Articles by Isaac Lampurlanés

Medieval Encounters, 2024
In 1239, the convert Nicholas Donin submitted thirty-five articles against the Talmud to Pope Gre... more In 1239, the convert Nicholas Donin submitted thirty-five articles against the Talmud to Pope Gregory IX. As a result, Christendom became aware of how Jews observed an oral law that was allegedly plagued with folly, blasphemy, and heresy. This triggered the infamous trial against the Talmud and resulted in the production of several Latin translations of rabbinical texts, including the compilation of the Extractiones de Talmud (1245). The present article mainly focusses on a short text taken from the manuscript Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Vat. lat. 822 (folios 204ra–205ra), which includes a series of Talmudic passages that derive from texts which emerged from the Paris Disputation against the Talmud (1240–1245). From it, we are able to infer new information regarding the genesis of subsequent anti-Jewish works, including the Errores Iudaeorum by Thibaud de Sézanne and Passau Anonymous anti-Jewish sections. Additionally, we also provide the edition and translation of the text of the Vatican manuscript at the end of the article.

Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 2020
The thirteenth century witnessed a great interest in the Talmud among Christian polemicists. In 1... more The thirteenth century witnessed a great interest in the Talmud among Christian polemicists. In 1239, the convert Nicholas Donin submitted to Pope Gregory IX thirty-five articles decrying the Talmud and Rabbinical Judaism. Thisled to the Paris Disputation in 1240 and the ensuing condemnation of the Talmud to the stake. In this context, several anti-Talmudic works were prepared by Christians. This article aims at providing the first working edition of the ErroresIudaeorum, a thirteenth-century anti-Jewish work which was written by the Dominican friar Thibaud de Sezanne and is preserved in roughly one hundred manuscripts and mostly accompanied by the Pharetra fidei, another anti-Jewish Latin work that supplies numerous Christological arguments opposing Judaism in support of Christianity. The content of the Errores draws on anti-Jewish Latin material that apparently goes back to the almost contemporary thirty-five articles by Donin which triggered the Paris Disputation against the Talmud as well as to the famous Dialogus by Petrus Alfonsi, among others.
Sefarad, 2020
El género literario del Adversus iudaeos fue muy extendido y cultivado durante toda la Edad Media... more El género literario del Adversus iudaeos fue muy extendido y cultivado durante toda la Edad Media, cuya estructura es la forma de diálogo/disputa entre la fe cristiana y la judía para concluir en la superioridad y/o veracidad de la primera ante la segunda. Aquí ofrecemos una edición de trabajo de la obra de polémica antijudía Pharetra fidei contra iudaeos, un texto muy popular y difundido a partir del siglo xiii por toda Europa, tal como demuestran los más de cien manuscritos que la conservan. Además, se presentará un estudio preliminar que relaciona esta obra con los Errores iudaeorum de Thibaud de Sézanne, el texto que acompaña a la Pharetra en numerosos códices. Localizamos, además, las fuentes principales de las que bebe la Pharetra.

Tamid: Revista Catalana Anual d’Estudis Hebraics, 14, 2019
En el present treball es mostren part dels resultats extrets dʼuna recerca historiogràfica que pr... more En el present treball es mostren part dels resultats extrets dʼuna recerca historiogràfica que pretén recuperar la memòria de la jueria de Lleida. Per a la seua realització, sʼha iniciat un buidatge documental centrat especialment en lʼArxiu Capitular de Lleida i en lʼArxiu Municipal de Lleida. A la vegada, també s’ha consulat de bell nou la bibliografia prèvia, a fi de tenir una guia per on adreçar les primeres passes de la recerca, poder contextualitzar el que es trobava i contrastar-ho. Amb tot això i emprant el sistema d’informació geogràfica (GIS), s’ha configurat una xarxa de veïnatge aprofitant la informació oferta pels capbreus medievals, que ens han atorgat una nova visió de les vies dʼaccés, confrontants i internes de la Cuirassa, i els seus elements. Endemés, la informació extreta dels llibres de crims i dels consells generals de lʼArxiu Municipal de Lleida ens han donat informació socioeconòmica dels jueus de Lleida. Es presenten, així doncs, les conclusions referents a lʼurbanisme de lʼinterior de la Cuirassa, tot i que per a fer-ho també sʼesmenten i contextualitzen els espais confrontants, i s’exposen elements de la quotidianitat de la societat que hi residia o la freqüentava, tant la jueva com la cristiana.
