? ?
Old Mill High School
virtual home of the Patriots
10th-Oct-2007 03:09 pm - Homecoming
Hey everyone,

This is a bit of short notice but the Homecoming parade and game is on Saturday, october 13th. The Parade route has changed from its original route down Old Mill Road. It will now go down Shettlands Lane, and from there, I'm not quite sure.

The game will start circa 1 PM. =)
22nd-Feb-2007 03:01 pm - Mod post and poll
This community's pretty dead. Every so often, that bothers me. ;D

Is the current generation of students all on ... *whispers* MySpace, or something?

Community participation poll: please, PLEASE take a few minutes to fill this out!Collapse )

If you have ANYTHING else to add, please leave a comment! (ARE they all on MySpace? Is there a redundant, more active comm somewhere that I don't know about? Does this comm even need to exist? Do you have an idea for the layout, sidebar, or info page? Anything else you wanna talk about?)
19th-Nov-2006 06:24 pm(no subject)
The Class of 2001 reunion, scheduled for Nov. 30 has apparently been cancelled.

That is all.
Our Five Year Reunion.
That's right, we've finally set a date. Thursday, November 30 will be the night of our five year high school reunion at Windows on the Bay in Pasadena, MD from 8:00 pm to midnight.

Tickets are $36.50 per person.
Tickets will be available for purchase online or via check very soon. Another e-mail will be sent with purchasing information, and this information will also be posted on the web site.

Each class member will be limited to one (1) guest.
Your Ticket Price Includes:
Open Bar Featuring:

* Domestic Beers and seasonal Micro-Brews on draft
o Miller Light, Coors Light, Budweiser
o Yueingling, Samuel Adam's (seasonal lager), Guinness
* Rail liquors including Jack Daniel's, Bacardi, Jim Beam and other varieties.
* Wines including: Chardonnay, Cabernet, Merlot & White Zinfandel

Food to Include*:

* Carving Stations featuring Roast Beef, Ham, and Smoked Turkey
* Chicken and Cheese Quesadellas
* Buffalo, BBQ, and Honey Glazed Wings
* * Coffee, Tea, and Soda included

Please e-mail any and all questions to theNOSPAMandystratton at gmail dot com. (Removing, of course, the "NOSPAM" and spaces.)
11th-May-2006 02:48 pm - class of 2001
tj plotting
An informal five-year reunion is being organized for the class of 2001

Come see what's up at omreunion.
7th-Apr-2006 03:33 pm - Spring Play
blackmage fire
Sorry for the late notice.
Play: Meet Me in St. Louis
April 6-8th at 7:30pm
April 9th at 2:30pm
26th-Mar-2006 06:00 pm(no subject)
Does anyone have any information on the Class of 2001 5-year Reunion?
8th-Nov-2005 03:10 pm(no subject)
Lil Abner is playing this week. (It's either the 10th, 11th; and 13th... or 10th, 12th, and 13th... I can't remember)
9th-May-2005 09:10 am - Class of 2000 5 Year reunion
Has anybody heard what, if anything we are going to be doing? Does anybody even remember who we put in charge of our reunion? Sure we can probably all meet in Rocky Run but....

Anyway, if anyone knows what's going on, would you let me know?

9th-Apr-2005 02:22 am(no subject)
tj plotting
Last-minute note: Alumni night at the spring musical Saturday at 6:30! I haven't been yet, but I have it on good authority that the set was *almost* finished as of Wednesday night, and the cuckoo clock has not yet bitten off anyone's fingers.
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