Grow the biggest Octalien,! Explore, Upgrade and devour the innocent!

Made in less than 20 hours for the Blackthornprod "DAY 4 - Pass the GAME Challenge 2023"

 Original (Day1):

 Day 2:

Day 3:

I did a huge overhaul in terms of visual fidelity and audio feedback.


Aim =  Move Mouse Cursor

Swim = Click & Hold

Dash = Click Once (Needs Unlocked)

My Changes:

  •  Upgraded Unity Version (2022.3.2f1) to (2022.3.4f1)
  •  Clean / Reorganize Assets Folder Structure
  •  Added Singleton Abstract Class
  •  Added Music Manager (Random Play From 6 Music Tracks)
  •  Updated Player Visuals
  •  Upgraded Project To URP
  • Enabled Occlusion Culling
  •  Major Lighting / Graphics Overhaul
  •  Post Processing Effects
  •  UI Color / position Adjustments 
  •  Fish Visuals Upgrade
  •  Added Post Processing Heartbeat Effect (Blends 2 Profiles On Timer)
  •  Added Pitch Varied SFX (Eat Food, Kill Enemy, Hit Enemy, Dash etc)
  •  Added New Hit VFX
  •  New Food Animations
  •  Food Counter Text Animation
  •  Decreased Camera Smoothing 2 to 0.5
  •  Changed Dash Bar Bg Color (Better Readability)
  •  Added A Very Scary Big Boy
  •  Added 3D SFX To Fish
  •  Fixed Some BG Graphical Issues
  •  Added Player Blink Animation

[Unity 2022.3.4f1: URP 3D]

# Credits




PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Aliens, fish, grow, Relaxing, Roguelike, Sci-fi, upgrades, vibrant


Octalien-0-1-0(Project).zip 81 MB
Download 27 MB
Octalien-0-1-0(Windows).zip 51 MB

Install instructions

  • Download Unity 2022.3.4f1
  • Download Octalien-0-1-0(Project).zip
  • Unzip the contents and extract it to a memorable folder.
  • Open the Unity Hub.
  • Find the "Open" button and look for "Add Project From Disk".
  • Search for the top most folder in the downloaded project and select. (Alternatively fork from github url)


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that huge thing SCARED me when i first played i literally thought this was js a calming game then i heard those like weird sounds (i was at 10k points) then saw THAT BIG THING. i thought it was some creepypasta back then lol


is it even possible to kill big boy???? 


the game is very fun, but i am disabled in my eyes and would appreciate some accessibility options if possible. the colour palette you used makes my eyes hurt and i sometimes cant even tell where a "wall" is. i played the game yesterday too, and yesterdays version had the same problem albeit not as bad. 

todays version is way more aesthetically pleasing though, its very atmospheric, and the game itself is great


Hey I’m sorry about that I do need to learn more how to adapt my games for accessibility long-term for sure! I was on a rush to create something visually pleasing in the 20hours I had but I for sure could have added some small toggles to make the game more accessible for you so I really appreciate this feedback! hopefully someone else who works on it Day5 or Day6 (if it makes it can do so).


such a calming game


Don’t go left then! xD


Really cool visuals and sound. Very atmospheric!

Thank You!


do you have to make it webGL, as i don't know how to but am very interested in the project.


you don't have to but its highly benefitial and its honestly not that long to learn. Just search up webgl unity on youtube and you should be able to do it in a couple minutes

Nope, you can work on this project without doing that but I can send you a guide if you’d like to!


Man how can you achieve such great visuals ?!?!?!?

Teach me :D

It’s my first time trying to make a 2D game look pretty, I usually only work in 3D games, I even had to learn new things while doing this like how to even get lights to work in 2D etc.

I guess to get the final result I just make it up as I go along trusting my previous design experiences to make the end result look decent!


Very nice additions! Love the overall vibe :)


YOOO That's SICK! I love the new look and sounds, oh, and the big fish :0
Now it definitely looks alien-y with everything glowing, amazing job

Thanks! glad you like it :]


It's absolutely amazing, I love it. It looks so nice now, the ambient sounds and the music make it really atmospheric. The sound effects are top notch as well. Good job!

I don’t usually work on 2D games in unity but I had a lot of fun with this! thanks for making it :]

Fixing bugs and getting everything uploaded, please be patient!