This article is a pilot study for a systematic comparison between the Arabic and the Latin text o... more This article is a pilot study for a systematic comparison between the Arabic and the Latin text of Avicenna’s Qānūn fī aṭ-Ṭibb. For this purpose, we offer a preliminary edition of a passage from the Third Book of this great medical encyclopedia according to its Latin translation prepared by Gerard of Cremona in Toledo in the second half of the twelfth century.
The analysis of this fragment allows for a rigorous description of key aspects of Gerard’s translation technique, while it highlights interpretative problems linked to the complex exegesis of Arabic medical doctrines about the disease known as phrenitis.
Al-Qanṭara , 2018
A comparison between the Arabic text and Gerard's Latin translation of Avicenna’s Canon.
Vegueta, 2017
En 1239 el converso Nicolás Donin presenta al papa Gregorio IX 35 artículos denunciando las supue... more En 1239 el converso Nicolás Donin presenta al papa Gregorio IX 35 artículos denunciando las supuestas blasfemias y errores que contiene el Talmud. Esto dio pie a la disputa de París de 1240, la quema del Talmud (1241/1242) y una extensa traducción de pasajes al latín que conocemos como Extractiones de Talmud. Fue así como los polemistas cristianos pudieron hacer uso de este nuevo material polémico clasficado como: blasfemias contra Dios o Jesús, estupideces o mesianismo judío, entre otros. En este artículo se pretenderá presentar brevemente el mesianismo judío del Talmud y tratar su uso en las fuentes latinas del siglo XIII.

Scriptura 23/24/25 (2016): 213-233. ISSN 1130-961X, 2016
En el presente artículo pretendemos observar, principalmente, la translatio del poema épico "Afri... more En el presente artículo pretendemos observar, principalmente, la translatio del poema épico "Africa" de Petrarca a la obra de Antoni Canals, "Scipió e Anibal", en-marcado dentro de la prosa catalana de finales del XIV-principios del XV, época dorada para las letras valencianas. Por otro lado, y en primer lugar, nos pareció oportuno ver el recorrido de la presencia y figura de la obra de Tito Livio desde la tardoantigüedad, pasando por su recepción en la Edad Media hasta llegar al Renacimiento donde retomará vigor. Primero sería "descubierto" por el prehumanismo de Lovato Lovati y finalmente por la refundición de Petrarca (el conocido códice harleyano) y la influencia del historiógrafo paduano en el Renacentista que le ha-ría componer su poema épico, a imagen de una "Eneida" nacionalista, "Africa", que nos llevará hasta Canals, con su traducción libre del "Scipió e Anibal", donde nos expone los cambios de la fortuna, muy influenciado por la prosa de Bernat Metge.
Book Chapters by Isaac Lampurlanés
This chapter briefly introduces and describes the work known as 'Excerptum de Talmud', starting w... more This chapter briefly introduces and describes the work known as 'Excerptum de Talmud', starting with a description of the two extant manuscripts. It continues by focussing on the contents of the work, showing its relation to the 'Extractiones de Talmud' and giving some remarks about ways in which it differs from the latter. Finally, it deals with how the 'Excerptum' relates to the Sequential and Thematic translations of the 'Extractiones' and their traditions, trying to demonstrate which version the 'Excerptum' uses.
