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Although cancer research has generally been clinical and/or biological in nature, in recent years, data driven analytic research has become a common complement. In medical domains where data and analytics driven research is successfully... more
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      Data MiningProstate CancerTools and TechniquesPrediction Model
Nowadays, there is consensus on the fact that the sustainability, in which the international political debate constitute one of the most powerful concepts, opens entirely new opportunities for reaching higher levels of development.... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCase StudyIndexationProductivity and Efficiency Measurement
Organisations willing to succeed in global competition have to integrate their internal and external processes. This especially includes planning and production control (PPC) processes. Optimised allocation of the production resources and... more
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      Simulated AnnealingFuzzy SystemsParticle Swarm OptimizationMultidisciplinary
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      Decision Support SystemsMathematical Sciences
Nowadays, there is consensus on the fact that the sustainability, in which the international political debate constitute one of the most powerful concepts, opens entirely new opportunities for reaching higher levels of development.... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCase StudyIndexationProductivity and Efficiency Measurement
Cancer and other chronic diseases have constituted (and will do so at an increasing pace) a significant portion of healthcare costs in the United States in recent years. Although prior research has shown that diagnostic and treatment... more
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    • Data Mining
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been considerably criticized for possible rank reversal phenomenon caused by: i, when new alternatives are added or old ones deleted; and ii, when new criteria are added or old ones deleted with the... more
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    • Business and Management
Inventory record inaccuracy (IRI) is a major obstacle to realizing operational excellence and lean enterprise principles in the supply chain. This paper proposes an analytical model to study the operational and economic impacts of... more
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Online social networks (OSNs) produce a huge volume of content and clickstream data over time as a result of continuous social interactions between users. Because these social interactions are not fully observable, the mining of such... more
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Organisations willing to succeed in global competition have to integrate their internal and external processes. This especially includes planning and production control (PPC) processes. Optimised allocation of the production resources and... more
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      Information SystemsProduction PlanningSystem Analysis and DesignIDEF0
Today's social media platforms are excellent vehicles for businesses to build and foster relationship with customers. Companies create official fan pages on social network websites to provide customers with information about their brands,... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)TwitterOnline social networksBrand popularity
In the current age of data analytics, there has been a push for the emergence of technologies that allow for interactive analysis of extensive amounts of quickly produced, highly varied data. These technologies require people (nicknamed "... more
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      Teaching and LearningAssociation Rules MiningBusiness AnalyticsMarket Basket Analysis
Today's social media platforms are excellent vehicles for businesses to build and foster relationship with customers. Companies create official fan pages on social network websites to provide customers with information about their brands,... more
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Today's social media platforms are excellent vehicles for businesses to build and foster relationship with customers. Companies create official fan pages on social network websites to provide customers with information about their brands,... more
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      Machine LearningBig Data / Analytics / Data MiningSocial Media Analytics
Organisations willing to succeed in global competition have to integrate their internal and external processes. This especially includes planning and production control (PPC) processes. Optimised allocation of the production resources and... more
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      ManufacturingSystems AnalysisProduction PlanningEnterprise Modeling
Online social networks (OSNs) produce a huge volume of content and clickstream data over time as a result of continuous social interactions between users. Because these social interactions are not fully observable, the mining of such... more
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      BusinessSocial Media AnalyticsPoint processesSpatial Point Processes In Ecology
The age of data analytics requires "data scientists " across a wide range of business disciplines with deep knowledge of how to manage and analyse vast amounts of data to support decision-making. As a result, new analytical tools are... more
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      Teaching and LearningAnalyticsBusiness AnalyticsBusiness Education
The age of data analytics requires "data scientists " across a wide range of business disciplines with deep knowledge of how to manage and analyse vast amounts of data to support decision-making. As a result, new analytical tools are... more
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Organizations recognize the need to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in order to become more competitive, efficient, and productive, although the adoption and implementation of an ERP system is a costly and risky endeavor.... more
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      Case StudiesCloud ComputingCase StudyFood Industry
Organisations utilise social media technologies for various customer engagement and external facing activities in recent years. This research examines the extent to which the business strategies and social media strategies of... more
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      Business/IT AlignmentText MiningTwitterOnline social networks