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Hey man, I hope you get well soon!

For fans who aren't aware, the developer abandoned the game due to some health issues more than a year ago, odds are good, this one won't be coming back. But we can dream.


hoping he's doing good and looking forward to the next updat



Game is dead until Dev beats his cancer


you don't beat cancer by being a quitter


Thanks THO, I don't follow F95Z, and consequently had not seen this update, but your clarification explains a lot. You understate that "cancer is a pain". I have lost friends and relatives to it, and the Dev must devote his energies to fighting  and beating it. Best of luck to him, get well soon. If he returns to the game, then good, but I would not hold it against him should he choose to do other things with his life.


Hi Dev,

Long time since we heard from you. Your most recent post on your Patreon was  "Hello everyone and happy Halloween to those who celebrate it. First of all I apologise for being missing so long I will explain I..." and the rest is locked unless you are a Patreon.

I humbly suggest that if you want more Patreons you need to unlock this post now for general exhibition if you are intending to continue the game development.  With you being away so long, it will be hard for anyone to commit to you if they can't see why you seem to have left the helm unattended, and what your intentions are.  Especially when that post is early November, 2021, nearly 200 days, or more than half a year ago, at the date of writing this.

When it tastes, looks and smells like the game is abandoned, there is really only one conclusion that fits the observable facts.

I hope you have not abandoned the game, you have an excellent cast of characters, some great plot lines and an intriguing way of telling the story.  I would really like to see it develop.

On the other hand, it is possible that your personal circumstances don't allow you to continue. That sometimes happens for real people in the real world, games such as these are often a labour of love, and it can all become too much if things don't go right on the personal front. I am sorry if that is the case and hope things improve.

I am personally looking forward to an update, but if that will never happen, it might be best to just say so and be done. We can then all move on.

Best regards.


If you read through the F95 Zone thread of the game, you may notice that there's information that he has been informed having cancer.

For me it looks like he has to win bigger fights atm. Hope  he will be successful and (after that) still want's to tell this story. I'm also looking forward  to an continuation.

Best luck for you dev .. cancer is a real pain :-(

What is the difference between TSH and TSH with Animations.

I really liked the game so far. Is it abandoned or is there actually coming somthing again? cuz last update was 8 Month ago.

Great game so far! Are there going to be any more updates? I noticed the last update on Patreon was in October


Looks great, only one suggestion. Consider pregnancy, because if you really fall in love with a character..

Hi im kinda like you i recently come across visual novels and want to make one, however ive found renpy to wite the script but dont know what to use to create the nsfw scenes?

microsoft paint 3d

i've been delaying writing a review cos its hard to sum up, but here goes:
i've played up to 2.0.
its now been a month since 2.5 was released and ive been putting that off playing it, just to get a little more than one day extra play.
however, it is getting harder and harder to put off playing the next update, the game really is that good, very realistic plot (midlife crisis), pretty realistic characters (well within the tenets of psychology), and as realistic graphics as you can get in an avn to date.
very solid for a v2 game. look forward to more.

Man this looks very interesting, are you planning on making an android version soon? unfortunately my pc broke 2 weeks ago but I really want to play this

You can download an android port from here:
Download - MEGA
Please, keep in mind that it is not an official version from me, it is a port made by Roy26633356

If you're recommending this version yourself then I assume that is a safe version right? No viruses or anything 

The truth is that I didn't test it, but he makes android ports for a lot of games. I can't really assure you anything other than the fact that the version is posted in my game's  F95 page and has no comments against it. If you want more information you can enter his Discord and ask there. I put the link in the answer above. Sorry I can't be more helpful. 


It's ok, thanks for the info, you should really talk about it with him tho, for what you say It's legit, but if it ends up being a corrupted game & you recommend it you might get into trouble even if the port is his, I mean just to be safe


"Please, keep in mind that it is not an official version from me" ..... says it wasn't a recommendation as much as it was to help you find something that you could not find on your own. Why don't YOU talk with the person who put out the android version? (as OlecramID recommended?


Adinekara if you dont like  the situation dont d/l  but trying to tell the creator how to make his game for YOUR enjoyment is really rude.  I for one  really enjoy the game  keep up the great work OlecramID  =)


Hello! I'm really glad that you like the game! I don't know if you played the last update or not, but let me know what you think when you do!

There are always going to be people who don't like this game, but that's fine, not everything is for everyone. The advantage is that there are millions of games to choose from. For my part, I will try to stay true to my idea and do my best.


After reading the description of the game  I was just about ready to download this game, ....then I read the bios of the characters. A 44-year-old chasing 18-year-old tail Is just creepy to me and the oldest girl still has a 20-year gap. If the age gap wasn't so big this would have been an easy download for me but sadly I'm gonna have to pass on this one . Next time make the harem closer in age to the MC


Hi, thanks for the feedback but if you had played the game you would realize that MC is not chasing anyone. Beyond that, if this game is not your preference, it's totally understandable, I hope you find what you are looking for. The best thing is that, at least for now, we can choose what kind of game we can play and / or do.


he is rich as hell, its totally realistic.


Sexiest character in this game is the main guy. My god him standing shirtless in the shower of the RV, soaked from the shower being buggy, he is sexy as all hell.


