Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs)
NIH Intramural Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs) are assemblies of scientists with common research interests. These groups engage with their members via a listserv; sponsor symposia, poster sessions and lectures; offer mentoring and career guidance for junior scientists; help researchers share the latest techniques and information; act as informal advisors to the Deputy Director of Intramural Research (DDIR); provide advice for the annual NIH Research Festival; and serve as hosts for the Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series. Most of these groups welcome interested non-NIH scientists.
SIGs form and evolve regularly as new scientific trends arise. Information about group activities or new groups is published in The NIH Catalyst and on the DDIR Web Board (NIH-only). Central coordination for the groups is provided by the Office of Intramural Research. The NIH also hosts Scientific Listservs and Intramural Organizations, listed towards the bottom of this page. To create a new SIG, please contact [email protected].
- 3D Printing and Modeling Interest Group
- Adherence Research Network Scientific Interest Group
- Antibody Interest Group
- Artificial Intelligence Interest Group
- Asian American Pacific Islander Health Scientific Interest Group
- Bioethics Interest Group
- Bioinformatics Scientific Interest Group
- Biomedical Engineering Scientific Interest Group
- Breastfeeding and Human Lactation Scientific Interest Group
- Cancer Metabolism Interest Group
- Cannabinoid Science and Medicine Interest Group
- Cell Cycle Interest Group
- Chemistry Interest Group (CHEMIG)
- Chromatin and Chromosomes Scientific Interest Group
- Chronobiology and Sleep Interest Group
- Consciousness Research Interest Group
- COVID-19 Scientific Interest Group
- Cytokine Interest Group
- Decode Chromatin Interest Group
- Deep Learning & AI in Biomedical Sciences Interest Group
- Deep Learning in Biomedical Imaging Interest Group
- Developmental Biology Scientific Interest Group
- Dietary Supplement Scientific Interest Group
- Digital Health Scientific Interest Group
- DNA Repair Interest Group
- Drosophila Interest Group
- Drosophila Neurobiology Interest Group
- Engineering and Physical Science Interest Group
- Epigenetics Interest Group
- Epilepsy Scientific Interest Group
- Exercise Scientific Interest Group
- Extracellular Vesicle Interest Group
- Fibrosis Scientific Interest Group
- Flow Cytometry Interest Group
- Fluorescence Interest Group
- Free Radical Interest Group
- Gene Therapy Scientific Interest Group
- Genetic Counseling Scientific Interest Group
- Genomics and Health Disparities Interest Group
- GeroScience Interest Group (GSIG)
- Global Health Interest Group
- GlycoBiology Scientific Interest Group
- Head and Neck Cancer Interest Group
- Health Disparities Interest Group
- Health Humanities Scientific Interest Group
- Hispanic Health Research Scientific Interest Group
- Immunology Interest Group
- Inflammatory Disease Interest Group
- Innovation-Driven Enhancements for Advancement (IDEA-SIG)
- Innovative Neurotechnologies Scientific Interest Group
- Interspecific Modeling Interest Group
- iPSC-Based Disease Modeling Scientific Interest Group
- iPSC-Neuroscience Scientific Interest Group
- Lambda Lunch Interest Group
- Light Microscopy Interest Group
- Liquid Biopsies Interest Group
- Long-read and Long-range Sequencing Scientific Interest Group
- Malaria Interest Group
- Matrix Biology Interest Group
- Membrane and Organelle Dynamics Interest Group
- Membrane Protein Interest Group
- Metabolism Interest Group
- Metabolomics Scientific Interest Group
- Metals in Biology Scientific Interest Group
- Metastasis Scientific Interest Group
- Microarray Users Scientific Interest Group
- Mitochondria Interest Group
- Mucosal Immunology and Microbiome Interest Group
- Multiplex Immunofluorescence Scientific Interest Group (MxIF-SIG)
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Scientific Interest Group
- Myeloid Malignancy Interest Group
- Natural Products Scientific Interest Group
- Neuro Infectious Disease Interest Group
- Neurobiology Interest Group
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders Interest Group
- Neuron-Glia Interactions Interest Group
- Neuropharmacology Interest Group
- Neuroscience Clinical Trials Interest Group
- Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Scientific Interest Group
- Nurse Practitioner/Physician Associate Scientific Interest Group
- PAIN Scientific Interest Group
- Pancreatic Cancer Interest Group (PCIG)
- Patent Law & Technology Transfer Interest Group
- Pediatric Clinical Research and Outcomes Interest Group
- PET (Positron Emission Tomography) Interest Group
- Precision Oncology Interest Group
- Proteomics Scientific Interest Group
- Proteostasis (Protein Homeostasis) Scientific Interest Group
- Psychedelic Science and Medicine Interest Group
- Pulmonary Vascular Diseases Scientific Interest Group
- QIS and Quantum Sensing in Biology Interest Group
- Rare Disease Informatics Scientific Interest Group
- Redox Biology Interest Group
- Religion, Spirituality, and Health Scientific Interest Group
- Reproductive and Adult Endocrinology Interest Group
- Resilience Research Scientific Interest Group
- Retinal Disease Interest Group (RDIG)
- RNA Club
- Science of Science Communication Scientific Interest Group
- Single-Cell Genomics Interest Group
- Small Molecule Therapeutics Scientific Interest Group
- Spatial Biology Interest Group
- Statistics Interest Group
- Stem Cell Interest Group
- Stigma Scientific Interest Group
- Structural Biology Interest Group
- Structural Biology Methods Scientific Interest Group
- Synaptic & Developmental Plasticity Interest Group
- Systems Biology Scientific Interest Group
- Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) Scientific Interest Group
- TGF-beta Superfamily Interest Group
- Tobacco and Nicotine Research Interest Group
- Transcription Scientific Interest Group
- Translational Research Interest Group (TRIG)
- Vascular Biology Interest Group
- Virology Interest Group
- Virtual and Augmented Reality Scientific Interest Group (VARIG)
- Washington Area Yeast Club
- Women’s Health Research Scientific Interest Group
- X-Ray Diffraction Interest Group
- Zebrafish Frog Interest Group (ZFIG)
Scientific Listservs
The following groups communicate with their members via E-mail-based listservs but, unlike the SIGs listed above, do not meet regularly.
- AIDS (HIV/AIDS) Interest Group
- Apoptosis Interest Group
- Biophysics Interest Group
- Calcium Interest Group
- Critical Illness and Injury Interest Group
- Epithelial Transport Biology Interest Group
- HTS Assay Development Interest Group
- Infectious Disease Imaging Interest Group
- Mass Spectrometry Interest Group
- Pediatric Imaging Interest Group
- Pharmacogenetics Interest Group
- Pigment Cell Research Interest Group
- Polyunsaturated Lipid Function Interest Group
- RNA Sequencing Interest Group
- Viral Hepatitis Interest Group
- Washington Area NMR Group
The following organizations provide important forums for specific segments of the NIH IRP population, enabling networking, mentoring, career development, and multi-institute collaborations. These groups also serve a valuable role in representing the interests of their membership to IRP and NIH leadership.
This page was last updated on Friday, November 17, 2023