy said.

Shensiy nodded, drew back.

"You at least sleep, right?" Eriy said.

Shensiy nodded. "Thanks."

And she drew back entirely, closing the door so quiet you couldn't hear anything.

Eriy nodded to herself. She went down the hall to the tenth door, and didn't knock this time, but pulled out a note and slipped it under the doorcrack. Then she went upstairs, tried the second door, and knocked a few times, but nothing. Shook her head and went back downstairs, to the vei reading by the door, who looked up.


"Me," Eriy nodded. "Aught of third-second?"

"He's been drawn in," the vei shook his head. "Doesn't talk anyone else at all."

"It's been 'is second tenday."

"It has. But still."

"You check?"

The vei nodded, looped a key up, held it. "We check, and he's always still there. Eats the food. You'n tell the namarsi's used as it's got dust coming off on the table. But he's always on the bed, always never looking at us."

Eriy nodded, started toward the door.

"You've done as you could," the vei said, putting the key back.

Eriy shrugged. "He's still here an cooped I don't see much I've helped."

"You got him out."

"There's that," Eriy said. Then she took the door open and went out, nodded to the guards, and turned right down the Gesmennes, to follow it straight on home.


Gesmennes is a street name.

Whee :D
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ideas ideas [Dec. 16th, 2013|09:04 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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For Sennis Story:

sesorost! Drums and bells. (in zhan, obvs.) (but sayvay would so totes have them too lul)

To research - there must be such a thing as Sound Therapy, right?


For Special Call/Senicci Story:


(What does special call do? Why, they handle National Emergencies! Who causes National Emergencies? Oh, the Houses do! There's a windlong coming up? FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK.)

(...yyyyeah, stimulating a National Emergency in order to gain power/control during an extreme weather situation is a baaad way of doin things, kids. don't do it, bad for ya health, etc etc.)

Bonus Line: "This isn't Ycai! you can't just buy guards."
"Tell that to Yendri n hers."
"Yeah 'ey took off couple days ago. Parently it's some three goldwhite a day."
"Aw now don' tell me you're actually-"
"Pff, you think it'd take three goldwhite to make me leave you guys?"
"She's right, you know. I'd need at least four."
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let's get historical [Sep. 7th, 2013|11:23 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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Been reading Hungarian history all this morning, and it's given me some ideas of nmariside history. I'll do the nmariside history thing later, but here's my thinks:

1) Atales - a name taken from Attila, because in early nmariside history there's still bleedthrough from topside.

2) this thing about the seven tribes -- makes me think how I'mna work the early early nmariside history. It's most likely that S&P made Uppath forcibly diverse, but let Downpath figure itself out (because everything's an experiment, hey?). Consequently, Downpath (which is background to who are now Calendari?) is a crazy and fascinating amalgamation of tribes and peoples.

2b) the proto-Calendari were more of a S&P hands-off approach?
2c) the Calendari aren't just an ability-name, they're a people?
---- that would make sense as to why they're so widespread, and as well to why they seem more a culture than just a name.
---- (does the ability stem from something else? that is, was it a different ability Back In the Day?)
---- also makes sense why endres are such a thing downpath...

3) taking the two above, and postulating, I'd say

---- there was significant Hunnic, Xiongnu, and proto-hunagiran influence on early nmariside. I am okay with this.
---- that's late-Han, Three Kingdoms. Heartmarks!
---- that's also height of the Mayan civ. Ooooh, research!
---- shit going down in Persia...
---- someone tells me there's rome going on then, too, but they're not important
---- this is perfect.
---- oh fuck yes I get to do research on the Ainus :DDDDDD

in conclusion: this is awesome and going to be so much fun.
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return of reindri and the scathe! [Aug. 5th, 2013|10:49 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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[Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]


too tired to transcribe it now, but keep an eyeball on this space, for tonight i wrote moar of Reindri and the Scathe.

So much more, in fact, that I have finished The First Doubt.

(and oh, oh, the scathe's story is a real hell of a one.)
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Nmariside Policing: the Locus (part 3) [Jun. 8th, 2013|09:42 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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Eriy turned, outside the dalarast's rom, and led Senicci back down the stairs. "Don't take it much to mind," she said as they went down. "That's bout the size of what you'll get of her anytime. We've all got used to it."

