? ?
Journal created:
on 12 March 2003 (#945479)
on 30 March 2008
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
I decided to set this 'community' up for the lovers of old hardcore, whether you were there or not. Post whatever you want - but keep it related to the hardcore theme. Share your stories, records, photos, or whatever else you got stored away. Not every kid who enjoys the good stuff got to live it out first hand, so share your stuff.

Feel free to post info about re-presses, new bands, shows, and junk like that but please leave your quizes, 'I need friends', and other bullshit entries in your own journal, try to keep your posts hardcore related. And as always 'LJ Cut' tags work wonders when posting more then 2 photos, since not everyone wants to see 20 photos of you floorpunching.

This community was created by me, jozietrue and is maintained by the_outsider.

P.S Ladies into hardcore should get their bums over to girlsinhc

Note: Before you post ANY eBay auctions- READ THIS!

4-skins, 7 seconds, agnostic front, anti-cimex, antidote, articles of faith, attitude adjustment, avskum, bad brains, bastard, battalion of saints, bgk, bl'ast!, black flag, black market baby, boskops, breakdown, cause for alarm, chain of strength, circle jerks, cocksparrer, confuse, corrosion of conformity, cro-mags, crow, crucifix, crude ss, cólera, d.i., d.o.a., d.r.i., d.y.s., deep wound, die kreuzen, discharge, dischord records, dr. know, effigies, extreme noise terror, fear, fear of god, flipper, g.i.s.m., gang green, gauze, ghoul, government issue, heart attack, heresy, iron cross, jerry's kids, jfa, krakdown, kraut, kuro, last rights, life's blood, lip cream, lärm, mental abuse, minor threat, mob 47, moderat likvidation, murphy's law, n.o.t.a., naked raygun, negative approach, negative fx, negazione, neos, new york hardcore, nightmare, nihilistics, nyc mayhem, nyhc, oi, old school, old school hardcore, old time hardcore, olho seco, outo, pandemonium, poison idea, ratos de porão, rattus, raw deal, raw power, reagan youth, riistetyt, ripcord, rose rose, s.o.a, s.o.b., scream, septic death, sheer terror, sick of it all, siege, skitslickers, skrewdriver, slapshot, ss decontrol, state of alert, straight ahead, straight edge, subhumans, systematic death, teen idles, terveet kädet, the abused, the accused, the comes, the effigies, the execute, the exploited, the f.u.'s, the faith, the freeze, the germs, the meatmen, the necros, the offenders, the outpatients, the proletariat, the psychos, the stalin, the untouchables, the wipers, token entry, totalitär, toxic reasons, trip 6, uniform choice, united mutation, upright citizens, urban waste, verbal abuse, void, warhead, warzone, wasted youth, wretched, ydi, youth brigade, zouo
