Khaled Sallam
Dr. Sallam's research is focused on thermal fluid sciences with application to high-speed propulsion, energy conversion, and desalination. Dr. Sallam received his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering in 2002 from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Sallam developed 3 new graduate courses and 8 undergraduate courses at OSU and received multiple teaching awards: the 2017 Excellent Teacher Award, the 2014 OSU-Tulsa President’s Outstanding Teaching Award, the 2014 Lockheed Martin Aeronautic Teaching Excellence Award, and the 2007 Halliburton Excellent Young Teacher Award. He published 71 journal articles and conference papers. He received the W.R. Marshall award from Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, North and South America, and a summer faculty fellowship from the Air Force Research Lab at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Dr. Sallam served as the chair of the ASME Mid Continent Section. He is an associate fellow of AIAA and was the Communication Chair of the AIAA High-Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Technical Committee.
Phone: 405-762-0749
Address: 700 N Greenwood Ave #225HRC
Oklahoma State University
Tulsa, OK 74106
Phone: 405-762-0749
Address: 700 N Greenwood Ave #225HRC
Oklahoma State University
Tulsa, OK 74106
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