She's like that with everyone? Senicci wanted to ask. She was going to ask it, but figured it too fresh.

Eriy didn't say anything for a bit, leading her left down a long hall, then right, into a hall a-clustered with doors. They was green-painted and mostly open, and people went in and out. The hall's far end dropped into a room whose wall - Senicci could even see from here - was papered all over, where there wasn't maps.

"Fore we're there I'da question or two," Eriy said, leading her back into what turned out to be room Senicci'd met her in, only this time coming in from the back way round. Now Senicci knew how the bottom floor connected to itself: entrance to paper-room, paper room to this hall, this hall to the back hall to the courtyard and upstairs. The room here was lined round with six cupboard-topped desks and a chair each, and all those were in various states: peopled, unpeopled, full and messy or sparkled up nice. One of the people was taking a nap, head in arms on desk. The other two wrote things, but, unlike the paper-room outside, not like there was any real urgency about it. They perked up some as Eriy led Senicci in.

Eriy took the chair of one of the desks. "G'on, take 'is, pull up an let's chat."

Senicci grabbed the chair indicated and pulled it over to sit before Eriy.

"Wanna know is the basics," Eriy said, leaning back. "You the only one test in this time."

Senicci nodded. And, because Eriy looked expectant, she glanced round the room - the other two were definitely listening - she added, "weren't that it was hard, sir, the question one. The body test was a trial, but the question one, since I thought enough about that stuff -" she caught the other vei's look at each other and petered out.

"You think about what's best for the city?" one of them - the man - asked. "For fun?"

Senicci did, actually. She read books about it. Her sisters thought it was hilarious. Her ámma thought it queer someone read so much. Her ábba was proud she read so much, being as he couldn't.

"I - like to think - about problems," she said.

"Do you now?" the man asked.

"Ain't you she's to answer to," Eriy tossed over her shoulder, then back to Senicci. "That's well, then. You come about it how? When'd you start wanting to vei'?"

When? Well - Senicci hesitated.

"Was anyone in your family -"

"Ain't you, Hesce," Eriy drawled.

"The when's been a bit coming," Senicci said, definitely looking at the ground. "I tried work, all kind. Washing was boring, seaming I can't hardly sew, I got nor tansis nor tanmis. I tried printing - sent me off I was too small. I plied at the Loaney but they fill up fast."

"And Candlehouse?" Eriy asked.

"Yeah, everyone who can't get anything else tries there -"

"Your mouth, Hesce, it's running."

Senicci shook her head. "I'd've had to leave home."

"Aaah," and that was so understanding that Senicci looked up. Eriy was nodding. "Hain't got the walk in you, do you?"

"No sir," Senicci shook her head, glad someone understood.

"Sir?!?" Hesce broke out laugh-snorting.

Eriy stood herself up, went over the Hesce's chair, and dumped him out of it onto the ground, letting him know how "sir" was more than he'd ever get if he kept acting six like this.

"You're the one tossing me out of my chair, then you call me six?" Hesce got up, grinning. "Whatever you say, sir."

Eriy took the chair back to her her own desk and tucked it behind hers so Hesce couldnt' get at it. Hesce took a lean against his desk, grinning. Despite herself, Senicci grinned back. Hesce was fun. Almost old as Ábba, with bits of grey long his temples, but still fair fit and round-faced as a kid. He had squared-off fingers he folded under each arm, and even just in here doing paperwork he was all kitted out. Funny - so was the lady, and the napping man. Eriy too.

"Why aren't you," and then remembered Eriy had asked first. She'd save it for later.

"Why aren't I...?" Eriy said.

Senicci looked at the lady, at Hesce, at Eriy. "You've all - these," she put her hands around, indicating clumps at her belt, and at the pockets of the uniform she didn't wear but they did. "Most of them others don't. They've just," and she indicated shapes at her belt and pockets.

The lady, turned completely away from her papers now, raised eyebrows. "You've some eyes," she said.

Hesce grinned. "Somehow I don't think this one's a complete loss," he said to Eriy, and Eriy nodded.

