I use Google Analytics to track visitor numbers to my site as well as a custom written referrers package some of the early users of WordPress.com may remember. That only records 7 days of data because of the data size so when I wanted to know how many visitors come from Google to my blog I went looking at Analytics. To do the same on your site, open Google Analytics and select your site. Click on “Traffic Sources”, then look at the list of top sources. Chances are Google will be near the top of that list. Click on that […]
Donncha's Wednesday Links
Find out what your site’s pagerank is at livepr. Does it matter any more? My traffic hasn’t changed much with the drop in PR. I want to look at the xcache and eaccelerator wp plugins. The wp-hackers thread looks promising! Ryan’s working on a new caching module and says he has managed to load many pages with 0 queries, adding, “I’ve been testing with your xcache backend for the object cache and things are pretty freakin’ fast.” WordPress MU tutorials. Good stuff. Tom says a hacked version of Leopard installs on regular PCs now. He just announced he’s off to […]
WordPress MU 1.3
Finally, after what seems like an age, the download page has been updated with the new WordPress MU 1.3 release. WordPress MU is a multi-blog version of WordPress which runs on millions of blogs all over the world. The major blogging site, WordPress.com uses it as do many others. This is a sync of WordPress 2.3.1 which includes native tagging support as well as many bug and security fixes. WordPress MU specific features include: Better admin controls for the signup page. It can be disabled in various ways. Upload space functions have been fixed. The signup form is now hidden […]
Signs that Halloween is tomorrow
Sign reads, “Eggs are at the checkout”. I remember seeing similar signs in other shops in previous years. My car was egged twice on successive years after working late. “Those damn kids!”
Donncha's Tuesday Links
There’s nothing like the laughter of your baby to perk up one’s morning after a bank holiday weekend! WordPress 2.3.1 was released on Friday. The new WordPress MU will be ready soon. Omry has released a new version of WPMU Plugin Commander to make administrating regular WordPress plugins in a WordPress MU install easier. Here’s the discussion thread. Looks like a very useful tool and I’m glad I was able to help even a little bit! Home owners Mortgage payers deserve some humour too. New jQuery anti comment spam technique. It’s a prototype. Hopefully it’ll never make it into a […]
Vim's cursor keys work in Mac OS X again
export TERM=linux Ever since my Macbook died and was fixed again Vim hasn’t worked properly in iTerm. I’m a big fan of SSH and Screen. SSH to connect to a remote server, and Screen is like a workspace organiser for your SSH session. First of all the backspace key worked in Vim even when not in insert mode, but worst of all, the cursor keys refused to work and only succeeded in ringing bells in the terminal. Previous attempts at fixing the problem failed but I must have searched for the right terms this time. This review of Mac OS […]
What time is it WordPress?
Daylight Saving Time (DST) kicked in this morning in Ireland, the UK and many other parts of the world when the clocks went back 1 hour. The US is next week from what I remember. If your server is using UTC time, check Options->General, the “Times in the weblog should differ by” textbox in your blog and adjust accordingly! Here’s a discussion on the WordPress.com forums about the issue from last year and I found this extend idea that has already been implemented in the Time Zone plugin, but it only works on UNIX-like systems and if you’re not using […]
Donncha's Saturday Links
A mixed bag, from germs and bugs to splogs and chocolate tasters. Grannymar reminds us germs lurk everywhere. I’m always careful in public toilets, but it never occurred to me how bug-ridden ATMs are! wp-hashcash works pretty well as an anti-comment spam tool. Make sure you have curl installed before installing it. Now, will someone adapt it for use on WordPress MU’s signup form, or maybe even the Write Post form? Might put a dent in the sploggers efforts to ruin our sites. I forgot to mention yesterday, Donal lives here. Well done on the move bro! Great party last […]
It's all about the L drivers
It’s all about the learner drivers. Yesterday the Road Safety Authority here in Ireland decided to finally enforce and tighten up the rules regarding drivers on provisional licenses and it caused uproar. I have some sympathy for learner drivers because they were only given 4 days notice. The new regime starts on Tuesday. While it’s true that learner drivers are in the main more nervous and less experienced than drivers who have passed the driving test, the simple act of passing the test doesn’t suddenly bestow on someone skills and responsible behaviour that remain with the driver throughout their lives. […]
The Season 7 24 Trailer
Just how many bad days can Jack Bauer have? Mark says “24 has ripped off all four Die Hard movies all at once.” with this trailer and it looks like he’s right. Every season gets bigger and bigger. I can’t wait ’til it starts! The Sky one page doesn’t have any start details, and Sky+ shows it’s not on next Sunday. Waiting, waiting, waiting ..