This is the best, everyone can have their favorite character. I'm going to tell MC that he has a fan, I'm sure he's going to be very happy, your comment made his day!


the only reason MC is so sexy....
is cos he is ME!.. like, literally, even has my name - Ghryst


Ahhh! That's why!!


This is godlike bro I'm really loving it, it's well thought out. The story is captivating and the characters are well rounded and not just used as sex tools like in most AVNs.. Honestly can't wait to get Emily away from that shit stain she calls her father but all in good time, Keep up the great work man

Hi Starset,

I'm glad you like it! Thanks for your words, and don't worry, we will get Emily out of that house!

I agree Starset. Emily is being treated like shit. Hopefully, Karma will get revenge on her dad, and he will end up waiting on ungrateful assholes, maybe in prison?

Hopefully more than prison hey, I'd personally like to beat the crap out of him lol

In prison, he might be sexually assaulted (over and over) and become someone's bitch. Way, way worse than a beating, IMO.


Wow, I really need to remember to stay on your good side!

I agree that that would be much worse than a beating, but he is a really big guy... I don't know if he would end like that... but maybe he is just brave with little girls, those kind of assholes are that way... so who knows...

Either way, don't worry about it, Karma will get him, that's for sure!

The bigger they are, the harder they fall....

(2 edits) (+1)

Damn when you put it that way, you right...Prison is a better suited punishment cause he definitely will be sexually assaulted in prison if the other prisoners finds out he was charged with abuse and possibly Attempted rape/rape  of his own daughter 

(1 edit) (-2)

cant wait to get her out of that house.
rescue girls are always desperate to please their new owners :) and she's still young enough to not ben a waste of time and resources. 


Yeah with that comment I think she's safer with her dad than with you lol


c'mon, im not that bad, at least i wont be hitting her..
i'll just be poking her with a stick, a meat stick, a lot.

Lol either way she won't be living a very pleasant life


it will be unbelievably pleasant.
so unbelievably pleasant that she wont even believe it herself 


Yep, I really don't want to own her, but I want to get her out of there as soon as possible


Game is excellent. One of the better AVN with writings, and scenes. A lot of thought went behind this. Support the good developers like OlecramID.


Hey Hawkeye, thanks a lot for your words! I really tried to do my best and it's so nice when someone appreciate it. I just saw your pledge in my Patreon! I will send you a PM for the animations.

(1 edit)

Well this game looks as if it would be pretty good. Unfortunately it won't let me download it. Keeps telling me it can't accept my info. I will try and access from elsewhere.                                                                                           ..............

Sorry, we can't accept your purchase at this time due to the updated 2015 VAT regulations. Your billing address does not match your purchase location (IE).

Go back

Hi Cheery!

It seems that is something wrong with your addresses, but don't worry, you can download it for free from my Patreon page:

Download links v.02 | OlecramId on Patreon

Hope it helps you!


I actually managed to download it not long after posting :)

It says TSH v.02 would be released "in a few days", but it's been nearly two weeks. Is the time the full two weeks, or did you forget about


Hello, of course I didn't forget about!
The thing is that because of the Patreon's exclusive tiers I have to wait 14 days to the public release, and that will happen tomorrow!
So, you don't worry, I will update all links with the new version of the game tomorrow

It is pregnancy planned in the future?

The truth is that I never thought about pregnancy. I don't think that it will be present in the near future, but if people want, I don't mind to make a path that will go there...

ok, thanks for the response


good intro, i look forward to more


Thank you, I'm working on the next update as we speak


nice game till now...if u ask me these is only 1 epic see the mc before shower time with a blue slip...why no boxer short...??? congrats for the work cant wait to see a new update...


Wow, some strong feelings about a slip, but the truth is that I didn't even think about it. The next time I will use some boxers just for you!

I'm glad you liked the game, I hope to see you on the next update too!

(4 edits) (+1)

thats a really odd comment to be honest, boxer shorts are certainly not universal, i dont wear them, dont know many ppl that wear them at all. its culturally specific to certain countries.
and a Slip? that is female underwear, lingerie,  did you mean a towel? 


probably u re gay sorry for you.....

well, im not the one imagining some dude in a Slip... 
sorry for trying to help you save face in future, i'll leave you to it :D 



this is a man slip...a fucking gay like u seems to be...sad for u..i dont wear this shit sorry man....

(1 edit) (+1)

meanwhile, those are briefs. but obviously, as you said elsewhere, "sorry my english is bad....".
butt seriously,. boxers are entirely redundant, they do nothing that you pants dont already do.
men wearing clothing purely for vanity reasons = gay as fuck, seeing as you keep wanting to go there.
im also not the one posting pictures of men in underwear..


Must say, glad I saw this pop up. Way prefer the 3d models for these sorts of games compared to anime styled ones. 

Glad you like it!


Two and a half out of four is pretty good on my "oops all redheads" scale.


You can never have enough redheads!


That is my entire design philosophy!

on italian language we say...rossa di capelli golosa di hair greedy of dicks...dunno if its correcly translate but ok...

Is there a phrase for generously feeding redheads?


is not so generously...its like to say...all the redheads girl are hungry of dicks and they are the best to fuck...but is a vulgar phrase tipical when boys are speaking about girls....sorry my english is bad....