"Getting that feeling my ownself," she said. Then she turned back to Senicci. "You got us figured out quick," she said, voice approving. "We're bit other than normal vei'. Called special call. Heard aught of that?"

Senicci shook her head.

Hesce sighed. "Ah, well, none's legends overnight, they say."

The lady vei' smirked. "More like none's legends of just sitting all day," she said, turning back to her paperwork.

"We're up for any trouble gets particular unpleasant," Eriy explained, leaning back. "We've formed up recent, mostly of the Houses making moves in last thousandday an the troubles of those - you remember?" Senicci did remember hearing about it, and nodded. "Good. Well, with the Roses taking their sweet heads back to Ycai we've no further great furors, so we're back vei'ing but kept ready in case some happens as gets too muxy and difficult for normal vei'."

"Like if there's some great trouble with the Loaney," Hesce averred.

"Right. Or those foresook Houses get their heads all in a rile again."

"Or an arsonist -"

"Hist," the lady looked up at Hesce all sudden. "Your mouth to the Two's ears!" Hesce touched his throat quickly, and the lady followed suit. "Not that it's bad there's nothing," she told Senicci directly. "Just boring. But they put us back common vei'ing in the meantimes. We just half our circuits an train extra is all."

Senicci nodded.

"And I've got thirded shifts for a tenday of you-time," Eriy grinned. "It's nice having a novvie." Senicci heard coughs from the other two, and Eriy raised her voice, "it is, if'n your newbird starts off in a good two-handful of working brain." She smiled at Senicci. "They drop anything in your ear bout how you'll be taught?"

Senicci shook her head.

"Well it ain't school nor classes," Eriy told her. "What you got in some other job, that just tossing you in - we don't that, neither, since we like keeping our novvies a bit, most of us. So what you'll be's a quiet liddle shadow in all the best corners. You'll get an earful an an eyeful of everything, with a bit of let's-try-it in there so's you can accustom your ownself to the work. You got you a fifty to work out if you'll be staying of us, an there's plenty don't, so you oughtn't fear to scramble if you ain't for it. Vei'ing don't take well to the unwilling," Eriy stopped, since this was apparently funny to everyone else in the room.


Apparently that's as far as Pico's head is going right now.

Hope this's an interesting bit of blither!
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whoever told you girls don't have spatial or logical capabilities is touched in the head [Jun. 7th, 2013|02:17 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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rooms the Veiarastan has:


+ main/entrance
-- I figure this to be like most ante-waiting-front-hall-rooms everywhere, dividied as function dictates and space permits into the various necessary corners and desks

+ function rooms
-- connected to the above: offices? talkies? whatever else needs haps
-- **I could use suggestions as to what other functions these rooms'd provide!**

+ courtyard
-- practice and training, since that's practical

+ rooms off the courtyard
-- for storage, gear, necessaries, etc
-- prolly a place to stop in and rest briefly, too

+ **any other rooms I needs on dis floor?


more individual office/rooms, such as:

+ the dalarast's room
-- hi, Seviy
-- oh, you're busy
-- bye, Seviy

+ paper and record storage
-- for what papers and records needs be written
-- yay a map or maps too :D

+ whoever's in charge'd have a room here I guess?

and that's how far's I know. tell me: what other rooms does it need? ** is where I ask a kweschun that needs me an answer thenk you.


Another thing I should know: who's there doing what where, and who's in charge of whom?


+ "paperwarmers" = admin and paper-folk
-- these is admin
-- and people who deal with paperwork
-- what kinds of paperwork? I know about a few:
---- reports are pretty standard, but will they have 'em nmariside? and if so, hang onto 'em?
---- maps n shit
---- legal matters?
---- administrative matters

+ those who walk around the city being just plain beat cops
-- what am I even going to call these folks/what they do nmariside
-- I guess I'll make a nmariside word for the job
-- **anything special I ought to know about these folks's schedules?**

+ "those that work with the justices"
-- are they different from the above?
-- like maybe: these are called in/responsible for more srs bsns, but the above are folks doing dailies?
-- but so are these guys the above when they're not these guys?
-- I assume: more training, and also poss/prob some testing/lawspeaking learning?

