Papers by stephane jacobzone
OECD Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, 1999
OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, 2009
The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democracies work together to address the e... more The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 30 democracies work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. The Organisation provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and work to coordinate domestic and international policies.
OECD Health Working Papers, 2003
OECD Health Working Papers, 2003
OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, 2010
The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 31 democracies work together to address the e... more The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 31 democracies work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation. The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. The Organisation provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and work to coordinate domestic and international policies.
Economie et statistique, 1993
[fre] Les grands réseaux publics français de transport et de communication dans une perspective e... more [fre] Les grands réseaux publics français de transport et de communication dans une perspective européenne . L'environnement économique des grands réseaux publics français de transport et de communication se transforme avec le Marché unique. L'impulsion concurrentielle est donnée par la Commission, qui s'inspire partiellement des déréglementations menées aux États-Unis. Elle vise à restreindre les espaces réservés aux monopoles et fait

RESUME This study extends research on the impact of age-specific disability trends on long-term c... more RESUME This study extends research on the impact of age-specific disability trends on long-term care needs to an international framework. Detailed age and sex data for each country are combined with information related to severe disability. Two projections were made: one assumes stable rates of disability, and the other reflects the rate of decline based on available observations in each country separated by periods of 5 to 10 years. The gains mainly are found among the age groups 65 to 80 years, and are more striking for males than for females. While international differences remain to be explained, these trends show a significant decline in prevalence on the whole. The decline is more important in private households, but is often partly offset by an increase in disability in the remaining institutionalised population. Trends are far from homogeneous across countries as there are increases for specific age/gender age groups, particularly older women in some countries. The economic ...

In policymaking, we hear the word "system" all the time. The economic system. The education syste... more In policymaking, we hear the word "system" all the time. The economic system. The education system. The financial system. The political system. The social system… However, we rarely hear the word system attached to the word "approach". But unless we adopt a systems approach, unless we employ systems thinking, we will fail to understand the world we are living in. Our world is made up of complex systems, systems of systems interacting with each other, and changing each other by that interaction and the links between them. The global economy now has a greater number of links than ever before. The global nature of supply chains; new ways of exchanging goods, services and ideas; increasing migration; and ever-greater digitalisation, all increase our global connectedness. Such interconnectedness, in turn, gives rise to complexity, and this can be good or bad. However, within mainstream economics, the understanding of why and when interconnectedness may increase stability or instability has remained fragmented. Complexity science helps us to understand the main features of the most important systems we have to deal with. Features such as emergence, when the overall effect of individuals' actions is qualitatively different from what each of the individuals is doing. Radical uncertainty is another important aspect. It describes surprises-outcomes or events that are unanticipated, that cannot be put into a probability distribution because they are outside our list of things that might occur. But despite radical uncertainty and the unanticipated, the future is born by anticipation. We take decisions and perform actions to influence the future, as individuals, societies or governments. And the imagined, probable, or expected outcomes influence our decisions and actions in the present. Even things that may never happen, or will only happen decades from now, can have an impact on what we do today. That is why we plan our day, buy insurance, and pay into pension funds. That is why we try to forecast everything from GDP to the weather to the results of elections or football matches. Of course, not all our decisions about the future are in tune with what economic rationality would like us to do. We promote evidence-based decision-making, but of course there is no evidence about the future. Moreover, experience shows that simply extrapolating from the past can be ridiculous, dangerous or at best misguided. A complexity approach helps us to avoid these errors. We are dealing with a world characterised by nonlinearities, tipping points, and asymmetrical relations where a small cause can have a big effect. In a systems approach, global issues need global solutions. Environmental problems do not respect borders. You need to import some goods and services to be able to export others. The digital revolution is making it hard to define what the "domestic" in "gross domestic product" is. Growing inequalities are creating discontent. If we are to tackle these issues, governments must change the ways in which they design and implement policies. An acceptance of complexity shifts governments from a top-down siloed culture to an enabling culture where evidence, experimentation, and modelling help to inform and develop stakeholder engagement and buy-in.
OECD Journal on Budgeting

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance
This is an advance summary of a forthcoming article in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Econom... more This is an advance summary of a forthcoming article in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Please check back later for the full article.There has been a rise in recent research regarding the economics on the consequences of population ageing for health care expenditure. The focus of this research is on expenditures in the last years of life and the implications for the age profile of health care spending. One open issue in the literature is whether health care expenditure is so concentrated in the last years before death that the age profiles in spending will change when longevity increases. The previous literature also finds that the age profile of health expenditures, after controlling for time to death, is dependent on the type of health care expenditure that is being predicted. Some studies find that the age is more powerful in predicting long-term care compared to health care expenditures. However, this result appears to depend on the empirical model used...
This Working Paper is structured in two sections. The first section presents the contributions an... more This Working Paper is structured in two sections. The first section presents the contributions and limits of composite indicators of regulatory management systems. The second section provides an overview of regulatory management systems, including regulatory policies, institutions, processes and tools. This report assesses regulatory policies in member countries as well as their regulatory management systems using the 1998 and 2005
Oecd Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, Apr 20, 1999
... Most of the available cross-country evidence shows trends towards better functional health in... more ... Most of the available cross-country evidence shows trends towards better functional health in older populations, although the magnitude of the gains and their significance need further assessment.</P><P>In this context, this paper advocates an active ageing approach to long ...

