Scientists Learn to Control Eating Patterns With Brain Lasers

No, "brain lasers" is not a code name for Adderall.

That giant yellow crumb is pretty slimming on its own. (Photo: J. Jennings)
That giant yellow crumb is pretty slimming on its own. (Photo: J. Jennings)

Some scientists may have found the key to eliminating overeating. Much to our surprise, the secret does not lie in a Kardashian-endorsed diet pill.

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Instead, it may be as simple as aiming a laser into your skull to deactivate your desire to stuff your face. Way easier than going for a run, in our opinion.

From the Guardian:

First, the scientists genetically modified some mice so that a small group of their brain cells would respond to light in different ways. Crucially, they picked cells that send messages to the part of the brain that affects the pitta patterns of tiny feet. Then, when they shone a laser into the mouse’s brain, they were able to either activate those neurons or make them go quiet.

The Guardian called the results “astounding,” noting that the modified mice wouldn’t eat, even if they were hungry, when the light was switched on. The mice whose brains were programmed in the opposite way couldn’t stop eating.

Okay, so how long until the flood of popups and spam emails touting the miracle of laser weight-loss from charlatans purporting to have harnessed the technology?

Scientists Learn to Control Eating Patterns With Brain Lasers