Books by Philipp Stöckle
Papers by Philipp Stöckle

Der vorliegende Band bundelt aktuelle Forschungen zu deutschen Dialekten in Europa in Deutschland... more Der vorliegende Band bundelt aktuelle Forschungen zu deutschen Dialekten in Europa in Deutschland, Italien (Sudtirol), Osterreich und der Schweiz. Die Beitrage illustrieren inhaltliche und methodische Neuerungen der Dialektologie, wobei der Fokus der meisten Arbeiten auf eigenen empirischen Forschungen liegt. Einen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt bilden historische Zugange, die Standardisierungsprozesse und Sprachbewertungen in den Blick nehmen. Im Hinblick auf die systemlinguistischen Ebenen zeigt sich besonders der inhaltliche Wandel in Richtung Dialektsyntax. Daneben rucken aber auch prosodische Fragestellungen und Lautwandelprozesse in das aktuelle Forschungsinteresse. Einen anderen Schwerpunkt bilden Aufsatze zu den Themen Perzeption, Spracheinstellungen, Prestige und Salienz, die eine starkere Gewichtung subjektiver Daten vornehmen. Methodische Neuerungen der Disziplin zeigen sich an innovativen experimentellen Testverfahren, dem Einbezug groser Korpora sowie der Verwendung Geographi...

This project aims at the investigation of linguistic variational difference between dialects usin... more This project aims at the investigation of linguistic variational difference between dialects using methods familiar in geographic information science (GIScience). The SADS dataset (Syntactic Atlas of Swiss German Dialects) is used in this study (Bucheli & Glaser, 2002). It contains data for 383 survey sites in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, with about 25% of the municipalities surveyed. The study presented here is aimed at establishing the degree of correlation between dialectal variation, expressed by a linguistic distance measure, and geographic distance. A linguistic distance matrix is built from binary differences between survey sites (Nerbonne & Kleiweg, 2007; Spruit, 2008; Scherrer, 2012). The linguistic distances are then compared to a travel time matrix (Axhausen et al., 2006) and the crow-fly (Euclidean) distance matrix, respectively, and correlation is computed to test the hypothesis that geographically proximate dialects tend to be more similar than distant ones and linguistic distance correlates more with travel distance than with Euclidean distance (Gooskens 2005). Apart from global patterns we also investigated local patterns correlation. If distances are normalized, differences between linguistic and geographic distance values per site can be analysed and visualized, showing where in geographic space the correlation between the distances is higher or lower than expected, respectively. Thus, breaks in correlation can also be compared to geographical borders (political, cultural, historical; Hotzenköcherle, 1986). The full survey (118 questions about 50 syntactic phenomena) is taken into consideration for the linguistic distance while travel times for various years from 1850 to 2014 by car and public transport are used, enabling to investigate spatial and temporal trends of variation. Because SADS used multiple informants per site (median 5-6), we compare whether calculating correlations when only an "ideal speaker" is considered gives us different trends to the scenario taking into account all informants.
The future of Catalan dialects' syntax: A case study for a methodological contribution Ares Llop ... more The future of Catalan dialects' syntax: A case study for a methodological contribution Ares Llop Naya II Methods 5 Fuzzy dialect areas and prototype theory: Discovering latent patterns in geolinguistic variation Simon Pickl 6 On the problem of field worker isoglosses Andrea Mathussek 7 Tracking linguistic features underlying lexical variation patterns: A case study on Tuscan dialects Simonetta Montemagni & Martijn Wieling 8 A new dialectometric approach applied to the Breton language Guylaine Brun-Trigaud, Tanguy Solliec & Jean Le Dû Contents 9 Automatically identifying characteristic features of non-native English accents Jelke Bloem, Martijn Wieling & John Nerbonne 10 Mapping the perception of linguistic form: Dialectometry with perceptual data
Dialectological and Folk Dialectological Concepts of Space, 2012
Project Summary The SynMod project aims to more closely link research questions and methods of th... more Project Summary The SynMod project aims to more closely link research questions and methods of the two disciplines dialectology and geography, especially in the field of Geographic Information Science (GIScience). Project members from the German Department and the Department of Geography conduct joint studies employing quantitative methods of GIScience to verify linguistic hypotheses about distribution patterns in the morphosyntactic phenomena of the SADS*. Focus lies on boundary tendencies and testing the applicability of GIScience methods on linguistic phenomena.

