Books by Johannes Feichtinger
Europa, quo vadis? Zur Erfindung eines Kontinents zwischen transnationalem Anspruch und nationaler Wirklichkeit, 2007

The concept and study of orientalism in Western culture gained a changed understanding from Edwar... more The concept and study of orientalism in Western culture gained a changed understanding from Edward Said's now iconic 1978 book Orientalism. However, recent debate has moved beyond Said's definition of the phenomenon, highlighting the multiple forms of orientalism within the "West," the manifold presence of the "East" in the Western world, indeed the epistemological fragility of the ideas of "Occident" and "Orient" as such.
This volume focuses on the deployment -- here the cultural, philosophical, political, and scholarly uses -- of "orientalism" in the German-speaking and Central and Eastern European worlds from the late eighteenth century to the present day. Its interdisciplinary approach combines distinguished contributions by Indian scholars, who approach the topic of orientalism through the prism of German studies as practiced in Asia, with representative chapters by senior German, Austrian, and English-speaking scholars working at the intersection of German and oriental studies.
Contributors: Anil Bhatti, Michael Dusche, Johannes Feichtinger, Johann Heiss, James Hodkinson, Kerstin Jobst, Jon Keune, Todd Kontje, Margit Köves, Sarah Lemmen, Shaswati Mazumdar, Jyoti Sabarwal, Ulrike Stamm, John Walker.
Nach 1933 verließen zahlreiche Wissenschaftler Oesterreich. Vielen von ihnen war dort aus rassisc... more Nach 1933 verließen zahlreiche Wissenschaftler Oesterreich. Vielen von ihnen war dort aus rassischen oder politischen Gruenden eine Universitaetslaufbahn verwehrt geblieben. Johannes Feichtinger zeigt Möglichkeiten des akademischen Austauschs und Aufstiegs in der Emigration und die Strategien, mit denen sich Wissenschaftler im neuen Umfeld zu behaupten versuchten. Er richtet sein Augenmerk insbesondere auf Akkulturationen, die im Zuge des Wechsels zwischen den Wissenschaftskulturen stattfanden und auf akademische Laufbahnen maßgeblich Einfluss nahmen.
Dieses Buch rückt die Wissenschaftsgeschichte Österreichs in ein neues Licht. Ausgehend vom Spann... more Dieses Buch rückt die Wissenschaftsgeschichte Österreichs in ein neues Licht. Ausgehend vom Spannungsfeld »Wissenschaft versus Politik« stellt es die zentralen Akteure, Strukturen und Diskurse in den Mittelpunkt. Die Analyse eines Jahrhunderts Wissenschaftsgeschichte konzentriert sich auf die Herausbildung eines relativ autonomen Wissenschaftshandelns unter den plurikulturellen Verhältnissen Zentraleuropas sowie auf seine Wegbereiter (Bolzano, Mach und Riegl) und wichtigsten Verfechter (Freud, Wittgenstein, Neurath, Kelsen). Johannes Feichtinger zeigt, wie jenseits von Hetero- und Autonomie und abseits des methodologischen Nationalismus Identitätsmodelle entstanden sind, die noch für das Globaleuropa des 21. Jahrhunderts relevant sein können.
Papers by Johannes Feichtinger
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
Zonen der Begrenzung, 2012

Conferința Științifică Internațională "2018 – Anul European al Patrimoniului Cultural: Multi... more Conferința Științifică Internațională "2018 – Anul European al Patrimoniului Cultural: Multiculturalismul și Tradiția Austriei", prilejuită de consemnarea a 100 de ani de la destrămarea Imperiului AustroUngar, a avut drept scop de a informa comunitatea privind evenimentul istoric, accentuând în acest context rolul și importanța studierii moștenirii culturale a Imperiului Habsburgic, al patrimoniului cultural/documentar austriac prezent în Republica Moldova. În cadrul conferinței au fost prezentate și aspecte ce țin de creația marelui scriitor austriac Franz Kafka (în contextul consemnării a 135 de ani de la naștere), reliefate valoroasele publicații ale scriitorului din colecțiile Bibliotecii Naționale a Republicii Moldova și altor biblioteci și instituții de cultură din țară. În general, conferința a avut 3 axe de reper: consemnarea a 100 de ani de la destrămarea Imperiului Habsburgic: reculegere istorică și evaluarea moștenirii culturale austriece în spațiul central-euro...
The Academy of Sciences in Vienna 1938 to 1945
Compte renduinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Die Akademien der Wissenschaften in Zentraleuropa im Kalten Krieg, 2018

