Carbon electrode-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with low-cost and long-term stability have been recognized as a competitive candidate toward future practical applications. However, energy level mismatch and ineffective hole... more
All-inorganic halide perovskites are promising materials for optoelectronic applications. The surface or interface structure of the perovskites plays a crucial role in determining the optoelectronic conversion efficiency, as well as the... more
This paper presents a formulation of a general form of an equation for pressure using thermodynamic principles. The motivation for this is in large part due to the need for a pressure equation for smoothed particle hydrodynamics, SPH,... more
A method to couple interparticle contact models with Stokesian dynamics (SD) is introduced to simulate colloidal aggregates under flow conditions. The contact model mimics both the elastic and plastic behavior of the cohesive connections... more
- by Ryohei Seto
Aggregate Colloid Uniform and shear flow Low Reynolds number Stokes flow Comparison of methods Simulation FEM LBM SD a b s t r a c t Dilute suspensions of colloidal aggregates of two different types are investigated numerically by three... more
We have developed a novel computational scheme that allows direct numerical simulation of the mechanical behavior of sticky granular matter under stress. We present here the general method, with particular emphasis on the particle... more
Linear viscoelastic properties of ethylene-octene copolymer/nanosilica composites investigated over a broad range of frequencies J. Rheol. 57, 407 (2013) Mechanical characterization and micromechanical modeling of bread dough J. Rheol.... more
The hydrodynamic properties of rigid fractal aggregates have been investigated by considering their motion in shear flow in the Stokesian dynamics approach. Due to the high fluid viscosity and small particle inertia of colloidal systems,... more
Suspensions of rigid aggregates have been investigated by Stokesian dynamics. In our recent work (Seto R, Botet R, Briesen H. Phys Rev E 84:041405, 2011), the motions of freely suspended aggregates in shear flows were determined by... more
- by Ryohei Seto
The presence and the microscopic origin of normal stress differences in dense suspensions under simple shear flows are investigated by means of inertialess particle dynamics simulations, taking into account hydrodynamic lubrication and... more
The origin of the abrupt shear thickening observed in some dense suspensions has been recently argued to be a transition from frictionless (lubricated) to frictional interactions between immersed particles. The...
The phenomenon of shear-induced jamming is a factor in the complex rheological behavior of dense suspensions. Such shear-jammed states are fragile, i.e., they are not stable against applied stresses that are incompatible with the stress... more
Particle-based simulations of discontinuous shear thickening (DST) and shear jamming (SJ) suspensions are used to study the role of stress-activated constraints, with an emphasis on resistance to gearlike rolling. Rolling friction... more
- by Ryohei Seto
Under an applied traction, highly concentrated suspensions of solid particles in fluids can turn from a state in which they flow to a state in which they counteract the traction as an elastic solid: a shear-jammed state. Remarkably, the... more
- by Ryohei Seto
We introduce a general decomposition of the stress tensor for incompressible fluids in terms of its components on a tensorial basis adapted to the local flow conditions, which include extensional flows, simple shear flows, and any type of... more