+ loaners
-- those who are available for loan as private security
-- I think this could be anyone: there's a pool of those who're the usual picks, but people can loan individuals (?) on a special small-contract




I do not know who is responsible for the arrangement of all these ladies and gentlemen.

I do not know how many there are in which groups and such. (If I had to hazard guesses I'd be like "hey nmariside goes by tens", but Inunno.)

I do not know who reports to whom and how and when.

I do not know exact shift times (though I'm thinking for folks making circuits there's fourth watches: bell-midday, midday-drum, drum-midnight, midnight-bell - this makes sense to me...) and I do not know how duties fit into those times

I do not know population of the Locus nor numbers of policefolk

I do not know the justice-house's schedule and when they deal with problem peeps

I do not know what sorts of issues are normal for those walking the circuits to run into, and how they shall handle with such. (Okay, I lie here: I have various lots of ideas of what kinds of things they'd run into, but I do not want to sound silly or unknowledgeable. Also, the Locus ain't that big. Also also, the Locus is very compact, so trouble needs a Short Sharp Etc to deal before it spreads.)




I do know that the Veiarastan would shave an org Protecting The Borders (that is, patrolling the nmari and dealing with pathside trouble for a few days in either direction). This seems logical, because it's the path - it ain't easy, but it seems like the kind of service the Locus would offer (that, eg, Rhuvecai or Ycai or Esce would not).

I do know that weapon of choice is staffs and prolly coshes (I figure the Short Sharp Etc is left to the justices? since the Locus doesn't seem to me the kind of place where the SSE is dispensed there and then. Ycai, I could see that. Arrecai I could totes see that. Dovocai I could see it. The Locus? In the Locus we like to do things Right. (Right here meaning with an eyeball to procedure, ie, justice in the justice-house and veiarasts veiing and aring.))

I do know there's far less distrust of veiarasts in the Locus than there is of police in some IRL cities - "these guys'll fix shit so we don't have to" is a prevailing notion, which does nto carry over to, say, Sanita Vaio, where there's definitely some "come on man I could so do a better job but I don't feel like it but I bet I could if I tried" going on. (Granted, Sayvay is so disctricted there's idea-differences there, too.)

NOTE: corruption is something the Locus looks real strictly on. Comes of being where the Loaney's located, and also to do with their Midpath placement: they are fair as fuck and they will be fair if it kills them and it is sort of a source of national (as it were) pride. So - trust in authority happens because corruption is down there with, say, child abuse and plagiarism and other heinous badstuffs.
NOTE ALSO: this totally does not carry over to some other nmariside cities. Like Iorious/Candeco. Or Ycai. loool.

Okay, it's 2.13 AM and I finally feel capable of sleeping, should I try, so I shall go and try doing that now! TA TA GOOD NIGHT :D
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links that are not wikilepedia [Jun. 6th, 2013|12:31 am]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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moar links re: that thing I'm writing about called


links and thinksCollapse )

pico go do what your icon says
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we need more words (or: Pico you are jsut being awake and writing idea now aren't you [Jun. 4th, 2013|11:27 pm]
Olinscomm - Portmanteau of Olinscarr and Community

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lei - peace


types of peace:
---- tranquility: lei
leisca work
a leiyin person

tranquility of ses: seslei
peace of mind, peace at mind, relaxed or unworried or empty (in a good way) or nothing (not the bad type) or unhurried or chill or it's-all-good-ness
seslei, at waking, on a quiet morning on the path
the seslei of walking
lookit him. he looks so relaxed. full seslei

tranquility of piy: piylei
peace of relaxed notmovingness, not having to move and do, inaction in a good way, not worried about it either, just chill stillness
the mendraniy's house is a piyleisca place
this person's calligraphy has a piylei to it, brushstrokes with the stillness of unrippled water

---- not-conflict: fer(+iyes)
not being in a state of conflict, both on large-scale and small: feriyes
(-iyes being a a "state" affix, like things in a certain state)
day-to-day feriyes in the city
waneside's quieted, a short feriyes
the peshe king could never find feriyes
so "fer" alone: interpersonal harmony?
an ifer man
fer standings
a shrewd diplomat, determined to maintain fer relations




still thinking about this


this is jsut straightup raw conceptualizing hereCollapse )
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