Books by Isaac Lampurlanés

While polemics and dialogue between Judaism and Christianity are as old as the Christian religion... more While polemics and dialogue between Judaism and Christianity are as old as the Christian religion itself, different periods, trends and intensities in the relations between the faiths can be distinguished clearly. A significant landmark in this long and complex history is the Christian engagement with Rabbinic Judaism which, during the thirteenth century, led to the Latin translation of large sections of the Talmud, the most important Jewish post-biblical text. The contributors to this volume explore Christian attitudes towards the Talmud from the Talmud trial in Paris in 1240 up to the time of the Disputation of Tortosa from 1412-1414, covering authors such as Ramon Martí, Nicholas of Lyra, Abner of Burgos and Jerónimo of Santa Fe. The case studies featured shed new light on the Latin translation of the Talmud, its condemnation as an allegedly heretical work, but also on the significance of Rabbinic Judaism for Christian apologetics.
Table of contents:
Alexander Fidora/Matthias Lutz-Bachmann: Christian Readings of Rabbinic Sources: Preliminary Considerations - Ursula Ragacs: Lost in Translation? Example(s) from Paris 1240 and Beyond - Isaac Lampurlanés Farré: The Papal Correspondence in the Latin Talmud Dossier - Moisés Orfali: Examples of Christian Misunderstanding of Anthropomorphic Rabbinic Texts - Chaim Hames: Barcelona 1263: Friar Paul's Reported Use of Rabbinic Sources - Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann: Raimundus Martini as an Anti-Jewish Polemicist - Thomas E. Burman: Ramon Martí, Nicholas of Lyra, Is. 48:16, and the Extended Literal Sense of Scripture - Görge K. Hasselhoff: Ramon Martí, Moshe ha-Darshan, and the Midrash Bereshit Rabbah - Diana Di Segni: The Victoria Porcheti adversus impios Hebraeos: Its Sources and Reception - Ryan Szpiech: One Messiah or Two? The Messiah ben Joseph in Medieval Jewish-Christian Debate - Alexander Fidora: Thomas Bradwardine and His Rabbinic Sources - Yosi Yisraeli: Debating the »School of Elijah« at Tortosa: The Making of a Christian Apocryphon? - Mònica Colominas Aparicio: Rabbis as Agents of Knowledge in Medieval Muslim Polemics: The Case of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya's Hidāyat al-ḥayārā (Guidance for the Confused)

Turnhout, Brepols, 2021
In the year 1244/45, the first Latin translation of the Talmud was completed in Paris. This trans... more In the year 1244/45, the first Latin translation of the Talmud was completed in Paris. This translation, which is known as the Extractiones de Talmud, is extant in two versions. While the first version, edited in CC CM 291 (2018), offers an apparently unbiased presentation of the Talmudic passages following the sequence of the Talmudic treatises, the second one, which may be called the thematic Talmud translation, organizes these texts along with other materials according to thirteen chapters. The titles of these chapters clearly betray the polemic intention of the thematic translation, namely: “On the authority of the Talmud and its praise”; “On the sages and teachers of the Talmud”; “On the blasphemies against Christ and the Holy Virgin”; “On blasphemies against God”; “On what is said against the Christians”; “On errors and heresies”; “On sorcery”; “On dreams”; “On the world to come”; “On the Messiah”; “On stupidities”; “On immoral and impure things”; and “On fables”. It was this second version, which also incorporated additional materials from other Jewish sources, that led to the final condemnation of the Talmud in Paris in the year 1248.

Excerptum de Talmud. Study and Edition of a Thirteenth-Century Latin Translation, 2020
In 1239 the Christian convert Nicholas Donin submitted thirty-five articles to Pope Gregory IX th... more In 1239 the Christian convert Nicholas Donin submitted thirty-five articles to Pope Gregory IX that decried the indecency, blasphemy, and heresy in the Talmud. As a result, the pope triggered a campaign across Europe that gave rise to a trial of the Talmud in Paris in 1240. The Latin translation of the Talmud — namely, the 1245 Extractiones de Talmud and later versions such as the Excerptum de Talmud — emerged from these events.
