Ohio University
International Affairs
This chapter analyzes the overall situation in Armenia in terms of its democratic path since independence. It explores this ongoing process by identifying and contextualizing current weaknesses in Armenia's democracy. Then it sheds some... more
By geo-political geometry we understand any interactions between big and regional players and local countries combined with intersections of interests, gains and zones of influences. And there is no doubt that the energy issues as well... more
1 . Paul screenwriting award presentation to feature panel on entertainment industry 2. Calendar of Ev ents MOST POPULAR Hom e International Arm enia National Com m unity Arts & Culture Opinion READ E-MAILED pdfcrowd.com open in browser... more
The paper seeks to explore why it is important for Armenia's civil society to proactively participate in socio-political activities and build a stronger and more sustainable democracy, and to see what are factors that undermine this... more
En Arménie comme en Diaspora, responsables politiques, acteurs de la société civile ou simples citoyens sont taraudés par le fléau de l'émigration qui saigne la population d'Arménie. Y a-t-il des solutions?
Когда поведение России во внешней политике передовыми странами мира, в частности, США постепенно стало восприниматься как "тревожное" и "агрессивное ", а Россия – как "самая большая угроза" для США и его союзников , особенно после... more
This research does not pretend to help fill the big and complex gap in Armenia and Turkey relations, and provide solutions. Instead, this paper seeks to construct a better framework for understanding current domestic dynamics and Turkey’s... more
This report examines the complex interactions between Russia and Iran, andin particular construct a gripping tale by exploring three primary dimensions of their strategic interplay, which is a tapestry of both cooperative and competitive... more
In today's interconnected and rapidly changing world, the South Caucasus region grapples with a new breed of geopolitical challenges: hybrid threats. These encompass a range of tactics that blend conventional and unconventional methods to... more
This initiative, which crystallizes the Armenian government's pursuit of peace, envisions a multimodal transportation, communications and logistics network primarily linking Azerbaijan's mainland with its Nakhichevan exclave, and Russia... more