Die Thematisierung von Pluralitäten, von Heterogenitäten, von Differenzen, von individuellen und ... more Die Thematisierung von Pluralitäten, von Heterogenitäten, von Differenzen, von individuellen und kollektiven Fragmentiertheiten ist zu einem performativen Kriterium des Argumentierens in der Postmoderne geworden. Es entspricht dies, zu Ende des 20. und zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, der ganz konkreten Erfahrung einer Lebenswelt, die im Zeitalter der ökonomischen und kulturellen Globalisierung von kontinuierlichen Veränderungen, von politischen Transformationen, von sozialen Brüchen und von einem sich beschleunigenden globalen Angebot ökonomischer und kultureller Produkte bestimmt wird. Die heute immer wieder konstatierten Phänomene der Erfahrung und Forderung von Delegitimierungen spiegeln aber nicht erst eine Befindlichkeit des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts wider, sie wurden vielmehr bereits zur Zeit der vergangenen Jahrhundertwende gemacht, vor allem im Wien der Jahrzehnte um 1900. Dieser Artikel stammt aus dem Band Kultur - Identität - Differenz. Wien und Zentraleuropa in der Mod...
Perlen geschichtswissenschaftlicher Reflexion

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2020
This book proposes a novel approach to knowledge-making. By formulating a new paradigm and drawin... more This book proposes a novel approach to knowledge-making. By formulating a new paradigm and drawing on fresh material about spaces that have so far barely been studied, the authors of this volume reconstruct the relational histories of knowledge production. The volume starts from the following premises: that knowledge is always made in interaction; that it is never unmediated; and that its origins never lie in a single place. The making and moving of knowledge are two inextricably entangled processes. This project therefore rediscovers the circulation of people, practices and ideas by studying the adaptation and reconfiguration of locally situated stocks of knowledge. In so doing, it moves beyond the emphasis on representations which has ensnared the study of culture for half a century. The central conceptual move it proposes is one that de-prioritizes cultural difference in order to contextualize and historicize its conditions of emergence. Taken together with this move, the strategy of enquiry presented in this book provides a new approach to how the global history of knowledge-making can be written today.

The Worlds of Positivism, 2018
This chapter maps the fabrication and appropriation of positivism on a global scale. It particula... more This chapter maps the fabrication and appropriation of positivism on a global scale. It particularizes and provincializes positivist universalism. Providing a comparative study of Auguste Comte’s and John Stuart Mill’s conceptions of positivism, it also shows how their disciples pioneered a universal, experience-based culture of scientific inquiry that encompassed nature and society, a new science to enlighten mankind and ameliorate their living conditions. Positivists envisaged one world united by science, but their efforts spawned many. Our fresh approach to global intellectual history demonstrates that positivism was no ready-made message recycled across the globe: initially grafted in response to the local problems of English and French societies, positivism was deracinated, tweaked, and adjusted while being re-elaborated by activists from Rio de Janeiro and Bengal, Istanbul and Vienna.
Books by Johannes Feichtinger
This volume focuses on the deployment -- here the cultural, philosophical, political, and scholarly uses -- of "orientalism" in the German-speaking and Central and Eastern European worlds from the late eighteenth century to the present day. Its interdisciplinary approach combines distinguished contributions by Indian scholars, who approach the topic of orientalism through the prism of German studies as practiced in Asia, with representative chapters by senior German, Austrian, and English-speaking scholars working at the intersection of German and oriental studies.
Contributors: Anil Bhatti, Michael Dusche, Johannes Feichtinger, Johann Heiss, James Hodkinson, Kerstin Jobst, Jon Keune, Todd Kontje, Margit Köves, Sarah Lemmen, Shaswati Mazumdar, Jyoti Sabarwal, Ulrike Stamm, John Walker.
Papers by Johannes Feichtinger
This volume focuses on the deployment -- here the cultural, philosophical, political, and scholarly uses -- of "orientalism" in the German-speaking and Central and Eastern European worlds from the late eighteenth century to the present day. Its interdisciplinary approach combines distinguished contributions by Indian scholars, who approach the topic of orientalism through the prism of German studies as practiced in Asia, with representative chapters by senior German, Austrian, and English-speaking scholars working at the intersection of German and oriental studies.
Contributors: Anil Bhatti, Michael Dusche, Johannes Feichtinger, Johann Heiss, James Hodkinson, Kerstin Jobst, Jon Keune, Todd Kontje, Margit Köves, Sarah Lemmen, Shaswati Mazumdar, Jyoti Sabarwal, Ulrike Stamm, John Walker.