Old Beaters Rule!
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in
The Community of Old Car Owners' LiveJournal:
Thursday, December 15th, 2005 | 10:30 am [firesplace]
High Idle in Neutral, Low Idle in Gear
Hey, everyone! Well, the '85 Buick Skyhawk (The Ick) is in my little brother's hands now. His '87 Mazda 626 is having transmission issues and lost its reverse gear, so he decided to take the Ick on. The Ick's major issue right now is the idle, and it's got me baffled! When the car is cold and just started, the engine races (it doesn't have a tachometer, so I'm afraid I can't give you the RPMs), but as soon as it's dropped into reverse, the idle drops dramatically and it often stalls. It starts again without any problem, but will continue to stall if left in reverse or out of gear, until it reaches temperature...And even then, the idle is rough and the car will threaten to stall at stoplights. It gets weirder, tho. My brother shifted the car into neutral at a stoplight when driving home the other evening, and although the car was fully warm from the freeway, the engine started racing again. It WAS a very cold night, but I just can't figure out what's up. Anyone have any ideas?? Current Mood: confused | Friday, December 2nd, 2005 | 12:04 pm [firesplace]
| Sunday, October 30th, 2005 | 10:47 am [dj_ponyhard]
new stuff
Is anybody in there? Well, I bought a tachometer for my '80 acadiane... it can sounds good... BUT, this tachometer was on a 4 cylinder in line... and my engine is a flat twin :s So, that explain why the red line is about 2500tr/min on the tachometer... that means almost 5000tr/min for my engine. It can take more but I prefer keep it alive for a long time!

Current Mood: optimistic | Monday, October 17th, 2005 | 8:50 pm [dj_ponyhard]
Jessie James, you F**K!!!!!!
I was searching to write on the old beaters community but I wasn't a member! Well..., it's really important... and it's really bad... my hands can't write, I'm shaking too much!!!! You must know the "Monster Garage"... and this time, they turn up an old Ford Bronco into a Ford Bronco rock climber... BUT that AS**OLE of Jessie James was burning a 88' Oldsmobile... that was so pain inside me when the engine was blowing... Sorry, I'm so sick, I just need something else to forget this repulsive scene... I can't stop that shaking hands!!! If you really love old cars and especially Oldsmobiles, you must NOT watch this... Current Mood: sick | Thursday, September 15th, 2005 | 11:52 pm [caelestina]
Oops, I meant to join this a few days ago. I've had a string of craptacular cars since I got my license 10 years ago, started with a '72 Dodge Dart. =P Current car: 1994 Pontiac Bonneville. I'm sleepy now, though, so I'll post more tomorrow! | Tuesday, September 13th, 2005 | 9:38 am [firesplace]
Oh, all right...
After a couple people insisted, I upped the reccomended age limit of cars to 10 years. You can still join if you have a younger car and just love old cars, but please keep the subject of your post to cars 10+ years old or those with at least 100,000 miles on them. Thanks! =D | Monday, September 12th, 2005 | 9:17 pm [firesplace]
Hi, and welcome to Old Beaters, the community for those who own and love old cars! If you drive a car that is at least 5 years old or has 100k+ miles on it, come and join us! And don't worry about it if your car's a little newer than that - if it looks like an old beater or acts like a lemon, we're happy to have you. =D Please feel free to introduce yourself and your beater! Give us the make/model, the mileage, how long you've had it, what circumstances lead you to purchase/inherit/etc. it, and any cool stories you have about it. Oh, and don't forget to tell us what's currently broken on your beater! My goal for this community is to create a place to share stories of old cars, and to discuss maintenance issues. I've learned everything I know about cars from what has broken on mine and on the cars of friends and family. I think hearing about other people's symptoms and solutions is a great way to learn how to keep your beater in tip-top condition, so please share current and past problems! Community guidelines: Don't post anything blatantly offensive (no porn here, sorry), don't be mean to anyone, and try to remember to put any pictures over 400x400 behind an lj-cut. And if you have an icon of your car, please use it! That's it! And again, welcome! =) Current Mood: happy |