
I always thought flossing was good for my teeth

This SBM article leads me to question the idea that flossing my teeth helps to prevent dental cavities and gum disease. It’s more complicated than that. Done “by professionals” it can reduce dental caries (tooth decay) but if you’re not flossing at least five times a week there’s little benefit to it. Maybe the professionals had a technique the rest of us don’t know, or perhaps they were more diligent about flossing during those trials. Who knows? To floss, or not to floss? That is the question. Now that you are armed with the evidence, you can make the choice […]

baby , Health

Baby's first tooth

On Friday I felt Adam’s first teeth as he bit down on my small finger but they were still under the skin. This morning as he laughed in my arms I saw the tops of two tiny front teeth poking out of his bottom gum! And yes, baby teeth are sharp! So, from what I can gleam online, we can expect the next teeth to appear in a few weeks time. Teething hurts though. To calm him down, we used the ever useful Calpol as well as two homeopathic products: Nelsons Teetha and Gumeze. Despite the reservations I might have […]


How to Brush Your Teeth

John goes over the technique he uses to brush his teeth. I should spend more time on my teeth, as tooth ache really really hurts! Oooowwww! I always assumed flossing was to remove the food particles from between your teeth, but I was informed the main reason for doing this is to remove the plaque build up underneath the gum line. In fact, even if you brush your teeth properly, you have only cleaned 60% of the tooth surface. This highlights just how important flossing is.


Teeth, teeth, teeth..

I’m after my root canal now. I had it done this morning. I was expecting the worst as I walked into the dentist’s surgery. It took an hour, I didn’t feel any pain but a lot of discomfort having my mouth open for so long! I was given and injection, the dentist drilled down into the tooth a bit and then started poking small rods into the tooth to clear it out. Just like clearing out a pipe! When he was certain the tooth was as clear as he could get it, he filled the tooth with small plastic pins […]

Donncha , Health

Tooth Ache

Some Thoughts: When you have a tooth ache everything else takes second place. Oh, and the tooth ache always happens on a bank holiday weekend, to ensure maximum pain, and remind you to go to the bloody dentist more often! Vodka, rubbed onto the infected gum/teeth is a god-send for pain relief. It lasts almost 3 hours and it’ll let you get some measure of rest at night. Have an understanding partner who’ll take care of you and fuss over you. Brush, floss and see your dentist more often. Brush, floss and see your dentist more often. Brush, floss and […]