Economie Et Statistique, 1998
[spa] El papel de los precios en la regulaciôn del sector farmaceutico. Pesé a su carâcter compét... more [spa] El papel de los precios en la regulaciôn del sector farmaceutico. Pesé a su carâcter compétitive el sector del medicamento ofrece rasgos de utilidad pûblica. . A nivel econômico, las tutelas desempenan el doble papel de comprador de productos, a través de los reembolsos del seguro médico, y de aseguradores colectivos, siendo reembolsados taies gastos a los pacientes. A parte de los tiques moderadores, de eficacia real pero limitada que influye en la demanda, la regulaciôn de la oferta en los pai'ses industrializados concierne o bien el control de los beneficios, o la fijaciôn de los precios o la negociaciôn de las rebajas para los compradores publicos. La investigaciôn y desarrollo desempena un papel relevante en la dinâmica del sector. El âmbito europeo favorece un acercamiento de las condiciones de homologaciôn de los productos. La evaluaciôn econômica del precio de los medicamentos résulta difîcil. El ritmo de evoluciôn moderado de los precios no descarta cierto sesgo de mediciôn. Las herramientas estadisticas tradicionales revelan unas incapacidades en el aprecio de las variaciones de precios en mercados heterogéneos con renuevo de los productos y deformaciôn constante del consume El fndice de los precios francés pondrfa de manifiesto de esta manera una evoluciôn insuficiente de los precios. Estas dificultades de mediciôn son comunes a los grandes pai'ses industrializados. ^Cuâles son las perspectivas de la industria farmaceûtica francesa? Se ha notado cierta debilitaciôn de la posiciôn internacional, relacionada con puntos flacos en cuanto a investigaciôn, cuando al mismo tiempo es muy elevado el consume Las acciones convencionales emprendidas ûltimamente tratan de enmendar este estado de hecho. [fre] Le rôle des prix dans la régulation du secteur pharmaceutique . En dépit de son caractère concurrentiel, le secteur du médicament présente des traits d'utilité publique. Au niveau économique, les tutelles jouent un double rôle d'acheteur des produits, à travers les remboursements de l'assurance maladie, et d'assureurs collectifs, ces dépenses étant remboursées aux patients. Au-delà des tickets modérateurs, d'efficacité réelle mais limitée qui pèsent sur la demande, la régulation de l'offre dans les pays industrialisés concerne soit te contrôle des profits, soit la fixation des prix ou encore la négociation de remises pour les acheteurs publics. La recherche-développement joue un rôle central dans la dyna- mique du secteur. Le cadre européen favorise un rapprochement des conditions d'homologation des produits. Lévaluation économique du prix des médicaments se révèle . délicate. Le rythme d'évolution modéré des prix ne préjuge pas de certains biais de mesure. Les outils statistiques traditionnels révèlent des incapacités à apprécier les variations de prix sur des marchés hétérogènes avec un renouvellement des produits et une déformation constante de la consommation. L'indice de prix français retracerait ainsi une évolution insuffisante des prix. Ces difficultés de mesure sont communes aux grands pays industrialisés. Quelles sont les perspectives de l'industrie pharmaceutique en France ? Un certain affaiblissement de la position internationale a été constaté, lié à des faiblesses en matière de recherche, alors même que la consommation est très élevée. Les démarches conventionnelles entreprises dans la période récente visent à amender cet état de fait. [eng] The Role of Prices in Regulating the Pharmaceutical Sector . Despite its competitive nature, the pharmaceutical sector bears signs of public utility. The regulatory authorities play a dual economic role of product buyer via health insurance reimbursements and collective insurers since these outlays are reimbursed to the patients. Aside from the patient's contribution towards medical costs, effective but limited since it weighs on demand, supply regulation in industrialised countries focuses on either profit control, price setting or the negotiation of discounts for public buyers. Research and development play a pivotal role in the sector's dynamics. The European framework encourages the alignment of product approval conditions. It is not easy to make an economic evaluation of the price of drugs. The moderate price growth rate does not preclude certain measurement biases. Classic statistical tools are unsuited to the assessment of price changes on heterogeneous markets that feature a high turnover of new products and constant changes in consumption. Consequently, the French price index is incomplete in its reporting on these price changes. These measurement problems are common to all leading industrialised countries. What are the prospects for the pharmaceutical industry in France? The international position has weakened slightly due to shortfalls in research, whereas consumption is extremely high. Contractual approaches taken over the recent period aim to amend this state of ...
Oecd Labour Market and Social Policy Occasional Papers, Apr 17, 2000
... Many OECD Governments are also heavily involved as buyers of pharmaceuticals in publicly-fina... more ... Many OECD Governments are also heavily involved as buyers of pharmaceuticals in publicly-financed health care systems. ... Many OECD Governments are also heavily involved as buyers of pharmaceuticals in publicly-financed health care systems. ...
Papers by stephane jacobzone