Papers by Carrie Winterowd

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 2012
Among a sample of Native American/American Indian women, this study explored the linear relations... more Among a sample of Native American/American Indian women, this study explored the linear relationship of historical loss, acculturation, racism, and emotional distress to binge-eating behavior and level of obesity as determined by body mass index. Emotional distress, experiences of racism, and feelings about historical loss were significantly related to binge-eating behaviors, with emotional distress being the most significant predictor. Este estudio exploró entre Indios Americanos la relación linear de la pérdida histórica, la aculturación, el racismo y la angustia emocional con el comportamiento de atracones compulsivos y la obesidad, determinada por el índice de masa corporal. La angustia emocional, las experiencias de racismo y los sentimientos de pérdida histórica estuvieron significativamente relacionados con los comportamientos de atracones compulsivos, siendo la angustia emocional el vaticinador más significativo. O besity and being overweight, as determined by body mass index (BMI; see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.), each continues to be of concern for many Native American/American Indians (NA/AI;

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2012
The purpose of the study was to explore how negative self-schemas and partner attachments were re... more The purpose of the study was to explore how negative self-schemas and partner attachments were related to the experience and expression of anger (i.e., trait anger, inward and outward expression of anger) in a sample of male batterers (n = 40) who participated in court-mandated group services. They completed the Experience in Close Relationships (ECR), the Young Schema Questionnaire-2 (YSQ-2), the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2), and a demographic sheet. Male batterers who experienced pervasive anger (i.e., trait anger) tended to experience negative self-schemas associated with the Impaired Limits domain (respecting the rights of others, insufficient self-control, entitlement). Male batterers who tended to suppress their anger tended to feel avoidantly attached to their romantic partner and endorsed negative self-schemas associated with the Disconnection and Rejection domain (abandonment, emotional deprivation, defectiveness/shame). Implications for clinical practice with male offenders and future research are discussed.

Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2000
Resilient factors affecting the retention and completion of American Indian people in higher educ... more Resilient factors affecting the retention and completion of American Indian people in higher education were explored using qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with 14 American Indian students or graduates regarding personal, familial, and tribal experiences that influenced their interest, persistence, and adjustment in higher education. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed for common themes. Results indicate the importance of Indian traditions in the areas of internalized resiliency characteristics, ways of learning, developing an academic identity, and perceptions of social support systems. A description for Indian tradition in each of these factors is portrayed with the words of the students and graduates. Implications regarding the need for personal and institutional responses that are perceived as authentic by American Indian students are discussed.
Pain Practice, 2004
Page 1. Cognitive Therapy with Chronic Pain Carrie Winterowd Aaron T. Beck Daniel Gruener CP Spri... more Page 1. Cognitive Therapy with Chronic Pain Carrie Winterowd Aaron T. Beck Daniel Gruener CP Springer Publishing Company Page 2. Page 3. i I Cognitive Therapy with Chronic Pain Patients i i "This One W1EE-T3D-USPU Page 4. ...
The Counseling Psychologist, 2009
The Counseling Psychologist, 2009

Small Group Research, 1999
The purpose of this study is to evaluate group therapists'perceptions of therapeutic factors in p... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate group therapists'perceptions of therapeutic factors in psychotherapy groups for incarcerated male inmates. Participants (159 group therapy providers from 78 adult male state correctional facilities) completed a survey designed to assess their perceptions about (a) the relative importance of therapeutic factors as group goals, (b) the amount of group time spent discussing and/or processing therapeutic factors, and (c) the level of progress group members made on therapeutic factors. Interpersonal learning, universality, and imparting information appear to be highly valued by group therapists across the three questions mentioned above. Existential factors and corrective recapitulation of the primary family group were consistently rated significantly lower on the three questions of interest as compared to the other therapeutic factors. Implications of these findings and suggestions for further research are highlighted.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1999
Journal of Religion and Health, 2010
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of spiritual beliefs and involvement wi... more The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of spiritual beliefs and involvement with anger and stress in early adolescents. Early adolescents (n = 53) completed the Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale , the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (Spielberger 1999), and the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen and Williamson 1988). Contrary to expectations, spirituality was significantly and positively related to anger and stress. Implications and possible explanations for the unanticipated findings in this study are discussed.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 2002
Methods: A non-reservation sample of 243 American Indian students from a total sample of 1,815 st... more Methods: A non-reservation sample of 243 American Indian students from a total sample of 1,815 students in a southwestern state completed health-risk screenings in the public schools. The students were between 14 and 18 years of age and in grades 9 through 12. Archival survey data were analyzed by age, gender, and race.
Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 1998
... The authors wish to thank Dr. Debra Swoboda, Director of Student Disability Services, at Okla... more ... The authors wish to thank Dr. Debra Swoboda, Director of Student Disability Services, at Oklahoma State University, and to the instructors of ... for their assistance in data collec-tion, including Jamie Davis, Bithiah Harmon, Lisa Swisher, Jannette Ray, Dana Britt, Julie Roark, Scott ...
Journal of College Student Development, 2005
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of spiritual beliefs and involvement wi... more The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of spiritual beliefs and involvement with anger and stress in college students. The spirituality scales were positively related to perceived stress and most of the anger subscales. When stress was controlled, the spirituality subscales still contributed significantly to anger.
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 2001
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 2005
In this study, we examined the effects of sweat therapy on group dynamics and affect. Sweat thera... more In this study, we examined the effects of sweat therapy on group dynamics and affect. Sweat therapy is the combination of intense heat exposure with psychotherapy or counseling (Colmant & Merta, 1999; 2000). Twenty-four undergraduates were separated by sex and randomly ...
The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 1995
This article describes the theory and practice of group work with a central focus on what group l... more This article describes the theory and practice of group work with a central focus on what group leaders can expect in the process of leading a grieving and loss group. The authors describe their group work with clients experiencing grief and review several theories of grief relating to loss.
Health Psychology, 2003
Although more White women develop breast cancer, African American women more frequently die of th... more Although more White women develop breast cancer, African American women more frequently die of the disease (American Cancer Society, 2003). Despite higher morbidity among African American women, few studies have included racially diverse samples. The purposes of this study were to explore racial and body image differences in coping and self-efficacy in coping and racial differences in body image perceptions among breast cancer patients. The 92 participants ranged in age from 28 to 86 years (M=57.64, SD=12.48). Participants with higher body image perceptions had significantly higher self-efficacy in coping compared with participants with lower body image perceptions. There were no significant racial or ethnic differences in coping, self-efficacy in coping, or body image perceptions.

International Journal of …, 2000
The primary purpose of this research was to explore the job satisfaction levels of mental health ... more The primary purpose of this research was to explore the job satisfaction levels of mental health professionals providing group therapy services in state correctional institutions. Participants (162 providers from 78 adult male state correctional facilities) completed a survey examining perceptions about a range of job responsibilities. Further analysis investigated the relationship of demographic variables, administrative support variables, and security issues to satisfaction levels. Professionals appeared especially satisfied with aspects of their jobs that involved the direct provision of psychological services (i.e., facilitating group and individual psychotherapy services, providing crisis intervention services, and conducting formal assessments). They appeared relatively less satisfied with nondirect services including administrative responsibilities, report writing, case notes, and receiving individual supervision. The findings also revealed that these professionals disagreed that they receive adequate funding from administration or that rehabilitation was an overall goal of their correctional institution. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are highlighted.
Counseling and Values, 2012
Papers by Carrie Winterowd