It’s the End of the World as They Know It: Park Slope Food Co-op Considers Plastic Produce Bag Ban

If you thought the looming debate on an Israel boycottwas a real crisis of conscience for the Park Slope Food

Is this packaging biodegradable?

If you thought the looming debate on an Israel boycottwas a real crisis of conscience for the Park Slope Food Co-op, that has nothing on the pending decision to abolish plastic bags. Not grocery bags, which were done away with years ago, but plastic produce bags, something that actually costs the glorious grocer $22,000 a year.

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The ban was hotly debated at a meeting last night, and while no action was taken, Reuters editor and organic omnivore Chadwick Matlin was there, gracing the world with live tweets of the proceedings. Our favorites are definitely:

  • Anti plastic bag PSA being played. Called “The Shopper”. Spoof of “The Artist”
  • “but my collards won’t fit!” — one of the actresses in the silent film PSA.
  • Proponent saying one reason to ban plastic bags because they go into trash that goes through low income community in South Bronx.
  • Mandatory shopping cart usage far more controversial than plastic bag ban. Only at the coop.

The whole account is a worthy opus, which you can read in full on the Awl.

mchaban [at] | @MC_NYC

It’s the End of the World as They Know It: Park Slope Food Co-op Considers Plastic Produce Bag Ban