
Browser Overload

I should probably close some browser tabs. I’ve tried various tab extensions, using Pocket, or even copying URLs into a text file but still I leave the same tabs open for days on end until Chrome crashes and I forget to recover them and, BOOM, they’re gone and I don’t care. Rinse and repeat. Happy 25th birthday WWW!


Carl Sagan: ‘Science Is a Way of Thinking’

In a few hours time Neil deGrasse Tyson will present the new series of Cosmos. We won’t see it in this part of the world for another week unfortunately. I never saw the original series and only know Carl Sagan by reputation as the only time I’ve heard him speak at length was in this 1996 Science Friday interview they rebroadcast in December. I still have it on my phone despite the fact I listened to it several weeks ago. It’s a great interview, you should listen to it too. Thanks to Reddit here’s a short interview with a younger […]


Revisiting virtual desktops for Windows

It must be something about the slightly warmer air in Spring time because the last time I looked at virtual desktops for Windows was almost exactly two years ago. Back then I tried an app called Desktops and mentioned VirtuaWin in passing but I honestly don’t remember why I stopped using Desktops and barely remember using it at all. I installed VirtuaWin last Friday and I’ve been using it over the weekend and it’s a fine replacement for the same Linux functionality I used for many years. I have browsers in desktop 1, MTPuTTy in desktop 2 and I’m experimenting […]