In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich die Dialektometrie als integraler Bestandteil dialektologisch... more In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich die Dialektometrie als integraler Bestandteil dialektologischer Forschung etabliert. Das Ziel dialektometrischer Studien besteht darin, durch das Messen sprachlicher Ahnlichkeiten bzw. Unterschiede auf der Basis aggregierter Dialektdaten und unter Anwendung statistischer Verfahren hohere Ordnungsstrukturen wie Dialektgebiete oder Ubergangszonen aufzudecken, die aufgrund der Betrachtung einzelner Karten nicht erkennbar waren. Die deutschsprachige Schweiz zahlt mit Sicherheit zu den lebendigsten und gleichzeitig am besten erforschten Dialektlandschaften Europas. Umso erstaunlicher ist es, dass es bisher nur wenige dialektometrische Studien zum Schweizerdeutschen gibt (Kelle 2001, Goebl et al. 2013) und in keiner dieser Studien die Ebene der Syntax berucksichtigt wurde. An dieser Stelle setzt unser Vortrag an, mit dem wir zwei Ziele verfolgen: Zum einen wollen wir die digitalen Daten prasentieren, die wir fur unsere Analysen verwenden. Dazu zahlen so...
(in print)

Journal of Linguistic Geography, 2013
This article presents a new method for processing data gathered using the “draw-a-map” task in pe... more This article presents a new method for processing data gathered using the “draw-a-map” task in perceptual dialectology (PD) studies. Such tasks produce large numbers of maps containing many lines indicating nonlinguists’ perceptions of the location and extent of dialect areas. Although individual maps are interesting, and numerical data relating to the relative prominence of dialect areas can be extracted, an important value of the draw-a-map task is in aggregating data. This was always an aim of the contemporary PD method, although the nature of the data has meant that this has not always been possible. Here, we argue for the use of geographic information systems (GIS) in order to aggregate, process, and display PD data. Using case studies from the United Kingdom and Germany, we present examples of data processed using GIS and illustrate the future possibilities for the use of GIS in PD research.
Dieser Band enthalt einen Teil der Farbabbildungen der Arbeit "Subjektive Dialektraume im al... more Dieser Band enthalt einen Teil der Farbabbildungen der Arbeit "Subjektive Dialektraume im alemannischen Dreilandereck", die 2014 im Olms-Verlag in Hildesheim in der Reihe "Deutsche Dialektgeographie" erschienen ist.

Contact linguistics is the overarching term for a highly diversified field with branches that con... more Contact linguistics is the overarching term for a highly diversified field with branches that connect to such widely divergent areas as historical linguistics, typology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and grammatical theory. Because of this diversification, there is a risk of fragmentation and lack of interaction between the different subbranches of contact linguistics. Nevertheless, the different approaches share the general goal of accounting for the results of interacting linguistic systems. This common goal opens up possibilities for active communication, cooperation, and coordination between the different branches of contact linguistics. This book, therefore, explores the extent to which contact linguistics can be viewed as a coherent field, and whether the advances achieved in a particular subfield can be translated to others. In this way our aim is to encourage a boundary-free discussion between different types of specialists of contact linguistics, and to stimulate cro...
Books by Philipp Stöckle
Papers by Philipp Stöckle
The SynMod project aims to more closely link research
questions and methods of the two disciplines dialectology
and geography, especially in the field of
Geographic Information Science (GIScience). Project
members from the German Department and the
Department of Geography conduct joint studies
employing quantitative methods of GIScience to
verify linguistic hypotheses about distribution patterns
in the morphosyntactic phenomena of the
SADS*. Focus lies on boundary tendencies and testing
the applicability of GIScience methods on linguistic