
Black Mirror – Season 4 is out Having just watched the first episode I can’t wait to watch the rest! Star Trek will forever remind me of this episode.


Want 3 months of Backblaze?

Ho Ho Ho! The folks at Backblaze must be feeling the Christmas cheer as they're adding 3 months of Backblaze backup to anyone who signs up within the next 21 days. I’m a huge fan of Backblaze, having paid for the service since 2013 and had to recently use their backup to restore more than 3GB of photos I took on December 1st and 2nd. So, if you’re not backing up your data I can recommend Backblaze. Sign up here for a free trial, and if you buy a subscription you’ll get 3 months free, but only if you sign […]


The Importance of Backups

How many backups do you have of your important files? I have several backups of my photo archive: * A local rsnapshot (incremental) backup made every six hours. * A local copy of my photos directory, which is a straight copy, including deletions. Synced daily. * A copy on another server synced daily. * An online cloud backup on Backblaze. And I still managed to lose a few days worth of photos. Late last month I took delivery of a new 8TB external drive. I benchmarked it and it was just a bit better than any of my existing drives […]


The Egg

You were on your way home when you died. You should read The Egg, a short story by Andy Weir, the author of The Martian.


Twitter: Prove you’re human

Well, that was weird. I hit like on a sarcastic tweet about Brexit and Twitter forced me to prove I was a human because I broke the rules apparently. It just goes to show that when you rely on a site you don’t control or own to publish you don’t really own your own data. I’m preparing a Twitter backup, just to be careful.