This volume offers the first critical edition, along with an English translation, of the Excerptum de Talmud. Drawing on the substantial translation of the Babylonian Talmud known as the Extractiones de Talmud (Paris, 1245), the Excerptum provided a selection of passages from the Talmud which its compiler organized according to controversial topics.
This book consists of two principal parts. The first contains a study of the Excerptum, its textual source (the Extractiones de Talmud), and an overview of the historical background which prompted this translation. The second part consists of an edition and translation of the text, as well as an edition of the passages from the Extractiones which served as the basis for the Excerptum.
These texts mark a significant chapter in Christian anti-Jewish disputations and Latin polemical works in the Middle Ages. This volume will thus prove useful to scholars interested in Latin philology, religious disputation, medieval translation and transmission of knowledge, and the history of Christian-Jewish relations.

Bar International Series 2887, 2018
This volume consists of the proceedings of an interdisciplinary PhD workshop that took place at t... more This volume consists of the proceedings of an interdisciplinary PhD workshop that took place at the Autonomous University of Barcelona on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November 2016, which revolved around the issue of contacts between cultures during Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The participants - who come from diverse academic disciplines - analyse multiple aspects of these encounters, relationships and conflicts between different societies, from trade and cultural exchange to war and extermination, throughout ancient and medieval history. The volume is composed of nineteen papers written in Spanish, Italian and English, which are divided into five main categories: ‘Acculturation and Cultural Exchanges’, ‘Contact between Religions’, ‘War, Colonisation and Migration Movements’, ‘Linguistics and Literature’ and ‘Economy and Urbanism’.
The editors of this volume are nine PhD students working in a variety of Humanities disciplines, including Ancient and Medieval History, Archaeology, and Classical Philology. Each of them is working on a PhD thesis within the framework of the Official PhD Programme “Culturas en Contacto en el Mediterráneo” at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Book Reviews by Isaac Lampurlanés
Enrahonar. An International Journal of Theoretical and Practical Reason, 2018
Articles by Isaac Lampurlanés
The analysis of this fragment allows for a rigorous description of key aspects of Gerard’s translation technique, while it highlights interpretative problems linked to the complex exegesis of Arabic medical doctrines about the disease known as phrenitis.
Book Chapters by Isaac Lampurlanés
Books by Isaac Lampurlanés
Table of contents:
Alexander Fidora/Matthias Lutz-Bachmann: Christian Readings of Rabbinic Sources: Preliminary Considerations - Ursula Ragacs: Lost in Translation? Example(s) from Paris 1240 and Beyond - Isaac Lampurlanés Farré: The Papal Correspondence in the Latin Talmud Dossier - Moisés Orfali: Examples of Christian Misunderstanding of Anthropomorphic Rabbinic Texts - Chaim Hames: Barcelona 1263: Friar Paul's Reported Use of Rabbinic Sources - Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann: Raimundus Martini as an Anti-Jewish Polemicist - Thomas E. Burman: Ramon Martí, Nicholas of Lyra, Is. 48:16, and the Extended Literal Sense of Scripture - Görge K. Hasselhoff: Ramon Martí, Moshe ha-Darshan, and the Midrash Bereshit Rabbah - Diana Di Segni: The Victoria Porcheti adversus impios Hebraeos: Its Sources and Reception - Ryan Szpiech: One Messiah or Two? The Messiah ben Joseph in Medieval Jewish-Christian Debate - Alexander Fidora: Thomas Bradwardine and His Rabbinic Sources - Yosi Yisraeli: Debating the »School of Elijah« at Tortosa: The Making of a Christian Apocryphon? - Mònica Colominas Aparicio: Rabbis as Agents of Knowledge in Medieval Muslim Polemics: The Case of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya's Hidāyat al-ḥayārā (Guidance for the Confused)
This volume offers the first critical edition, along with an English translation, of the Excerptum de Talmud. Drawing on the substantial translation of the Babylonian Talmud known as the Extractiones de Talmud (Paris, 1245), the Excerptum provided a selection of passages from the Talmud which its compiler organized according to controversial topics.
