Aqueste tèma es pas estat mes a jorn dempuèi mai de 2 ans. Benlèu qu’es pas mai mantengut o pres en carga, e pòt aver de problèmas de compatibilitat quand es utilizat amb de versions recentas de WordPress.

HTML5 & CSS3 Responsive WordPress Business theme with business style home page layout with welcome section, 3 product/services blocks and a client quote/testimonial section. 2 logo section layout options. 3 widget areas in footer, 1 widget area in sidebar. 2 page layouts including a full width page template. Social media icons in footer.
Negre, Blau, Marron, Custom background, Custom header, Custom menu, Escur, Featured image header, Featured images, Mesa en pagina fixa, Flexible header, Mesa en pagina fluida, Full width template, Gris, Verd, Clar, One column, Violet, Roge, Mesa en pagina adaptabla, Right sidebar, Argent, Sticky post, Òcre, Theme options, Threaded comments, Two columns, Blanc, Jaune
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US).