Papers by Thomas B Stevenson

International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sep 1, 1997
As documented in many parts of the world, football clubs are important symbols of resistance, int... more As documented in many parts of the world, football clubs are important symbols of resistance, integration and identity. This article traces the multiple roles of sport rituals in North Yemen and South Yemen. In each nation, football has been a symbol of resistance to colonial or imāmate power and of regional integration into and identification with nationalist and state agencies. Before their union in 1990, football matches between the two Yemens were symbolic expressions of the success of the nations' opposing ideologies. The union of the two nations was marked by widespread public support but few obvious indications of unity or identity. Since unification, football rituals have been used to promote a new national identity. The first national football championship and the selection of a national team were instances where union was obvious. While a new national identity may be emerging, there are renewed signs of football as a symbol of resistance.
Journal of Arabian Studies, 2017
Anthropology News, 2007
Wiley Online Library. Anthropology NewsVolume 49, Issue 7, Article first published online: 24 DEC... more Wiley Online Library. Anthropology NewsVolume 49, Issue 7, Article first published online: 24 DEC 2008. ...
Review of Middle East Studies, 2016
Anthropology of the Middle East, 2008
In the 1970s and 1980s, North and South Yemen appeared to be two states pursuing opposing, someti... more In the 1970s and 1980s, North and South Yemen appeared to be two states pursuing opposing, sometimes hostile, economic and political policies. Then, in 1990, they suddenly united. This article analyses sport diplomacy as an instrument in opening institutional contacts between the two governments and as a venue for conveying important socio-political and historical messages. Cross-border football contests reinforced the largely invented notion of a single Yemen derived from pre-Islamic kingdoms. This idea remains a foundation of Yemeni nationalism and a base of Yemeni national identity.
Middle East Report, 1993
1. Middle East Rep. 1993 Mar-Apr;(181):15-20. Yemeni workers come home: reabsorbing one million m... more 1. Middle East Rep. 1993 Mar-Apr;(181):15-20. Yemeni workers come home: reabsorbing one million migrants. Stevenson TB. PIP: The author describes trends in return migration to Yemen as a result of political events in surrounding countries. ...
International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1992
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2010

Summer 1990 ABSTRAO'.-A case of attempted small mammal "domestication" is described based on ethn... more Summer 1990 ABSTRAO'.-A case of attempted small mammal "domestication" is described based on ethnographic data from the Yemen Arab Republic (Fig. 1). Households of low economic status sought to supplement their cash incomes by taming a previously hunted species, the hyrax, Promvm CJlpensis jayakari. The experiments have largely ended in failure due to factors including the animal's biology and a poor management strategy. This episode is placed in the context of animal-impact and human-impact models of domestication. RESUMEN.-En base a datos etnogra.ficos de la Republica Arabe Yemenita, se describe un caso de intento de "domesticacion" de un mamifero pequeno. Unidades domesticas de condicion economica baja trataron de suplementar sus ingresos monetarios amansando una especie que anteriormente era cazada, el hirax, Procavia capensis jayakari. Los experimentos en gran parte han terminado en el fracaso debido a factores que incluyen la biologja del animal y una mala estrategia de manejo. Este episodio es ubicado dentro del contexto de modelos de domesticacion de impacto animal y de impacto humano. RESUME.-On decrit un cas de domestication essayee de mammiferes petits selon I'information ethnographique de la Republique Arabe de Yemen. Les maisonees du rang economique bas cherchaient a ajouter a sus revenus par apprivoiser a une espece anterieusement chassee, Ie damans, Procavia capensis jayakari. Les experiments ont principalement echoue par suite de la biologie de I'animal et d'une strategie de direction mauvaise. On place ret episode dans Ie contexte des modeles
American Ethnologist, 2004
Shaping the Female Body in Tokyo Fitness Clubs Page 2. Page 3. Working Out in Japan Th±s One 45XU... more Shaping the Female Body in Tokyo Fitness Clubs Page 2. Page 3. Working Out in Japan Th±s One 45XU-STJ-TD6K Page 4. Page 5. Working Out in Japan Shaping the Female Body in Tokyo Fitness Clubs Laura Spielvogel Duke University Press Durham & London 2003 Page ...
Journal of Anthropological Research, 2000
... In the absence of preparatory programs, during the Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. ... more ... In the absence of preparatory programs, during the Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 56, 2000 Copyright ? ... On the most obvious level, defeating the British in test matches gives West Indians momentary ascendancy, an achievement made sweeter because it ...
American Ethnologist, 2019

International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1997
As documented in many parts of the world, football clubs are important symbols of resistance, int... more As documented in many parts of the world, football clubs are important symbols of resistance, integration and identity. This article traces the multiple roles of sport rituals in North Yemen and South Yemen. In each nation, football has been a symbol of resistance to colonial or imāmate power and of regional integration into and identification with nationalist and state agencies. Before their union in 1990, football matches between the two Yemens were symbolic expressions of the success of the nations' opposing ideologies. The union of the two nations was marked by widespread public support but few obvious indications of unity or identity. Since unification, football rituals have been used to promote a new national identity. The first national football championship and the selection of a national team were instances where union was obvious. While a new national identity may be emerging, there are renewed signs of football as a symbol of resistance.
Religion and Sport in the Middle East Societies, 2022
Yemen has been in civil war since 2014. Although often presented as a religious conflict, sectar... more Yemen has been in civil war since 2014. Although often presented as a religious conflict, sectarianism has not been a major element in the conflict. Although the country has been fractured, football continues to provide a sense of national unity and identity.
Fear and Loathing in World Football, 2001
Papers by Thomas B Stevenson