This book consists of two principal parts. The first contains a study of the Excerptum, its textual source (the Extractiones de Talmud), and an overview of the historical background which prompted this translation. The second part consists of an edition and translation of the text, as well as an edition of the passages from the Extractiones which served as the basis for the Excerptum.
These texts mark a significant chapter in Christian anti-Jewish disputations and Latin polemical works in the Middle Ages. This volume will thus prove useful to scholars interested in Latin philology, religious disputation, medieval translation and transmission of knowledge, and the history of Christian-Jewish relations.
The editors of this volume are nine PhD students working in a variety of Humanities disciplines, including Ancient and Medieval History, Archaeology, and Classical Philology. Each of them is working on a PhD thesis within the framework of the Official PhD Programme “Culturas en Contacto en el Mediterráneo” at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Book Reviews by Isaac Lampurlanés
The analysis of this fragment allows for a rigorous description of key aspects of Gerard’s translation technique, while it highlights interpretative problems linked to the complex exegesis of Arabic medical doctrines about the disease known as phrenitis.
Table of contents:
Alexander Fidora/Matthias Lutz-Bachmann: Christian Readings of Rabbinic Sources: Preliminary Considerations - Ursula Ragacs: Lost in Translation? Example(s) from Paris 1240 and Beyond - Isaac Lampurlanés Farré: The Papal Correspondence in the Latin Talmud Dossier - Moisés Orfali: Examples of Christian Misunderstanding of Anthropomorphic Rabbinic Texts - Chaim Hames: Barcelona 1263: Friar Paul's Reported Use of Rabbinic Sources - Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann: Raimundus Martini as an Anti-Jewish Polemicist - Thomas E. Burman: Ramon Martí, Nicholas of Lyra, Is. 48:16, and the Extended Literal Sense of Scripture - Görge K. Hasselhoff: Ramon Martí, Moshe ha-Darshan, and the Midrash Bereshit Rabbah - Diana Di Segni: The Victoria Porcheti adversus impios Hebraeos: Its Sources and Reception - Ryan Szpiech: One Messiah or Two? The Messiah ben Joseph in Medieval Jewish-Christian Debate - Alexander Fidora: Thomas Bradwardine and His Rabbinic Sources - Yosi Yisraeli: Debating the »School of Elijah« at Tortosa: The Making of a Christian Apocryphon? - Mònica Colominas Aparicio: Rabbis as Agents of Knowledge in Medieval Muslim Polemics: The Case of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya's Hidāyat al-ḥayārā (Guidance for the Confused)
This volume offers the first critical edition, along with an English translation, of the Excerptum de Talmud. Drawing on the substantial translation of the Babylonian Talmud known as the Extractiones de Talmud (Paris, 1245), the Excerptum provided a selection of passages from the Talmud which its compiler organized according to controversial topics.
This book consists of two principal parts. The first contains a study of the Excerptum, its textual source (the Extractiones de Talmud), and an overview of the historical background which prompted this translation. The second part consists of an edition and translation of the text, as well as an edition of the passages from the Extractiones which served as the basis for the Excerptum.
These texts mark a significant chapter in Christian anti-Jewish disputations and Latin polemical works in the Middle Ages. This volume will thus prove useful to scholars interested in Latin philology, religious disputation, medieval translation and transmission of knowledge, and the history of Christian-Jewish relations.
The editors of this volume are nine PhD students working in a variety of Humanities disciplines, including Ancient and Medieval History, Archaeology, and Classical Philology. Each of them is working on a PhD thesis within the framework of the Official PhD Programme “Culturas en Contacto en el Mediterráneo” at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.