
“This lvl has been moderated!!i dont kn…

“This lvl has been moderated!!i dont know why,i needed to change the logo and name.” Little Big Planet allows you free rein with your imagination but sometimes creators take inspiration from existing games. Such was the case with this Mario influenced racer. It’s a fun little level, looks beautiful and it’s simple. Just keep R1 down to drive. I’m the sackboy with the cape, my son Adam was the brown fella. Ironically, I received an email from Youtube stating the following, “Dear donncha2001, Your video, I wonder why it was moderated …., may have content that is owned or […]


Oh! Hi there Tye!

So we had some great games of Bad Company 2 last night. I was playing for quite a bit with Mike and Duck and sent numerous invites to Tye. When I eventually bumped into him it wasn’t quite in the fashion I expected… Got some great clips, but it also recorded our voice chat (well, except mine) so I need to configure the PS3 correctly to avoid that in the future. On the other hand, I’m glad I did get Mike’s frantic “Get him! Get him! Get him!” as I danced with an enemy in a small room with knifes […]


The other night I had a great session of…

The other night I had a great session of gaming with Duck, Conor, Tye and Mike. We played COD4 for about 2 hours, and originally Duck and I were going to use Skype but Conor didn’t have a nearby PC so we had to put up with the usual a**holes in the lobby. Not that there were many around, but one guy with his white noise was really annoying. How’d we do? Mixed bag. We won a few, lost a few and I managed to get a 10 kill streak going in one game!


Armor Lock Fail One of the new features of Halo Reach are armor (or “armour” if you live in the old world) abilities. I’m not so gone on them, except for the drop shield in a game of Firefight. The jet pack makes you a sitting duck for other players. Sprint gets you around quickly but it takes an age to fire afterwards. Holographic Decoy was fun the first time I tried it but now everyone know what they are. Active Camo scrambles radars telling everyone you’re around. Drop shield is great except other players will of course target it. And then […]


A Bad Company 2 patch for PCs will hit s…

A Bad Company 2 patch for PCs will hit servers tomorrow and among other bug fixes and tweaks this little change caught my eye. Hope it comes to consoles soon, but I haven’t seen many people C4ing crates recently so perhaps it’s a little late for this patch .. Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50% Lots of other changes, including an AN-94 change to reduce it’s short range damage. So, is this patch too little, too late for Bad Company 2? Will we be still playing this game 2 years from now?


Hell of a Bad Company 2 gaming session l…

Hell of a Bad Company 2 gaming session last night with bigpresh and his friend (who I don’t remember right now). We rocked every game, winning almost all of them, and racking up the kills. I’m pretty sure we got best team in each game too. After watching this video by Colin I decided to try the 40mm shotgun attachment but I really never got the chance to use it effectively. The one time I knew an enemy was waiting for me behind a corner I missed him and ended up knifing him. Then 2 of his squad mates showed […]


How to annoy Modern Warfare 2 players NSFW chat but it’s hilarious. Thanks Mark!


Bad Company 2 Conquest went well tonight…

Bad Company 2 Conquest went well tonight. First with Mike and then with Duck. We didn’t win every game but they were enjoyable and that’s the main thing isn’t it? Got the “Flag Attacker Pin” 3 times too. Capture 4 flags in a round. The other night my brother called over and we played some split screen Halo Reach. Good fun in Firefight, and Duck joined us again. We were slaughtered when we joined a game of Swat Magnums. Ouch. Tye joined us just as we were logging off, so hopefully we’ll get a few games in another night. Congrats […]


Bad Company 2 Vietnam will cost $14.99

The new Bad Company 2 Vietnam expansion pack will cost $14.99 or 1200MS points, so says the new in-game trailer announced this morning by DICE. The trailer looks good, but it’s not quite “in-game”. I’ve never seen a BfBC2 gameplay video shot from those angles! I’ll be buying.